Tajne technologie nazistów.doc

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Tajne technologie nazistów (ang)

Tajne technologie nazistów (ang)


Poniżej umieszczam link nadesłany przez jednego z czytelników (dziękuję) do bardzo obszernego materiału w języku angielskim, na temat technologii nad którą pracował nazistowski odłam Illuminati w trakcie II wojny światowej.

Nie zdołam teraz tego przeczytać, jednak na pierwszy rzut oka wygląda to na lekturę wręcz wymaganą. Jest tam również, jak zauważyłem, potwierdzenie tezy że dziwne dźwięki rejestrowane na całym świecie od początku roku 2012 (The Hum), pochodzą od latających statków należących do rządów kontrolowanych przez Illuminati, a które służyć mają przeprowadzeniu fałszywej inwazji UFO i/lub spotkania z tzw. Galaktyczną Federacją (patrz też: Statki-matki i tajemnicze dźwięki z nieba)


Disc Aircraft of The Third Reich

Viktor Schauberger
The UFO's Of Nazi Germany

Viktor Schauberger; 
The Repulsine, UFO's and Flying Saucers of Nazi Germany

It was nearly the end of WWII. At that same time, scientist Viktor Schauberger worked on a secret project. Johannes Kepler, whose ideas Schaubergerfollowed, had knowledge of the secret teachings of Pythagoras that had been adopted and kept secret. It was the knowledge of Implosion (in this case the utilization of the potential of the inner worlds in the outer world). Hitler knew - as did the Thule and Vril people - that the divine principle was always constructive. A technology however that is based on explosion and therefore is destructive runs against the divine principle. Thus they wanted to create a technology based on Implosion. Schauberger's theory of oscillation (principle of the overtone sequence, monochord) takes up the knowledge of Implosion. To put it simply: Implosion instead of Explosion! Following the energy paths of the monochord and the implosion technology one reaches the realm of antimatter and thus the cancellation of gravity.

Whatever might have been thought of Viktor Schauberger in Austria, word of his abilities and the statements contained in his new book, "Our Senseless Toil - the Source of the World Crisis", evidently reached others ears, including those of Adolf Hitler. At a time when the relations between Austria and Germany were at an all-time low, Viktor Schauberger was summoned to an audience with the Reich Chancellor Hitler, in Berlin. Special papers were arranged and all the documentation carried out within one day. Suddenly Viktor Schauberger left for Berlin and a meeting with Hitler, who greeted him warmly as a fellow countryman, telling him that he had studied all the reports about his work thoroughly and was very impressed with what he had learned.

Thirty minutes had been allocated for the discussions, which Prof. Max Planck had been requested to attend as scientific adviser shortly before he was rudely deposed from his position as Privy Counselor. This exchange of views eventually lasted 11 hours, during which Schauberger explained the destructive action of contemporary technology and its inevitable consequences. He contrasted this with all the processes of natural motion and temperature, of the vital relation between trees, water and soil productivity, indeed all the things he considered had to be thoroughly understood and practiced in order to create a sustainable and viable society.

When Viktor had finished his explanations, Max Planck, who had remained silent, was asked his opinion about Viktor's natural theories. His response was the remarkable and revealing statement that "Science has nothing to do with Nature". Pausing for a moment to take in this astonishing admission, Viktor then referred to the proposed four-year plan, the so-called Goering Plan, stating that,

"not only was the time frame far too short, but, if instituted, it would gradually undermine and ultimately destroy Germany's biological foundations. As a result, the Third Reich would last only ten instead of the boasted 1,000 years." (Viktor was not far out in his estimate!)

During the earlier part of the discussion, Hitler had been enthusiastic, but he became greatly perturbed at what he had just heard and ordered his technical and economic advisers, Keppler and Wiluhn, to discuss with Schauberger what could be done. Once outside the door, these two men demanded to know how Viktor had got in there in the first place. Angered at their truculently condescending air, he replied "Through the same door I've just come out of!" Seeing that his ideas had no hope of acceptance, and leaving them gaping, he returned to his hotel and left for Austria the following morning. Keppler and Wiluhn, however, were to get their revenge later, after the Anschluss on March 13th, 1938.

