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Seven Stories of Mystery
and Horror
Retold by Stephen Colbourn
I opened my eyes. But I could not see anything. It was
dark—completely dark. There was no light at all.
Everything was black. I closed my eyes and opened them
again. But I could see nothing. Where was I?
I was lying on my back. I was lying on something hard
and cold. I reached out my hand and felt a stone floor.
The stones were cold and damp. I was lying on my back
in a stone room. Was I in a tomb? Was I in a place
where dead bodies were buried? I had to move. I had to
find out. I turned over onto my hands and knees. Then I
started to crawl forwards. In a few seconds, I found a
wall. It was cold and wet. Maybe I was in a room that
was under the ground.
I followed the wall, very slowly. I thought that I was
moving in a circle. I was not sure. Then I had an idea. I
tore a piece of cloth from my shirt and put it on the
floor, near the wall. Then I walked along the wall of the
I counted the number of times that I moved my hands
forward. Twenty...thirty...forty times. Where was the
piece of cloth? Had I gone past it in the dark? Had I gone
around the room twice? I counted up to one hundred
before I found the piece of cloth. But I did not find a
dead body in a coffin. I was not in a tomb.
Where was I? I tried to remember. I remembered that I
was in Toledo, in Spain. Then I remembered a
courtroom and men in red gowns. They had asked
questions—more and more questions. Their voices were
soft and their eyes were bright. How many hours had
they questioned me? How many days had they
questioned me? I could not remember. The questions
had gone on and on. But what was my crime? What law
had I broken? I did not know. I was very frightened. I
thought that the questioners were going to torture me.
But no one had cut me with sharp blades. No one had
hit me. No one had burnt me with hot iron. Now I must
be in a jail. This room was a prison cell. Maybe I would
die here, without food, or water, or light.
I closed my eyes again and I must have slept.
When I awoke, I moved my foot and it hit something. I
touched a loaf of bread and a pitcher of water. A jailer
had come into my prison cell and left food and drink.
I knew that my prison cell was large. But what was in
the center? For a few minutes, I sat with my back against
the wall. Then I started to crawl straight ahead—across
the floor of the cell. I moved very slowly. Suddenly, my
hand went down and forward. I had found a hole—a pit
in the floor. I could feel and smell damp air. The air was
rising up from the pit. I guessed that the pit was very
deep. I had almost fallen into it. My body shook with
fear. My skin was covered with sweat. The drops of sweat
fell from my face and down into the deep hole.
Suddenly, I heard a noise. A small door opened above
my head and light shone down on me. For a few seconds,
I saw my prison cell. Then the small door shut again and
everything was dark and black. I was right! I was in a
room with a deep pit in its center.
I understood now. My torturers had been waiting and
watching. They wanted me to jump into the deep pit.
They wanted me to end my life.
I slowly crawled back to the pitcher of water and the
bread. My arms and legs were shaking. I was weak and
tired. I took a piece of bread and started to eat. The
bread tasted of salt. I quickly drank the water from the
pitcher. Soon after this I felt very, very tired. I slept
When I awoke, the cell was not completely dark. I could
just see its walls. The room was square. Each wall was
about fifteen feet long. And the walls were not made of
stone. They were made of metal. High in the center of
the ceiling, there was a small door. Strange and terrible
pictures were carved into the metal walls. The pictures
were of evil spirits and monsters.
I was lying on my back but I could not get up. I was no
longer lying on the stone floor. My body was tied to a
wooden bed. A rope was tied around my chest, but I
could move my arms. I reached out my hands and tried
to find the pitcher of water. I was very thirsty.
There was no water, but I found a dish of meat. I put a
piece of the meat into my mouth. No! I could not eat the
meat! It tasted terrible. It was full of salt and strong
spices. My jailers wanted me to be thirsty. This was a
new torture.
I looked up at the ceiling. I could see a picture there. It
was a picture of Time—an old man with a long beard.
Pictures of Time always showed an old, bearded man
with an hourglass in his hand. Hourglasses had two
containers inside them. The containers were made of
glass and they were joined in the center. One of the
containers was filled with sand. When all the sand had
run from one container to the other, an hour had passed.
Time also held a long, sharp scythe. Every living thing
is killed by Time.
But in the picture on the ceiling, the blade of Time's
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