(gardening) Roses in the Garden and Landscape - Diseases and.pdf

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Integrated Pest Management for Home Gardeners and Landscape Professionals
A variety of plant pathogens may attack
roses from time to time. By far the most
common problem in California is pow-
dery mildew, but a number of other
diseases including rust, black spot,
botrytis, downy mildew, and anthrac-
nose may cause problems where moist
conditions prevail. To limit problems
with pathogens, choose varieties and
irrigation practices carefully, promote
air circulation through bushes with
careful pruning and placement of
plants, and remove severely infested
material promptly. Although some rose
enthusiasts consider regular application
of fungicides a necessary component of
rose culture, many others are able to
produce high quality blooms with little
to no use of synthetic fungicides, espe-
cially in California’s dry interior valleys.
during midday may limit the disease by
disrupting the daily spore-release cycle,
yet allows time for foliage
to dry. The pathogen
requires living
tissue in order to
survive, so prun-
ing, collecting, and
disposing of leaves
during the dor-
mant season can
limit infestations,
but may not entirely
eradicate them; airborne spores from
other locations can provide fresh inocu-
lation. Rose varieties vary greatly in
resistance; landscape (shrub) rose vari-
eties are among the most resistant.
Glossy-foliaged varieties of hybrid teas
and grandifloras often have good resis-
tance to powdery mildew as well.
Plants grown in sunny locations with
good air circulation are less likely to
have serious problems. Fungicides such
as triforine (Funginex) are available but
generally must be applied to prevent
rather than eradicate infections, so tim-
ing is critical and repeat applications
may be necessary. In addition to syn-
thetic fungicides, sodium bicarbonate
(baking soda) in combination with hor-
ticultural oils has been shown to control
powdery mildew of roses when used in
a solution of about 4 teaspoons of bak-
ing soda per gallon of water with a 1%
solution (or about 1 oz) of narrow range
oil. The best time to apply this solution
to avoid problems with phytotoxicity is
during cool weather. Sodium bicarbon-
ate is deleterious to maintenance of soil
pH and soil structure and may leave
white foliar deposits, so numerous ap-
plications with resulting runoff should
be avoided. Commercial fungicides
containing potassium bicarbonate
(Kaligreen, Remedy) are also available.
Commercial formulations of neem oil
will also control powdery mildew.
Downy mildew, caused by the fungus
Peronospora sparsa, requires moist, hu-
mid conditions. Interveinal, angular
purple, red, or brown spots appear on
leaves, followed by leaf yellowing and
abscission. Fruiting bodies of the fun-
gus occasionally may be
observed on the under-
sides of leaves.
Downy mildew can
be reduced by in-
creasing air circula-
tion through
pruning and avoid-
ing frequent over-
head irrigation.
Control with fungi-
cides is very diffi-
cult; environmental management is
much more likely to be effective.
Downy mildew is most likely to cause
problems in coastal areas of California.
white areas:
powdery mildew
dark areas:
downy mildew
In addition to diseases caused by bacte-
rial, fungal, and viral pathogens, roses
may display symptoms similar to those
that are the result of chemical toxicities,
mineral deficiencies, or environmental
problems. Such problems are termed
abiotic disorders and can often be cor-
rected by changing environmental con-
Rust, caused by the fungus Phragmi-
dium disciflorum, is favored by cool,
moist weather such as that found in
coastal areas of California and may also
be a problem inland
during wet years. In-
fected plants have
small orange pus-
tules on leaf under-
sides; upper sides of
leaves may discolor
and leaves may
drop. Avoid over-
head watering and prune back severely
affected canes. During the winter collect
and dispose of leaves remaining on the
Powdery mildew, caused by the fungus
Sphaerotheca pannosa var. rosae, is recog-
nized by its white to gray powdery
growth on leaves, shoots, sepals, buds,
and occasionally on petals. Leaves may
distort and drop. Powdery mildew does
not require free water on the plant sur-
faces to develop and is active during
California’s warm, dry summers. Over-
head sprinkling (irrigation or washing)
Publication 7463
University of California
Agriculture and Natural Resources
Revised October 2003
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October 2003
Roses: Diseases and Abiotic Disorders
plants as well as those that have fallen
off. Low levels of damage can be toler-
ated without significant losses. Preven-
tive applications of fungicides can be
used, but frequent applications may be
needed and may not be justified in gar-
den or landscape situations.
available. Hybrid teas and old-fash-
ioned climbing and rambler roses are
most often affected.