 Once again he was the victim of deceit and his ideas were usurped, for, in a later letter to his son Walter, he wrote that copies of the preliminary application had been fraudulently obtained by Prof. Ernst Heinkel, the famous aircraft designer, through a firm of patent attorneys, Lehmann-Harlens in Berlin. By mining the information contained in this document, Heinkel obtained insights into how a jet-engine could be produced, even though he misinterpreted its findings; his first prototype exploded due to his lack of proper understanding. With a certain absence of principle, he then sought Viktor's collaboration in the project. Although some initial discussion eventually took place, Viktor did not cooperate, having become aware of what Heinkel had done, and further contact between the two men ceased. Using his ill-gotten gains, however, Heinkel persevered with his research, which culminated in the construction of the first successful jet-plane, its first flight being on August 27th, 1939.

Although Heinkel never had the honesty to reveal the source of the ideas for his invention, keeping all the kudos for himself, this jet plane was nevertheless built as a direct result of Viktor's theories. Viktor Schauberger is therefore the real father of the present jet age. He even went as far as to state that in order to develop and build fast-flying, supersonic aircraft successfully, the bodily forms of deep-sea fish should be copied. Today's 'stealth bombers' very much emulate these forms. In 1939 Viktor's personal research virtually came to an end, all the materials he needed being appropriated for war production. In 1941, however, he was summoned by Air Marshal Ernst Udet to discuss the growing crisis of energy production and means of solving it. Premises were subsequently set up near Augsburg for research and development, all of which came to nothing partly due to the death of Udet and partly because it was bombed by the Allies in 1942.

In 1943, despite his incapacitating war wounds and 58 years of age, Viktor was declared fit for active duty and was inducted into the Waffen-SS, very much under duress. He came under the control of Heinrich Himmler, who forced him into research to develop a new secret weapon. Provided with suitable accommodation at Schloss Schonbrunn, the nearby Mauthausen Concentration Camp to supply the workforce of prisoner engineers, Viktor was threatened with his life if he did not comply with orders and carry out this research. In spite of these threats, however, Viktor put his foot down and demanded from the SS Command the absolute right to select the various engineers he needed. He further demanded that any technicians he chose were to be removed entirely from the camp, fed properly, dressed in normal civilian clothes and billeted in civilian accommodation, otherwise they would be unproductive. As he explained, people who live in fear of their lives and under great emotional stress could work neither consistently nor creatively. Surprisingly the SS agreed and so Viktor selected somewhere between twenty and thirty engineers, craftsmen and tradesman from Mauthausen, to be accommodated in various houses near the plant.

When they were all assembled, Viktor exhorted them to work as hard as they could, but under no circumstances were they to attempt to escape, otherwise his own life would be forfeit. They set to work with a will, and, while not understanding what Viktor was trying to achieve, they nevertheless carried out his instructions faithfully. Two machines were eventually built, one called a 'Repulsator' and the other a 'Repulsine', reflecting their forces of recoil. Accurate information about them is difficult to obtain, because after the end of the War all top-secret information was confiscated by the Allies - the Russians, French, English and Americans - and is therefore no longer available to the general public. Let's run this by again, with particular emphasis on the Repulsine, both the A & B models.

Disc Aircraft of The Third Reich


 Introduction by Rob Arndt


Probably the most misunderstood and problematic of all terrestrial-based disc technology lies at the heart of the German disc programs that started with the birth of the NSDAP (Nazi Party) in 1920- a full 13 years before Adolf Hitler came to power as the leader of the Third Reich.

To fully comprehend the depth of these programs requires the knowledge that above all else the NSDAP was founded from the onset by the occult Thule (1917) and Vril (1919) Gesellschafts(Societies), and other occult groups like the DHvSS (Men of the Black Stone) that stretched back to the turn of the 20th century with the old German Order (a.k.a. Order of Teutons).

As such the very first disc project in Germany built in 1922 was not even an aircraft but an inter-dimensional flight machine in disc form- the JFM built by Thule-Vril.

When Adolf Hitler (a Thule member along with Goering, Himmler, and various other top Nazi officials) became chancellor in Germany in 1933 the 11 year occult metaphysical science of Thule-Vrilbecame strengthened by official state backing for the continued disc development programs starting with an RFZ (RundFlugZeug), or "Round Aircraft" series of discs that utilized levitators developed by W.O. Schumann of the Technical University of Munich who worked on the JFM.

1934 saw the first RFZ discs built which led in five short years to two vast programs of highly advanced disc aircraft overseen by Himmler’s SS- specifically, the SS technical branch Unit E-IV(Entwicklungsstelle 4) which was created to explore various alternative energies. This unit was tasked with developing both the Haunebu and Vril disc designs that utilized the world’s first electro-magnetic-gravitic drive systems: the Vril and Thule Triebwerks. These drives relied on Hans Coler’s free energy Konverter coupled to a Van De Graaf band generator and Marconi vortex dynamo (a huge spherical tank of mercury) to create powerful rotating electromagnetic fields that affected gravity.


