GM Repertoire Vol. 9 - The Grunfeld Defence Volume 2 by Boris Avrukh.pdf

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Grandmaster Repertoire 9
he Grinfeld Defence
Boris Avruh
Qualiy Chess
ww . q uk
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First edition 20 II by Quality Chess UK Ltd
Copyright© 20I I Boris Av rukh
Grandmaster Repertoire 9 -
The Grinfeld Defence Volume Two
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored
in a retrieval system or transmitted in any fo rm or by any means, electronic,
electrostatic, magnetic tape, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior
permission of the publisher.
Paperback ISBN 978-I-907982-00-2
Hardcover ISBN 978-I-907982-0I-9
All sales or enquiries should be directed to Quality Chess UK Ltd,
20 Balvie Road, Milngavie, Glasgow G62 7TA, United Kingdom
website: ww
Distributed in US and Canada by SCB Distributors, Gardena, California, US
Distributed in Rest of the World by Quality Chess UK Ltd through
Sunrise Handicrats, Smyczkowa 4/98, 20-844 Lublin, Poland
Ty peset by Jacob Aagaard
Edited by Colin McNab and Andrew Greet
Proofread by John Shaw
Cover design by Adamson Design
Printed in Estonia by Tallinna Raamaturrikikoja LLC
he position which occurs ater the opening moves l.d4 lf6 2.c4 g6 3.lc3 d5 4.cxd5 lxd5 will
provide the starting point fo r this, the second volume in my two-part work on the Grinfeld. (I
m not sure if" Grinfeld Dence" is really an accurate term.) In case the reader is not yet fa miliar
with Vo lume One, I will once again share the story ofhow I became a devotee of this wonderful
opening. s I wrote in the Preface to the first volume:
"Ater I moved to Israel in 1995 my opening repertoire was rather shaky, so during my first
fe w months there I made a serious efort to improve it. Fortunately the Beer-Sheva Club
and its manager Ilyahu Levant provided the best possible conditions fo r such work. My first
coach in Israel was Mark Tseitlin, whom I continue to regard as something of a 'Grinfeld
guru'. I also received high qulity support from lex Huzman, a strong player who is best
known fo r being the long-term coach of Boris Gelfand.
Ever since my first few lessons with Mark, I immediately understood that the Grinfeld was
the opening fo r me. I was attracted by the combative and dynamic positions to which it leads,
and relished the prospect offighting fo r the initiative with the black pieces. It was especially
helpful that all the strong players in my new club knew this opening well. Indeed, in the
present work the reader will find plenty of references to the games of Mark Ts eitlin, Alex
Huzman, Alon Greenfeld, Victor Mikhalevski and Alex Finkel. At that time the influence of
the computer was not so strong, and by analysing together we managed to discover a lot of
interesting ideas. The Grinfeld has remained my first choice against 1.d4 fo r sixteen years
(and counting!), whereas against l.e4 I have changed quite a lot."
In the first volume I mentioned the problem of fighting against the Fianchetto Va riation, which I
had recommended in Grandmster Repertoire 2 -I.d4 olume Two. But this was not the only time
I had to ofer an antidote 'against myself'. I have used the main lines involving 3.lc3 d5 4.cxd5
lxd5 5.e4 in numerous games with the white pieces, and I continue to relish the challenges
presented by the Grinfeld from either side of the board. One of my fa vourite weapons with the
white pieces has been the fa mous 8J!b1 system, but as you can see in Chapters 13-16, Black is
currently doing fine there, so I have been fo rced to explore other avenues when playing against
my pet opening. Another critical battleground is the 7..c4 system, against which I decided
to ofer a choice between two diferent approaches fo r Black, details of which can be fo und in
Chapters 17-21.
his second volume completes my Grandmaster Repertoire in the Grinfeld. I have gained a lot of
enjoyment as well s excellent results over the board with this great opening, and I hope that my
two books will help the reader to do the same.
Boris Av rukh
Beer-Sheva, June 201 1
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Key to Symbols used & Biblio g raphy
Various 5th Moves l.d4 J6 2. c4 g6 3.Jc3 d5 4.cxd5 Jxd5
4.cxd5 Jxd5 5.Jf3
2 5.Ja4
3 5.id2
4 5. g 3
Various 7th Moves l.d4 J6 2.c4 g6 3.Jc3 d5 4.xd5 Jxd5 5.e4 Jxc3
6.bxc3 �g7
5 7.i g 5
6 7.ia3
7 7.Wa4 t
8 7.ib5 t
l.d4 J6 2. c4 g6 3.Jc3 d5 4.xd5 Jxd5 5.e4 Jxc3 6.bxc3 �g7 7.�e3
9 Two Rook Moves
10 8.Jf3
11 8. W d2
l.d4 J6 2. c4 g6 3.Jc3 d5 4.xd5 Jxd5 5.e4 Jxc3 6.bxc3 �g7 7.J3
12 Various 8th Moves
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