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"Surrounding me is all the life that God created in His Love.
It calls to me in every heartbeat and in every breath;
in every action and in every thought."
(Jesus Christ - A Course In Miracles W.L267.1:1-2)
You, who, n your desre to serve Me, have joned yoursef wth a church, regous
organzaton, occut socety, or sprtual order, of whatsoever nature, thnkng, by
adng n and supportng ts work, t woud pease Me, and that you mght receve
specal favors from Me n consequence, -- harken to these My Words and ponder
over them.
Frst, know that I AM aready peased wth you, for you do nothng that I do not
cause you to do, and you do t to fufl My Purpose, -- athough t may seem to
you at tmes you are actng contrary to My Wsh and ony to satsfy your own
Know kewse that I provde al mnds wth al ther experences of fe, whch I
utze soey to prepare the body, qucken the heart and deveop the
conscousness, so that they can comprehend Me, and so that I can express
through them My Idea.
I nspre mnds wth gmpses of Me and My Idea through these experences, and
I have spoken thus through nspraton to many, who have taken My Words and
have wrtten them n books and have taught them to other mnds. These Words I
have caused to qucken the hearts and conscousness of those who are ready to
receve them, even though the wrters and teachers of themseves had no real
comprehenson of My Meanng.
Many of those whose mnds I thus nspre wth gmpses of Me and My Idea I
cause to become teachers and eaders, organzng churches and socetes and
cuts, drawng seekers and foowers to them, that I, through the words I speak
through them, can qucken the hearts and conscousness of those that are ready
to recognze Me.
I, the Impersonal One wthn, do al ths, and the teachers and eaders personay
do nothng, ony servng as channes through whch My Idea can express to the
conscousness of those I draw to them for that purpose.
For the mnd s ony a channel and the nteect an nstrument, whch I use
Impersonay wherever and whenever necessary to express My Idea. Not untl the
heart has been quckened and has opened wde to contan Me can man, wth hs
mortal mnd and nteect, conscousy comprehend My Meanng, when I express
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through hm My Idea.
You, n your desre to serve Me, may have found n some teacher or eader a
personaty whom you thnk, from the many seemngy wondrous words I speak
through hm, s now contanng Me n hs heart.
In your doubts and anxety to pease Me, and n your fear of My dspeasure when
dsobeyng My Commands, you may even have gone to such teacher or eader,
who possby camed to be a prest or prestess of the Most Hgh, thnkng to get
through such My Message to you, or words of advce or hep from some "Master"
or "Gude" you can hod. Untl fnay, n sorrow and humaton from the
dsusonment of whch eventuay and nevtaby foows, you once more are
thrown back upon yoursef, upon the Teacher wthn, upon Me, your own True
Yes, al the decepton, al the dscpne, al the takng of your ardor and devoton -
not to speak of your money and servces - to what you beeve to be My Work,
and sefshy puronng and utzng them for the upbudng and strengthenng of
ther own personal power and prestge among ther foowers; feedng each of you
wth just enough subte fattery and promses of sprtual advancement, together
wth cever sophstry under the guse of hgh and beautful soundng sprtual
teachng, to keep you bound to them so you woud contnue to support and honor
and gorfy them, ever hodng over you the ash of My dspeasure f they receve
not unquestonng trust and obedence, -- yes, al ths I permt to be, for t s what
you desre and seek, and Desre s truy the agent of My W.
You may be even gvng to some other teacher, -- ether n the seen or the
unseen and no matter how true, we-meanng and sprtuay wse, -- who you
thnk cannot be cassed wth the knd just mentoned, your unquestonng ove,
devoton and obedence, and you may be recevng what you thnk are teachngs
and gudance of nestmabe vaue.
Al ths s we, so ong as you are recevng that whch you seek and thnk you
need; for I suppy al thngs to satsfy such desres. But know that al such s van
and unproductve of the real resuts sought; for al seekng and al desre for
sprtual attanment s of the personaty and therefore sefsh, and eads ony to
fnal dsappontment, dsusonment and humaton.
If you but can see t, t s n the dsusonment and humaton that the real
resuts are attanabe, for those are what I opened up for you and ed you
towards, when presentng the possbty of gettng hep from some human
teacher; and these, dsusonment and humaton, and what I purposey brought
you to, n order that, havng become once more humbe and doce as a tte
chd, you woud then be ready to sten to and obey My Word spoken wthn, and,
hearng and obeyng, you coud enter nto My Kngdom.
Yes, al outward seekng wl end thus, and wl but brng you back to Me, weary,
naked, starvng, wng to sten to My Teachng and to do anythng for even a
crust of My Bread, whch n your stubbornness and concet you dsdaned before
and deemed not good enough for your proud Sprt.
Now, f you have had enough of teachngs and teachers, and are sure that within
you es the Source of al Wsdom, these words wl brng joy unspeakabe to your
heart. For do they not confrm that whch you aready have fet wthn to be true?
