scarred lands - mithril - city of the golem.pdf

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Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The Divided City
Chapter 2: History
Chapter 3: The City
Chapter 4: Beyond Mithril
Chapter 5: Adventures
Chapter 6: Characters in Mithril
Chapter 7: Personages in Mithril
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Welcome to Mithril: City of the Golem, the first
regional sourcebook for the Scarred Lands (or
whatever campaign world into which you drop it).
Since the early days of fantasy roleplaying, there has
been an allure to cities that serve as something of a
"keep on the borderlands" — bastions of civilization
set in enemy territory. The kind of place where
trouble finds you; there's little need to go looking for
it. Why, a hero barely has the time to kick back, prop
his feet on the table and enjoy a tall, cold one when
another shady character, complete with hooded robe
and purse full of gold, emerges from the tavern's
darkest comer to make a proposition that can't be
refused. Mithril is just such a city-state, brimming
with enough adventures to keep a whole campaign
The Golem itself is something of a plot device: a
passive deus ex machina that explains how this divine
race city, set in titanspawn lands on the coast of a sea
tainted by a titan's blood, could endure in the midst of
such animosity. Don't you ores from Lede try
anything; you wouldn't want to wake up the big guy,
would you? At the same time, for the city to grow
beyond a few clerics huddled in a temple at the
Golem's feet, someone must forgo the Golem's
protection and sally forth, setting matters right and
pressing the city's enemies back.
Mithril is an ideal starting point for campaigns,
especially for groups that contain paladins, rangers/
vigilants or good-aligned clerics, though characters of
all races and classes will easily find a reason to make
Mithril their home. Characters beginning their careers
elsewhere and traveling to Mithril will find the
journey fraught with danger — a prelude to the quests
laid at their feet once they arrive at Corean's blessed,
but beleaguered, city-state.
So enjoy your stay in Mithril, and don't eat the fish!
Sword & Sorcery Studio
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Long ago, the legends say, a great metal warrior descended from the
heavens — a machine of nigh-unbreakable mithril,...
In those days, the titans' implacable force pushed the divine races to the
brink, and many fell prey to despair, convinced that the legions of darkness
would inevitably triumph. The titans were ferocious and terrifying, but
none more than Kadum the Mountainshaker.
The coming of the great Mithril Golem changed everything. Titanic
and terrifying, imbued with the strength of Corean and of the other good
gods, it joined the battle and set the enemy to flight, killing hundreds with a
single blow and scattering entire armies in a dramatic, physical display of
divine justice and vengeance.
Some stories claim that the Golem aided in the defeat and
imprisonment of Kadum, holding the titan's tail while the gods gutted their
foe and bound him in chains, imprisoning him in the oceans' depths —
his blood discoloring and polluting the waters around him. In the chaos of
the Titanswar, myth and legend intermingled with truth, the boundaries
between them became indistinguishable — perhaps the mighty
automaton did help defeat Kadum. None but the most devout is certain.
What is certain is that, in the war's aftermath, the divine armies
discovered the giant twisted and damaged from some colossal struggle. It
stood motionless on the heights above the crashing surf of blood-tinted
waters, apparently lifeless — its mission, perhaps, completed.
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