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War of the Burning Sky
The Indomitable Fire Forest of Innenotdar
An Adventure for 3rd-Level Characters
By Jacob Driscoll
Editing and
Material by Ryan Nock
Cover Art by John McSweeney
Interior Art by Rick Hershey
J. L. Jones
Leo Lingas
Juan Navarro
Claudio Pozas
Todd Schumacher
Joseph Mallord
William Turner
Cartography by Sean Macdonald
Layout by Eric Life-Putnam
Playtested by Ted Brzinski
Austin Cooper III
Neil D’Cruze
Michael Gallogly
Tom Jones
Rob Parks
Judson Stowe
Everything in this book, other than the covers,
the title and contents page, the illustrations and maps,
“EN Publishing,” the EN Publishing logo,
character and place names, story elements,
and EN Publishing product titles,
is designated Open Game Content.
Special Thanks To Ember, for
her support.
1646 Ridge Road
Vankleek Hill, ON
Canada K0B 1R0
EN Publishing is an imprint of EN World.
Please visit http://www.enworld.org
Indomitability – Illustration by John McSweeney
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Table of Contents
Introduction ...............................................................
When We Last Left Our Heroes… .......................................
Adapting the Adventure ....................................
e History of the Fire Forest .................................................
Adventure Overview................................................................
Designer Notes: Effects of Indomitability
Replacing Characters...............................................................
Interparty Dynamics ...............................................................
Crystin’s Premonitions........................................
Act One: The Elfroad.................................................
Out of the Frying Pan..............................................................
Ending Suff ering (EL ½) ................................................
An Unnatural Hunt (EL or ) ....................................
Premonition .............................................................
Indomitable Fire Dire Bat ..............................................
Dangerous Crossing (EL )............................................
Devil Looking Over Your Shoulder (EL ) ................
The Burning Sky ...................................................
Infernal Harrier (EL ) .................................................
Kazyk, Bearded Devil ...................................................
Trial by Fire (EL )........................................................
Shatterspell ..........................................................
Premonition ...........................................................
Indomitability’s Off er .............................................................
Adventure Shuffle ..............................................
Act Two: Rivers Flow to the Deep .......................
Defeated In No Battles ..........................................................
Fort Entrance (EL ).....................................................
e Dream Seeds (EL ") ..............................................
Premonition ...........................................................
Medium Dream Elemental...........................................
Exploring the Village .............................................................
Searching the Ruins (EL +) .......................................
e Shrine of Anyariel (EL )......................................
Under the Shrine (EL ) ............................................
Staying at the Village.............................................................
Beyond the Village (EL ) ..........................................
Exploring the White River....................................................
Going Against the Flow (EL )....................................
Premonition ...........................................................
Fiery Rapids (EL )......................................................."
e Mouth of the White River (EL )........................"
What if They Escape?..........................................."
Getting the Hell Out of Here (EL )..........................
Premonition ...........................................................
Kazyk’s Off er (EL ) .....................................................
e Trouble with Tiljann (EL ) .................................
Tiljann, Bearer of the Song...........................................
Seela Rebels....................................................................
Act Three: Out of the Fire.....................................
Seela Village ...........................................................................
Papuvin, Songleader ......................................................
Two Paths ...............................................................................
Gathering Information.................................................."
The Seela Villagers............................................."
Deceptive Alliance (Vuhl’s Path) .................................
Premonition ...........................................................
e Legend of Anyariel (Tiljann’s Path) .....................
Shrine of Love (Both Paths) (EL ") ............................
Dryad Burning Bright (Both Paths) (EL " or ) .......
Saving the First Tree ........................................."
Silencing the Song (Vuhl’s Path) (EL varies) ............."
Consequences (Vuhl’s Path) (EL ) ............................"
Tragedy ..........................................................................."
Lake Diving (Tiljann’s Path) (EL ) ............................"
How Trillith Work............................................."
Rampage (Tiljann’s Path) (EL ).................................""
Indomitability ................................................................""
Vuhl, Deception’s Guise ................................................"
Indomitability’s Boon........................................."
Deceptions’s Boon................................................"
Conclusion .................................................................
