1983 l'ete meurtier.txt

(68 KB) Pobierz
{2557}{2632}I'll try the whole cause...
{2645}{2732}and condemn you to death.--
{2742}{2817}Lewis Carroll,|Alice in Wonderland
{2950}{3027}The first time I saw her was in April
{3030}{3105}When her parents moved here.
{3107}{3207}They left their village because of the new dam.
{3210}{3260}Her name was Eliane.
{3212}{3290}But everyone called her 'That Girl'
{3292}{3392}Her father fell from a ladder pruning trees.
{3395}{3470}wrecked his spine or something.
{3472}{3497}Her mother's German.
{3500}{3565}They met in the war where he did forced labour.
{3577}{3622}They called her Eva Braun.
{3630}{3655}Can you beat that?
{3675}{3700}Get to work.
{3735}{3785}You never heard of Eva Braun.
{3822}{3845}As a fireman
{3857}{3927}I'm on duty at Saturday movies.
{3887}{3922}That's where I'd see her.
{3925}{3955}She acted the star.
{3960}{4048}She'd won a beauty contest the Summer before.
{4128}{4153}Miss Camping Site.
{4155}{4200}It went to her head.
{4405}{4468}Sure I found her OK|Everyone did.
{4483}{4535}But I didn't lose any sleep.
{4548}{4600}She'd sit in the front row,
{4610}{4648}'to be left alone',
{4658}{4705}she really needed glasses,
{4708}{4740}any further back,
{4743}{4793}she couldn't have seen.
{4823}{4848}'Night, Mrs. Loubet
{4960}{4995}Hey, Projectionist!
{5000}{5050}What's the hurry?
{5028}{5103}Don't waste my time. Bye.
{5165}{5215}You know small towns.
{5190}{5240}when the film ends,
{5215}{5258}It's lights out,
{5240}{5290}and everyone's gone.
{5266}{5301}With Mrs. Loubet,
{5291}{5353}there was no time for sweet talk.
{5316}{5373}We did it in the centre aisle
{5341}{5391}because it was carpeted.
{5926}{5973}This place needs a paint job.
{6151}{6223}I usually went home in my brother Mickey's truck.
{6226}{6251}But I drove.
{6256}{6283}He's not safe.
{6383}{6443}We gave lifts to a lot of kids
{6448}{6488}with their bikes.
{6578}{6631}The truck was their sleeping car.
{6703}{6738}They're all asleep in the back.
{6741}{6766}Oh, good.
{6943}{6968}I quit.
{6968}{7018}A fireman's got to be fit.
{7063}{7113}He can't smoke like a chimney.
{7256}{7298}Take anyone home?
{7281}{7331}Eva Braun's daughter.
{7386}{7423}Balled her yet?
{7411}{7464}Her Ma was along tonight.
{7521}{7564}And other nights?
{7546}{7596}Twice, last two Saturdays.
{7691}{7741}In the back of the truck.
{7876}{7901}Her Ass...
{7901}{7934}That's some Ass...
{7979}{8029}Too cold to undress her.
{8004}{8054}I just lifted her skirt.
{8141}{8166}That Ass!
{8304}{8356}It's been fun talking to you.
{8371}{8421}Aren't they adorable?
{8509}{8541}'Night, Pin Pon.
{8544}{8594}Don't call me that.
{8676}{8706}Where are we?
{8709}{8739}What's going on?
{8806}{8841}I'll catch pneumonia.
{8844}{8894}Weren't you in a hurry?
{8922}{8959}So I'll die...
{8964}{8992}but not alone!
{8994}{9057}My brother Mickey delivers wood weekdays.
{9059}{9094}Sundays, he bike-races.
{9097}{9147}He's dumb, but easy to talk to.
{9149}{9179}We don't say much.
{9157}{9194}We don't need to.
{9279}{9329}Now there's no water.
{9502}{9564}My brother Bou-Bou is the baby.
{9567}{9622}Dad died before he was born.
{9624}{9682}He's the brain of the family,
{9684}{9734}finishing high school.
{9737}{9804}Dad would have called him 'Professor'
{9807}{9857}Our dad was something.
{9859}{9914}Walked here from Italy.
{9917}{9982}He wanted to go to America,
{9984}{10029}like all Guineas.
{10032}{10094}Never had the price of a ticket,
{10097}{10144}so he stayed here,
{10145}{10195}married my mother,
{10197}{10255}a local girl who did ironing.
{10257}{10307}Then they took in her sister.
{10310}{10385}She went deaf in the 1944 air raids.
{10387}{10467}We all call her 'Cognata'  Sister-in-law,
{10467}{10497}except Mother.
{10525}{10550}Oh, Nina.
{10600}{10652}What do you want with the veal?
{10655}{10697}What did she say?
{10700}{10775}She wants peas like every Sunday.
{10855}{10902}Ace, Two, Three,
{10905}{10950}like every Sunday.
{10952}{10990}My Aunt's bet.
{10992}{11050}She says complications scare off luck.
{11052}{11125}The family's only won twice.
{11127}{11197}Both because of Cognata
{11525}{11550}Thank You.
{11567}{11605}Good. Thank You.
{11793}{11828}Oh, Felix.
{11828}{11860}Same again.
{11863}{11918}I'd love to go at her.
{11920}{11970}You're not equipped.
{11973}{12043}She's not so hard to get.
{12045}{12113}The druggist had her,
{12115}{12200}so did my nephew's buddy, a tourist,
{12203}{12283}and even one of the Portuguese masons.
{12590}{12615}Quit dreaming.
{12615}{12653}Can't I take a breath?
{12693}{12755}If your eyes were a blowtorch,
{12758}{12808}she couldn't sit down.