Many have often inquired why then when war started in 1939 did Germany not use these advanced and unique machines in air combat? The simple truth lies in the fact that these machines, despite their superior overall performance to conventional piston-engined aircraft and early jets, could not be realistically adapted to any useful military role other than the most basic transport and recon work. The strong EM engines were difficult to control and could not hope to imitate the flight characteristics of high performance fighters like the Me BF 109 or Fw 190. There was very little room for either offensive or defensive armament in these designs except for a few experimental light MG and MK cannons that proved impractical in flight and a rather large experimental Donar (Thunder) Kraftstrahlkanone (Strong Jet Cannon). These guns tended to destabilize the disc badly and were eventually removed. The disc bodies themselves were not capable of carrying any ordnance at all internally or externally (no bombs, unguided rockets, or missiles) and could only make turns of 22.5, 45, and 90 degrees.

Nevertheless, the SS pursued an aggressive policy of theft, forced cooperation, and strong internal development of these types of machines due to the increasing Allied bombing offensive that made conventional aircraft take-offs and landings highly dangerous. VTOL was seen as the logical solution to this problem. If the SS could develop a production machine that in the future could be armed (with cannon, missiles, or even an electrostatic weapon) then Germany might be able to turn the air war.

To shorten the time of finding VTOL solutions, the SS robbed both Germany’s patent office and every patent office in occupied Europe. Those with aeronautical skill enough to contribute to the SS effort were either arrested or coerced into participating in the programs- among them Viktor Schauberger of Austria and Henri Coanda of Rumania. The SS also used its large slave labor force to assist in construction of large underground facilities for these discs and often for production of components to these machines.

Although the SS requested additional slave laborers from Armaments Minister Albert Speer, Speer himself was not told what war projects the laborers would be used for; indeed, Speer was deliberately kept out of the entire SS disc development programs for security reasons and the fact that the SS was a state-within-a-state with its own production facilities, war material, scientists and technicians, slave workforce, and the knowledge of secret Third Reich military bases outside Germany where these discs were both tested and stored.

Among those held, Viktor Schauberger became the leader of most interest due to his highly unconventional use of liquid vortex technology which was perfected while he was in custody atMauthausen. Originally designed for an odd bio-submarine, the strange Repulsin discoid motors were to be adapted to aircraft. Heinkel was the first to receive the results of these early discoid tests but refused to act on it. A year after the Repulsin Model A motor was being studied one of Heinkel’s own engineers named Rudolf Schriever proposed his own "Flugkreisel" (Flying Gyro) that utilized conventional jet engines instead of the Repulsin discoid motor. His design was taken from him and handed over to a team of scientists for further study and the construction of a large flying prototype. The team consisted of Dr. Richard Miethe, Klaus Habermohl, and an Italian- Dr. Guiseppe Belluzzo, who had come up with his own design for a jet powered round flying bomb- the Turboproietti.


Meanwhile, BMW started work on a design very similar to Schriever’s Flugkreisel but utilizing the company’s own BMW 003 jet engines. These machines, called ‘Flugelrads" (Winged Wheels) were not really true disc aircraft but jet autogyros that used a standard BMW 003 with a Strahlrohr (Jet pipe) deflector to power a multi-blade disc rotor. These craft were built on a much smaller scale than Schriever’s Flugkreisel so work proceeded from 1941-45 with construction of prototypes beginning in 1943. Instability, however, was never really solved in the earlier designs. One disc, however, a BMW Fluglerad II V-2 possibly achieved flight in April 1945.

Schriever’s own disc began to take shape in 1943 as well and flew under jet power provided by three attached special kerosene-burning jet engines driving the disc rotor as well as two kerosene jets on the body for forward thrust and horizontal stability.

Flight characteristics were good but then the SS decided to abruptly drop Schriever’s jet-fan design in favor of Miethe’s version that eliminated the large disc rotor blades driven by jet engines forSchauberger’s liquid vortex engine, but on a larger scale. With Schauberger released back to Austria in 1944 by the SS, the Miethe disc took to the air that same year over the Baltic.

At the same time a private venture with official backing from Air Ministry General Udet was taking shape in Leipzig. Arthur Sack who caught the attention of Udet way back in 1939 with his A.S.1 circular wing flying aero model was given permission and some funding to build a manned large-scale version of his model. Sack took up the challenge and built 4 more models of increasing size. When the ...

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