For you who cannot yet see ths and stl need a Medator, I have provded the
story of The Chrst crucfed for your redempton, pcturng how I desre you to
ve that, through the crucfxon of your personaty, you may rse n
conscousness to Oneness wth Me.
But to you who are strong enough to bear t, I say you need no medator between
you and Me, for we are One aready. If you can but know t, you can come drect
and at once to Me n conscousness. I, God wthn you wl receve you and you
shal abde wth Me for ever and ever; even as does My Son Jesus, the Man of
Nazareth, through Whom I AM even now expressng as I dd express nneteen
hundred years ago, and as I some day shal express through you.
To you who wonder how and why I say such beautful and such sprtual thngs
through personates who fal to ve up to the teachngs they apparenty of
themseves gve out, I say:
I use al avenues Impersonay to express My Meanng.
Some I have prepared to be better medums of expresson than others, but
personay knowng nothng of Me.
In some I have quckened the heart the better to contan Me, thereby becomng
conscousy more at One wth Me.
Some have become so at One wth Me that they no onger are separated n
conscousness from Me, and n Them I ve and move and express My Sprtual
Snce the earest days of expresson on earth I have prepared My Prests and My
Prophets and My Messahs to vson forth to the word My Idea - My Word that
shal fnay become fesh.
But whether I speak through Prest, Prophet or Messah, or through a tte chd,
or through your worst enemy, al words that appeal vtay to you are the words
the I AM of You speaks through the organsm of such medum to your Soul
Shoud a number be gathered together to hear My Word spoken through one of
My Prests, t s not the Prest of hmsef but I, in the heart of each hearer, Who
draw from the Prest the vtal words that snk deep nto the conscousness of
each. The Prest knows not what he says that so affects you, and may not even
comprehend My Meanng of the words he speaks to you.
I wthn hm do draw from the combned devoton to and beef n Me, conscousy
and unconscousy expressed by al those gathered around hm, the Sprtual
Force whch serves as a channel or a connectng ne through or over whch I
reach the conscousness of those mnds I have prepared to comprehend My
Meanng. For athough I speak the same words to a, yet these words contan a
dstnct and separate message for each, and no one knows any but the message I
speak to hm; for I wthn you choose from the words the meanng I ntend for
you, and I wthn your brother and your sster kewse choose the meanng I
ntend for each of them.
When two or three are gathered together n My Name, there wl I aways be; for
the Idea whch draws them together I, wthn each, nspre - for t s My Idea.
From the unon of ther aspratons towards Me do I create a medum or channel
through whch I enabe the Soul conscousness to gan such gmpses of Me as
each s capabe of comprehendng.
Every Prest, every Teacher, every Medum, I cause nstnctvey to know ths, for
they are My chosen Mnsters; and I kewse cause to awaken n them a desre to
surround themseves wth foowers, that I may qucken, n the hearts of those
who are ready a conscousness of My Presence wthn. The Prest, the Teacher, or
the Medum, themseves, may never have recognzed Me wthn, and may be
deemng Me as enttzed or personazed n some master or gude or savour
without themseves; but nevertheess, there are those whom I ead to these, My
Mnsters, n whom, through certan words I cause My Mnsters to speak, together
wth the Sprtual Force furnshed by the varous asprants, I am enabed to
awaken ther Soul conscousness to a real comprehenson of Me, the Impersonal
One, seated wthn - n the very mdst of A, n the heart of each.
For the I AM of My Mnster, and the I AM of each foower are One, one n
conscousness, one n understandng, one n ove, and one n purpose, whch
purpose s the fufment of My W.
Ths I AM, whch s whoy Impersona, and knows nether tme, space nor
dfferent denttes, merey utzes the personates of both Mnster and foowers,
and the crcumstance of personal contact, as a means of gvng voce to My Idea,
ever struggng wthn for outer expresson.
Those Mnsters who take the confdence and trust of My foowers, and use t to
further ther own prvate purposes, I cause to awaken to a recognton of My Wl
and My Idea al n proper season. Ths awakenng, however, s not peasant to
ther personates, and amost aways causes much sufferng and humaton; but
ther sous rejoce and sng grateful prases to Me when I brng t to pass.
Therefore, wonder not at the sometmes wonderful words of Truth that come from
mouths apparenty unft to speak them and comprehendng not ther meanng;
nor at the fact that smpe foowers oftentmes awaken faster than and grow
beyond ther teachers. I Who dwel wthn both teacher and foower choose
dfferent condtons and provde dfferent ways for the expresson of My Attrbutes
n each dfferent Sou, fttng each nto just the tme and pace where they can
compement and hep each other the best; thus untng al nto the most
harmonous expresson of My Idea possbe under the crcumstances.
"It is neither corporeal nor incorporeal,
not great, not small, not a quantity,
not a creature; no one can think it."
(Jesus Christ - The Secret Book of John)
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