Premonition ..........................................................."
Appendix One – The Fire Forest............................
Forest Fire Conditions ...........................................................
Terrain Hazards ....................................................................
Weakly Enhanced Fire Magic ........................."
Indomitable Fire Template ....................................................
Appendix Two – Seela and the Song of Forms ...
Seela ........................................................................................
Seela Paragon Racial Class ...................................................
New Bardic Music – Song of Forms ....................................
Appendix Three – New Magic .................................
New Lesser Artifact...............................................................
New Spell................................................................................
Appendix Four – Character Stats ........................
Allies & Potential Allies ........................................................
Act One Enemies & Antagonists..........................................
Act Two Enemies & Antagonists..........................................
Act ree Enemies & Antagonists .......................................
Open Game License Version .a ...........................
e Indomitable Fire Forest of Innenotdar
is is the second adventure in the War of the
Burning Sky campaign saga. e heroes have already
faced a military assault, treacherous bounty hunters,
enemy spies who hide in the light, and the fi erce claws
of the Ragesian inquisitors. In this next part of their
adventure they will confront various inhabitants of
a cursed fi re forest, including the fey creatures tied
to its fate and the dreamborn monster that causes it
to endlessly burn.
In later adventures the heroes will have a chance
to make alliances and deceive enemies, dealing with
complex political and diplomatic situations that will
aff ect the fate of the world. is adventure gives
them a taste of that in microcosm. If they do not
carefully consider their actions, they might survive,
but could still spell an early doom for their cause. Yet,
if they do well they can gain information that will
prove invaluable when a hitherto unknown enemy
rises up from the darkness of the great below.
If you’re not using The Indomitable Fire
Forest of Innenotdar as part of the campaign
saga, you can still use it as a stand-alone
adventure, simply transplanting the fi re forest
wherever you want.
The PCs could be fl eeing through the forest
to shake pursuit or simply trying to reach
something on the other side. Alternately, they
might seek the treasure of the Innenotdar
elves, have been hired to retrieve a particular
item from the blaze, or be pursuing a villain.
The party will need to have access to stand
the heat (detailed in Appendix Three, as well
as the Player’s Guide ), without which the heat
of the fi res make an adventure nearly, if not
altogether, impossible. You might have the
party come across a cache of potions of stand
the heat , lost by other travelers who were cut
down before they could enter the forest, or the
party’s employer might provide the necessary
magic. Higher level parties could simply cast
stand the heat themselves.
If you change the history of how Innenotdar
caught fi re, you may need to revise the Song
of Forms. If you don’t plan on using the trillith
much beyond this adventure, you may want
to make Vuhl a normal seela, rather than a
deceptive trillith. Kazyk, the bearded devil who
pursues the party, could have been summoned
by any of the party’s enemies with access to
lesser planar ally or lesser planar binding , or
could have even followed them from previous
scuffl es with other devils. In absence of this,
Kazyk could simply be in the forest, looking for
a way to destroy it and the fey in it when he
comes across the party.
When We Last Left Our Heroes…
e following information details only the
background of this adventure. If you are running
it as part of the campaign saga, you will fi nd more
information in the Campaign Guide .
e heroes have escaped from the city of Gate
Pass with vital military intelligence as the Ragesian
army’s assault came down upon it, and have set off
toward the town of Seaquen and the mage school of
Lyceum. e party and any NPCs they are escorting
(most likely the sea-cleric Torrent, the elderly wizard
Haddin Ja-Laff a, and his seer daughter Crystin – all
of whose stats are presented in Appendix Four) have
come to the edge of the Fire Forest of Innenotdar.
Forty years ago, Innenotdar was home to an
elvish people who wanted to remain neutral in the
confl ict between Ragesia and Shahalesti. One day
refugees began to fl ee from the forest, claiming it had
been put to the torch, though no one could agree on
who had been responsible or why. While the refugees
settled into a walled ghetto in Gate Pass, they were
shocked to learn that the fi res that had driven them
from their homeland were not dying. For forty years,
Innenotdar has burned relentlessly.
e heroes have chosen to brave this dangerous
pass because it is too hazardous for Ragesians to
pursue them, and because, whereas it would take
weeks to travel through the snowed-in mountain
passes, with the proper magic (potions of stand the
heat , of which they possess many), they should be
e Indomitable Fire Forest of Innenotdar Introduction
able to cross the fi re forest in less than two days,
taking the old Elfroad from the Otdar mountains to
the northern border of Dassen, beyond the reach of
the Ragesian army.
