d20 Adamant Entertainment Expert Feats.pdf

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By Barak Blackburn
The d20 system is designed in such a way
that the higher the level of a character, the
more competent they will be. In higher
level games, it is very likely that the most
competent individuals will be Player
Characters (PCs), thus often eliminating
the need to hire an Non-Player Character
(NPC) for information, blacksmithing
needs, or to translate the runes on an
ancient tomb correctly. So the dilemma is
how to create NPCs who can be masters of
a skill, without being high level and having
Base Attack Bonuses that simply don’t
reflect their place in the game.
The solution: Expert Feats.
Expert Feats allow a character to be
extraordinary in their chosen field--be it
the sage who knows everything there is
to know about the Ebon Gate, the drunk
thief at the bar who says there is no lock he
cannot pick, or the hacker who says that he
can get into any computer connected to the
At the Game Master’s discretion, Player
Characters may have access to Expert
Feats as well.
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Local Expert
able to), they may add a +4 Dedicated bonus to their
4 ranks in a specific skill, Skill Focus for the specific
+4 Expert bonus on all checks with the specific skill,
and when making checks a character rolls two d20s
and is able to keep the better roll.
The Greatest
12 ranks in a specific skill, Skill Focus, Local Expert,
Known Across the Land and Without Peer for the
specific skill.
Known Across the Land
+10 Expert bonus on all checks with the specific skill,
and when making checks a character rolls five d20s
and is able to keep the better roll.
In addition, if all of the raw dice results are less
than 10, the character will use 10 as the number rolled.
If the character chooses to take 20 (assuming they are
able to), they may add a +6 Dedicated bonus to their
The character can also increase their chance for
awe-inspiring success by decreasing the amount of
the dice they roll (although they are not eligible for
a Dedicated bonus if they do). This is called charting
new territory.
If 1-3 dice are not rolled, the character adds 2
to their final check for every die not rolled, this is a
World Class bonus [example: a character believes
that a specific piece of information will likely have a
Knowledge (Things Man Was Not Meant to Know)
DC of 50. The character has 14 ranks in the skill, +3
bonus for Skill Focus, +10 Master Class Bonus, +3
ability bonus, the character still needs a 20].
If the character chooses to roll only one die, they
not only add 8 to their roll, but on a
natural 19 or 20 they are able to roll the
d20 again and add this second roll to
their result (and if the new roll is a 19 or
20, they may do so again, until they do
not roll a natural 19 or 20, adding all of
the dice!).
A character may only attempt to Chart
New Territory once for a specific attempt
(piece of information, a famous safe that
cannot be opened, the True Name of a
forgotten demon) without gaining a new
6 ranks in a specific skill, Skill Focus and Local
Expert for the specific skill.
+6 Expert bonus on all checks with the specific skill,
and when making checks a character rolls three d20s
and is able to keep the better roll.
Without Peer
9 ranks in a specific skill, Skill Focus, Local Expert
and Known Across the Land for the specific skill.
+8 Expert bonus on all checks with the specific skill,
and when making checks a character rolls four d20s
and is able to keep the better roll.
In addition, if all of the natural dice results are less
than 10, the character will use 10 as the number rolled.
If the character chooses to take 20 (assuming they are
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15 ranks in a specific skill, Skill Focus, Local
Expert, Known Across the Land, Without Peer,
and The Greatest for the specific skill.
+12 Expert bonus on all checks with the specific
skill, and all the abilities of The Greatest.
However, the character with Godlike proficiency
in a skill truly is an individual Gods may seek
guidance from. They are able to ask what the DC
is of a specific check and the GM must tell them.
If this DC is above and beyond what they might
be capable of without Charting New Territory,
the character may attempt to Research the check.
Researching a specific DC works in the
following way. The character may attempt a
check with a DC lower than that of the target
DC, but with only one die. Each Research
check may be made only once. DCs are lowered
in increments of 5. Every successful attempt
made adds 1 to the final check. A DC cannot be
lowered by any more than the check DC divided
by 10 (for instance a DC of 90 could only be
lowered during Research by 45 points).
A character can only make each lowered
check once, and cannot ever try a Research
attempt lower than one they have already
attempted. Each Research attempt takes at least
1d4 days. After all Research attempts are made,
the skill check is rolled as normal under any
previous rules (IE multiple d20s can rolled, a
character can Chart New Territory, etc).
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The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights
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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams,
Rich Baker, Andy Collins, David noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave
Modern System Reference Document Copyright 2002-2004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek, Jeff Grubb, Rich Redman, Charles
Ryan, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins,
and JD Wiker.
Expert Feats Copyright 2006, Adamant Entertainment.: Author: Barak Blackburn
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