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AIMP 3.00 Build 976 Multi + Plug-in by sempronik™
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NEW AIMP has been creat ed!!!
AIMP is a mult imedia player freeware of high qualit y which support s most
known audio format s.
First you must ext ract files and t hen inst all t he freeware in eit her port able
version (for removable devices) and cust om version (recommended), in a
single user or mult i user mode.
The ent ire pack cont ains main component s, skins, visualizat ions, input plugins,
addit ional component s (e.g. audio library, int ernet radio browser, t he very
impressive Last .FM plugin), and languages. Choose bet ween full, lit e, minimal
and cust om inst allat ion.
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Several seconds lat er you init iat e AIMP (which resembles Winamp at first
We found t he overall t ext and graphics t o be a bit t iny, considering t he lat est
t rends in soft ware t echnology (wit h big icons, t ext , images et c). Eye vision is
not t he st rongest point of t he comput er user aft er a cert ain age!
There is an aut o-shut down feat ure available, an alarm clock, a quick search
for songs, and also t he possibilit y t o add songs as bookmarks. You can also set
up your own hot keys if you're not sat isfied wit h t he default ones.
The qualit y of sound is prett y good, especially when AIMP support s OGG,
MP3, WMA, WAV, and ot hers. AIMP ran smoot hly and we have not
encount ered any t echnical problems, while t he CPU usage was t o a
In conclusion, we liked what we saw in AIMP, and we st rongly recommend
you t ry it . Clearly, t he developers of AIMP put some muscle int o it , as t hey
want ed t o opt imize t he best feat ures of all mult imedia players int o a single
pack – give t he t rial a shot , and see so for yourself.
Here are some key feat ures:
· Crystal-clear sound, t echnology of reproduct ion essent ially differs from
Winamp and WMP
· Sensitive equalizer
· A maximum of functionality from a minimum of resources
· The minimal consumption of syst em resources
· Multilingual support
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· Support of set of formats of audio
· Adjustment of global and local hot keys (patterns from WinAmp and WMP)
· Flexible options of the program and various covers will allow you to make
A.I.M.P. complet ely individual
· Support of plug-ins wit h which help it is possible t o expand opport unit ies of
t he program
· The audioconverter codes music from the most different formats in wma,
mp3, wav, ogg
· audioGrab allows to overtake AudioCD in Mp3, OGG, WAV or WM
· The sound recording will allow you to write down a sound from any audio of
t he device in syst em
· The built - in edit or of t ags, support WMA, MP3, OGG
· An opportunity of record AudioCD, MP3-disks and disks wit h given
What 's New in This Release:
· Basque localizat ion was added
· Localizations were updated
· Player: Radio station name is now set automatically on starting playback, if it
has not been set before by t he user
· Tag Editor: Track number is no longer stored in the ID3v1, if it value more t han
· Fixed: Player - part of t he next t rack sounds in t he end of current t rack, if
"shuffle" mode is act ive
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· Fixed: Player - "A-B Repeat " funct ion drops playback posit ion t o beginning in
some cases
· Fixed: Tag Editor - but t ons in foot er panel doesn't display, if height of t he
screen less t han 600 pixels
· Fixed: Tag Editor - t he t able doesn't updat e aft er using t ag aut ofill funct ion
· Fixed: Plugins - last .fm plugin doesn't st art scrobbling somet imes
· Fixed: Small bugs and defects
• Screenshot:
Requirement s:
· Sound Card
· DirectX 8.1 or above
· 3 Mb at HDD
Syst em plat form:
• MS Windows 2000 / 2003 / XP / Vista / Seven Torrent created by sempronik™
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