Slave to Pleasure - Eliza Gayle.pdf

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Slave To Pleasure
Eliza Gayle
Slave To Pleasure
Copyright © Eliza Gayle, 2010
Cover art by Bree Bridges
This is a work of fiction and any resemblances to
persons, living or dead, or business establishments,
events or locales is coincidental.
All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this may be used or
reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written
permission, except in the case of brief quotations
embodied in critical articles and reviews.
A lot of time and dedication went into this book and
there are many people to thank. To Dee Carney and
Lissa Mathews for their initial readings and insightful
opinions that I am always grateful to receive. To Cat
Johnson for her incredible editing and proofreading
skills who went through this story many times to ensure
I don’t embarrass myself. To Bree Bridges for her
support and amazing cover art skills. And especially to
my family who miss me when I am on a deadline or
working like a madwoman.
Chapter One
“Get your sweet ass up on that platform, sugar
and show ’em what you got.”
Nissa struggled against the ropes wrapped
tightly around her wrists as the guard dragged her up
the steps. Already a group of women lined up waiting;
each one dressed in very little clothing. Not unlike
herself. She didn’t need to look to be reminded all she
wore was a thigh-length, sheer piece of cloth, fastened
around her neck halter style, attached to a leash. The
very leash the guard now used to force her onto the
One look into the crowd of male and female fae
turned her stomach into knots. The more she struggled
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