Chapter 2.pdf

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"You neither realize your perdition,
nor do you reflect on your circumstances,
nor have you understood that you dwell in darkness and death!"
(Jesus Christ - The Book of Thomas the Contender)
Now, n order that you may earn to know Me, so that you can be sure t s I, you
own True Sef, Who speak these words, you must frst earn to Be Still, to quet
your human mnd and body and al ther actvtes, so that you no onger are
conscous of them.
You may not yet be abe to do ths, but I wl teach you how, f you reay want to
know Me, and are wng to prove t by trustng Me and obeyng Me n al that I
now shal cal upon you to do.
Try to magne the ?I? who speaks throughout these pages as beng your Hgher or
Dvne Sef, addressng and counseng your human mnd and nteect, whch you
wl consder for the moment as beng a separate personaty. Your human mnd s
so consttuted that t cannot accept anythng whch does not conform wth what t
has prevousy experenced or earned, and whch ts nteect does not consder
reasonabe. Therefore, n addressng t, You are usng such terms and expressons
as wl most ceary expan to your nteect the truths t must understand before
the mnd can awaken to the conscousness of your meanng.
The fact s, ths ?I? is yoursef, your Real Sef. Your human mnd has heretofore
been so engrossed wth the task of suppyng ts nteect and body wth al manner
of sefsh ndugences, that t has never had tme to get acquanted wth the Real
You, ts true Lord and Master. You have been so nterested n and affected by the
peasures and sufferngs of your body and nteect, that you have amost come to
beeve You are your nteect and body, and you have consequenty neary
forgotten Me, your Dvne Sef.
I AM not your nteect and body, and ths Message s to teach that You and I
are One. The words I heren speak, and the man burden of these nstructons, s
to awaken your conscousness to ths great fact.
You cannot awaken to ths fact untl you can get away from the conscousness of
ths body and nteect, whch so ong have hed you ensaved. You must feel Me
within, before you can know I AM there.
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Now, n order that you can become whoy obvous of your mnd and ts thoughts
and your body and ts sensatons, so that you can feel Me within, t s necessary
that you studousy obey these, My nstructons.
St quety n a reaxed poston, and, when whoy at ease, et your mnd take n
the sgnfcance of these words:
"Be still! - and KNOW - I AM - God."
Without thinking, aow ths, My Divine Command, to penetrate deep nto your
Sou. Let whatever mpressons that come to your mnd enter at wl - wthout
effort or nterference on your part. Note carefuy ther mport, for t s I, wthn,
through these mpressons, nstructng you. Then, when somewhat of ther vtal
sgnfcance begns to dawn upon your conscousness, speak these My Words
sowy, imperatively, to every cel of your body, to every facuty of your mnd,
wth al the conscous power you possess: --
"Be still! - and KNOW - I AM - God."
Speak them just as they are heren wrtten, tryng to reaze that the God of you
commands and demands of your mortal sef mpct obedence.
Study them, search out ther hdden potency.
Brood over them, carry them wth you nto your work, whatever t be. Make them
the vta, domnatng factor n your work, n al your creatve thoughts.
Say them a thousand tmes a day,
Untl you have dscovered al My nnermost meanng;
Untl every cel of your body thrs n joyful response to the command, "Be St,"
and nstanty obeys;
And every vagrant thought hoverng around your mnd hes tsef off nto
Then, as the Words reverberate through the caverns of your now empty beng;
Then, as the Sun of Know-ng begns to rse on the horzon of your
Then, wl you feel the swel of a wondrous strange Breath fng you to the
extreme of al your mortal members, causng your senses amost to burst wth the
ecstasy of t; then, wl there come surge after surge of a mghty, resstess Power
rsng wthn you, ftng you amost off the earth; then, wl you feel wthn the
Gory, the Honess, the Majesty of My Presence;
And then, then you wl KNOW, I AM, God.
You, -- when you have felt Me thus n such moments wthn, when you have
tasted of My Power, hearkened to My Wsdom, and know the ecstasy of My a-
embracng Love, -- no dsease can touch, no crcumstance can weaken, no enemy
can conquer you. For now you KNOW I AM within, and you aways hereafter wl
turn to Me n your need, puttng al your trust n Me, and aowng Me to manfest
My W.
You, when you turn thus to Me, wl aways fnd Me an unfang and everpresent
hep n tme of need; for I wl so fl you wth a Reazaton of My Presence and of
My Power, that you need ony Be Still and aow Me to do whatever you want
done - heal your s and those of others, umne your mnd so you can see wth
My eyes the Truth you seek, or perform perfecty the tasks whch before seemed
amost mpossbe of accompshment.
Ths Knowedge, ths Reazaton, wl not come at once. It may not come for
years. It may come tomorrow.
It depends upon no one but You;
Not upon your personaty, wth ts human desres and human understandng;
But upon the I AM of you - God, wthn.
Who s t that causes the bud to open nto the bossom?
Who causes the chck to burst ts she?
Who decdes the day and the hour?
It s the conscous, natural act of the Integence wthn, My Integence,
drected by My W, brngng to fruton My Idea and expressng t n the bossom
and n the chck.
But dd the bossom and the chck have anythng to do wth t?
No, ony as they submtted or unted ther wl wth Mne and aowed Me and My
Wsdom to determne the hour and the rpeness for acton, and then ony as they
obeyed the mpuse of My Wl to make the effort, coud they step forth nto the
New Lfe.
You may, wth your personaty, try a thousand tmes a thousand tmes to burst
through the shel of your human conscousness.
It wl resut ony, f at a, n a breakng down of the doors I have provded
between the word of tangbe forms and the real of ntangbe dreams; and the
door beng open, you then no onger can keep out ntruders from your prvate
doman, wthout much troube and sufferng.
But even through such sufferng you may gan the strength you ack and the
wsdom needed to know that, not untl you yed up al desre for knowedge, for
goodness, yes, for unon wth Me, to benefit self, can you unfod your petas
showng forth the perfect Beauty of My Dvne Nature, and throw off the shel of
your human personaty and step forth nto the gorous Lght of My Heaveny
Therefore I gve you these drectons now, at the begnnng, that you may be
earnng how to recognze Me.
For I here promse you, f you foow and strve earnesty to comprehend and
obey My nstructons heren gven, you shal very soon know Me, and I wl gve
you to comprehend all of My Word wherever wrtten, -- n book or teachng, n
Nature, or n your feow man.
If there s much n what heren s wrtten that seems contradctory, seek out My
real meanng before dscardng t.
Do not eave a snge paragraph, or any one thought n t, untl al that s
suggested becomes cear.
But n al your seekng and al your strvng, et t be wth fath and trust n Me,
your True Sef wthn, and wthout beng anxous about resuts; for the resuts are
al n My keepng, and I wl take care of them. Your doubts and your anxety are
but of the personaty, and f aowed to persst wl ead ony to faure and
"Bring therefore, all your dark and secret thoughts to Him,
and look upon them with Him.
He holds the light, and you the darkness."
(Jesus Christ - A Course In Miracles T.14.VII.6:8-9)
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