{12810}{12840}Henry's my boss.
{12843}{12875}We call him Henry IV.
{12878}{12918}Best Bowls player I know.
{12920}{12970}I was at school with his wife.
{12973}{13040}We'd walk miles uphill every day.
{13043}{13108}What can I bring your Mom?
{13108}{13145}Steaks. Four regulars,
{13148}{13188}and a big one for Bou-Bou.
{13191}{13248}Tell the butcher it's for us.
{13268}{13326}You know steaks like he knows cars.
{13328}{13386}I have a vintage car|with leather seats
{13386}{13436}that I swapped for an old truck.
{13436}{13511}But I've wasted my nights,|and Henry's power
{13511}{13561}It still won't run
{13561}{13611}300 yards to go!
{13611}{13661}60 more than last time.
{13661}{13701}The head gasket
{13701}{13751}I changed it. You saw me.
{13751}{13803}I'ts allergic to head gaskets.
{13803}{13853}No, it's the oil flow.
{13853}{13903}Can't find parts.
{13903}{13963}It's allergic to oil, gas, everything.
{13963}{14013}Let's get it home.
{14131}{14173}Poor Pin-Pon.
{14173}{14216}Don't call me that.
{14216}{14266}Old Ma ballbreaker.
{14266}{14316}I'll go see the Mayor.
{14316}{14366}You're polluting our town.
{14366}{14411}Listen to her.
{14554}{14561}Hey, Mickey,
{14791}{14844}You know Eva Braun's kid??
{14844}{14891}Hello, Good-bye, Why?
{14891}{14931}No reason.
{14931}{14984}She fools around too much.
{14984}{15034}Stay clear of her.
{15034}{15084}I didn't ask for advice.
{15084}{15134}She's easy to meet...
{15134}{15196}At the Bing Bang|dancing every Sunday.
{15196}{15254}At 30, I'm too old for that place.
{15326}{15351}Just come.|I'll do the rest.
{15351}{15414}I'm as good as you are at|picking up girls.
{15581}{15644}No. Because I don't care about her.
{15996}{16044}The Bing Bang dance hall
{16046}{16096}changes villages every Sunday.
{16096}{16144}Kids follow it around.
{16144}{16196}I danced with Mickey's girl.
{16196}{16246}She works at the Post Office.
{18182}{18224}You know Moune?
{18224}{18249}Hello Moune.
{18249}{18297}Where's Mickey going?
{18297}{18334}To play Bowls.
{18579}{18617}Come on. I'll be the guy.
{18794}{18819}What else?
{18824}{18849}Climb trees?
{18972}{19047}Her first words hit me like a club,
{19049}{19124}and I hate people with damp hands.
{19152}{19202}But I loved her damp hand,
{19194}{19249}it was sweet line a baby's...
{19287}{19312}a child's.
{21477}{21502}Measure it.
{21924}{21977}You look like a goldfish.
{22017}{22057}You dye your hair?
{22099}{22149}Sure, costs me $20 a month,
{22149}{22189}and wrecks my scalp.
{22305}{22362}I know a restaurant outside|of town.
{22405}{22430}Shall we go some night?|It's great.
{22430}{22482}Swimming pool, candles, real silver.
{22550}{22592}OK. But cool it.
{22592}{22635}taking me to eat,
{22635}{22695}won't get you into my pants.
{22695}{22737}That's a warning.
{22957}{23020}Let's not stand around all day.
{23020}{23062}Sunday's my dance day.
{23430}{23492}I can't go back,|I have to leave.
{23495}{23520}Ah, Bon.
{24025}{24065}Who are you playing?
{24065}{24090}Local guys
{24090}{24132}We lost the first game.
{24132}{24175}George Massione stinks.
{24175}{24200}Screw him.
{24305}{24347}Let's go to the Thorame Fair
{24347}{24387}with Georgette and Moune,
{24387}{24427}Moune's worth laying...
{24570}{24623}Cards with Gognata tonight?
{24623}{24665}A drink with Henry VI
{24665}{24715}when we return his car?
{24733}{24798}They'll be at each other all night. No?
{24863}{24913}I'll lose the game and be back.
{24965}{25025}I reminded myself she's not the only girl.
{25025}{25078}She's too cheap to run after.
{25213}{25238}Anyone here?
{25360}{25400}I've got a flat...
{25400}{25448}Mind moving back a bit?
{25448}{25483}If you fix cars,
{25483}{25530}you can fix a bike.
{25628}{25653}That's fun.
{25653}{25688}You'll get dirty.
{25688}{25713}Mais No. Woo!
{25815}{25840}What's she want?
{25840}{25880}Her bike's broken.
{25880}{25935}Get her bike and her ass out!
{25935}{25988}I don't want her around!
{26068}{26105}Your tire's wrecked.
{26106}{26148}There's a huge hole...
{26148}{26188}How did it happen?...
{26271}{26306}Come back tomorrow.
{26306}{26356}I've got some tires at home.
{26356}{26401}When do you get off?
{26443}{26468}In an hour.
{26468}{26493}Maybe more.
{26531}{26568}I'll wait outside.
{26746}{26816}I never saw anyone sit still so long.
{26816}{26868}She was like a cast-off doll.
{26988}{27058}Our mother hates anything in a skirt,
{27058}{27113}even a Scotsman in a kilt.
{27113}{27161}I have to fix a bike.
{27513}{27576}Your brother gave me hell yesterday.
{27601}{27626}No. Bou-Bou.
{27638}{27663}No Kidding?
{27663}{27738}He said, "What did you do to my brother?"
{27751}{27783}I said, "Nothing".
{27783}{27828}He got snooty and said,
{27829}{27889}"Why did he leave in a huff?"
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