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Prime Power is designed to help you create your personal plan for an online
It will fill you with confidence and direction .
No matter how long you have tried to get your online business up and running
know this... YOU CAN DO IT! I have not met one person who does not have
the ability to get their business going.
Success is NOT an Accident!
Bob Scardamalia: Totally new to all this. Thank you Paul for such great info.
W Chase: I wish I had heard of him (paul) before I found some other so called gurus lol
Rick: Lord is this awesome!!!!!!!!!
Maurice: Paul you're always spot on!!
Jocelyn Richard: I love this!
Ana Alcobia: so simple when it's u explaining
Susan McMullen 2:OMG you are so on my level- this is great!
Richard: Winning content
Ute Goldkuhle: thank you Paul, as always great value
Irene 2: so down to earth and practical
Denise: A lot of help Thank You
Debbie McNeely: Nicheology is an indispensable part of my business! I'd never give it up!!
Gary Wilkinson: I’m joining...I completely trust your advice
Jeff D Brown: membership is tremendous value!
anne p: I've been in nicheology for several years - well worth the investment
Vida Evelyn:Paul is one of the good guys. You won't be disappointed.
Karen: Your easy communication makes anything you share GREAT!
Don Schnure: Paul is one of the very few HONEST IM guru's.
Aslam Salam:I am renewing my membership again. Who wants to lose all the resources
that you get by being a member.
Denise Darcy: awesome
anne p: total honesty. no hype or fluff
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Stage One: All It Takes
Everything you need to make a living online. This
is uncommon sense. Almost everyone complicates
what it takes.
Stage Two Getting Your
Business Online
AFTER watching the video in step one and doing the assignment.
What's missing from the few mechanics you need to make
money online? Here is a video series that shows you everything
you need to know to get your online business up and running.
You can scroll through the titles to see which ones you might
need most. Note: If you already have your business up and
running you may not need this stage.
If you already know how to install and use Wordpress, an
autoresponder, and Clickbank then you do not need to watch
these. You ALREADY have all the mechanics you need to operate
your business.. Please, please, please do not over complicate the
Of course, you can't just watch those, you have to DO them, but
they are step by step. You could literally have your business
online in a day or so by following those videos. However, it's like
riding a bike. You can watch all the vids and read all the books
you want, but it will not make total sense until you get on and
start pedaling.
Stage Three: Getting Clear
and Centered
There's a lot of drifting in our industry. Folks buying what they
don't need and what will not even help them in their business. This
stage will set you free from the impulse buy of the latest offer that
makes you think... "Ah, THIS is IT!"
A question came in about HOW
to find the best traffic sources
for your marketing...
Here's how I approach it . Sorry,
there's no magic here. And one
size does not fit all.
Here's a quick encouragement message if you get overwhelmed
in online business.
Here's the most simple business model I've come across in a
while. Maybe we should copy Sheila's Burger Barn.
Stage Four: Growing Up
"Professional marketers" want to stunt the growth of their customers. The more
immature the marketplace, the more they can sell. You'll get some business
growth hormones in this session along with the top five psychological tricks used
to abuse the market by the internet marketing snake oil salesmen. I'll be laying the
hammer down a bit in this one, so buckle up! :)
As mentioned in the video...
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