An entity that calls itself Indomitability, the
fi rst of several dream monsters known as the trillith
which the party will encounter throughout the
campaign saga, is the reason Innenotdar has burned
for forty years. It is trapped in the center of the forest
by a magical song, the Song of Forms, sung by a clan
of fey who cling to life as the dying forest they are
bonded to burns around them.
As long as Indomitability remains in Innenot-
dar, the forest cannot die, but once it leaves, the fey,
who call themselves seela, believe they will perish
with the forest to which they are bonded. For their
part, the seela are divided: some see it as their duty
to keep trapped the creature that has caused their
suff ering, in hope that some day they might fi nd a
way out safely, while the others just want to stop
the Song of Forms, let the creature free, and end
their suff ering.
Indomitability wishes for the heroes, the fi rst
travelers who have managed to survive the heat of
the forest’s fl ame, to free it, and it will off er them safe
passage if they slay the fey and release it from the
binding song. Meanwhile, another trillith, Deception,
has infi ltrated the fey, and is looking for a way to free
its brother Indomitability. Finally, a bearded devil
named Kazyk has been sent by the Ragesians to try
to stop the party from getting away with the stolen
military intelligence, but when Kazyk learns of the
reason for the forest’s burning it becomes in his best
interest to free Indomitability, since doing so will
put out the fl ames, giving the Ragesian military an
easy route south through the mountains.
had just conquered Gate Pass, securing a supply line
into Shahalesti, and Lord Shaaladel of Shahalesti
was nervous of an impending attack. e elves of
Innenotdar, their forest’s proximity to Gate Pass
making it strategically important, were unwilling to
ally with Shaaladel, and their leaders had begun to
express opposition to the Shahalesti. In truth, the
Innenotdar elves were simply attempting to appear
strong, since their position in a three-way juncture
between Shahalesti, Ragesia, and Dassen made
them a tempting target. However, Shaaladel did
not want to risk that Innenotdar would become an
ally with Ragesia, so he had agents set fi re to the
forest and plant rumors that the Ragesians had been
responsible, a believable claim given Coaltongue’s
fondness for fi re.
e reason the fi res have refused to die is because
of a trillith called Indomitability. e trillith are
dream-spawned creatures, born in the great below
of the underdark, and until recently very few had
come to the surface. Gate Pass has many legends
of dreams becoming reality, and indeed there are
numerous caverns under and around the city, from
which fl edgling trillith sometimes emerge.
Indomitability had arrived in Innenotdar forest
several years before the fl ame. e seela, the fey who
would sing news from one end of the forest to the
other through the rustling of leaves in the wind, fi rst
noticed the trillith’s presence. Indomitability, only
vaguely conscious of what it was, had endowed its
power upon several dying animals, who struggled to
stay alive. Seeing the strange entity as a disturbance
in nature, the seela called upon the elf-hero Anyariel
to conquer the monster.
e seela sang the Song of Forms, an old hymn
of history and events in the forest, woven in their very
bodies, and the song’s power trapped the trillith in
the body of a stag. Anyariel pursued it to the center
of Lake Seela, where she trapped it before dying.
Indomitability did not die, but it cannot be released
from a bodied form until the seela stop singing, and
so it has lain trapped, pinned to the bottom of the
lake by a sword driven through its body.
at sword, carved of living wood cut from
one of Innenotdar’s oldest trees, remained tied
The History of the Fire Forest
e Fire Forest of Innenotdar has been afl ame
for the last forty years, and the events surrounding
its ignition are a mystery to this day. Over the course
of the adventure the heroes may discover the truth,
which they can use as leverage against the Shahalesti
in later adventures to gain their assistance.
Forty years ago, Emperor Coaltongue of Ragesia
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