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A History of the Korean Language
A History of the Korean Language is the first book on the subject ever
published in English. It traces the origin, formation, and various historical
stages through which the language has passed, from Old Korean through to
the present day. Each chapter begins with an account of the historical and
cultural background. A comprehensive list of the literature of each period is
then provided and the textual record described, along with the script or
scripts used to write it. Finally, each stage of the language is analyzed,
offering new details supplementing what is known about its phonology,
morphology, syntax, and lexicon. The extraordinary alphabetic materials
of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries are given special attention, and are
used to shed light on earlier, pre-alphabetic periods.
ki-moon lee
is Professor Emeritus at Seoul National University.
s. robert ramsey is Professor and Chair in the Department of East Asian
Languages and Cultures at the University of Maryland, College Park.
Frontispiece: Korea’s seminal alphabetic work, the Hunmin ch ˘ ng ˘ m
“The Correct Sounds for the Instruction of the People” of 1446
A History of the Korean Language
Ki-Moon Lee
S. Robert Ramsey
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