Herbicide damage may be manifest in a
variety of symptoms, which include
cupped, curled, or yellowed leaves,
small leaves, or death of the entire
plant. The herbicide class and the dos-
age to the plant determine which symp-
toms appear and their severity. Injury
from glyphosate (e.g., Roundup) is
relatively common. Damage symptoms
caused by this herbicide may not ap-
pear during the season of application,
especially if application is made in au-
tumn, but may appear the following
spring as a proliferation of small shoots
and leaves from buds. The plant will
outgrow the injury if the dosage was
not too high.
Viruses, including rose mosaic virus
and others, may infect rose plants al-
though damage may be mostly cos-
metic with little reduction in plant
vigor. Mosaic viruses can cause a vari-
ety of yellow zig-zagging patterns,
splotching, or vein clearing. Symptoms
are most pronounced in spring but may
disappear almost completely during
summer. Rose leaf curl virus causes
leaves to curl downward and die, often
with some overall yellowing. There is
no known treatment for viruses. Toler-
ate or destroy infected plants and ob-
tain virus-free stock for future
plantings. Because mosaic viruses are
not vectored by insects but rather are
spread through propagation of plant
parts, obtaining clean planting stock is
the primary management strategy.
Black spot, caused by the fungus
Diplocarpon rosae, produces black spots
with feathery or fibrous
margins on the upper
surfaces of leaves and
stems. Small black
fruiting bodies are
often present in spots on
the upper sides of leaves.
There is no fungal growth on
the undersides of leaves.
The fungus requires free water to repro-
duce and grow, so leaves should not be
allowed to remain wet for more than 7
hours. (When hosing off aphids, do it in
the morning so leaves have a chance to
dry by midday.) Provide good air circu-
lation around bushes. Remove fallen
leaves and other infested material and
prune out infected stems during the
dormant season. Black spot is usually
not a problem in most of California.
Miniature roses are more susceptible
than other types, although a few variet-
ies are reliably resistant to all strains of
black spot. If required, fungicides (such
as chlorothalonil or triforine) can be
applied preventively. A combination of
sodium bicarbonate or potassium bicar-
bonate plus horticultural oil (as dis-
cussed above under “Powdery
mildew”) or neem oil has also been
shown to be effective in reducing black
Botrytis blight, caused by the fungus
Botrytis cinerea, is favored by high
humidity. Affected plants
have spotted flower petals
and buds that fail to open,
often with woolly gray
fungal spores on decaying
tissue. Twigs die back and
large, diffuse, targetlike
splotches form on canes. Reduce
humidity around plants by modi-
fying irrigation, pruning, and
reducing ground cover. Remove and
dispose of fallen leaves and petals.
Prune out infested canes, buds, and
flowers. Botrytis blight is usually a
problem only during spring and fall in
most of California and during summer
along coastal areas when the climate is
cool and foggy.
Nutrient deficiencies cause specific
symptoms. Nitrogen deficiency causes
leaves to yellow and older leaves to
drop. Because many California soils
have low percentages of organic matter,
the nitrogen reserve is typically low
and this nutrient should be added as
inorganic fertilizer or from organic
sources. Micronutrient deficiencies,
especially iron and zinc, appear as
interveinal chlorosis of new leaves.
These elements may be deficient be-
cause soils are too wet or too alkaline,
or because the soil type, such as sandy
loam, is low in micronutrient content.
Because inorganic forms of iron and
zinc form insoluble precipitates in alka-
line soils, iron and zinc may be applied
directly to foliage. Iron and zinc in a
chelated form may be applied to either
soil or foliage.
Anthracnose, caused by the fungus
Sphaceloma rosarum, results in leaf spots.
When first formed, spots are red or
sometimes brown to purple. Later the
centers turn gray or
white and have a dark
red margin. Fruiting
bodies may appear in
the middle of the spot
and the lesion may
fall out creating a shot
hole symptom. No infor-
mation on management is
Botrytis blight (see above).
Nutrient excesses may limit rose
growth if the total salt level becomes
too high. The results are a lack of vigor
and short shoots, although no definitive
leaf symptoms may occur. A few nutri-
ents cause specific toxicities. Boron may
be found in excess in some California
soils and will cause stunting of plants,
chlorosis, and marginal necrosis of the
newest leaves.
Stem cankers and diebac k can be
caused by a number of different fungi.
Cankers are brown, often with gray
centers or small, black, spore-producing
structures on dead tissue. Provide
proper care to keep plants vigorous.
Prune out diseased or dead tissue, mak-
ing cuts at an angle in healthy tissue
just above a node. Avoid wounding
canes. Cankers often develop after cold
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October 2003
Roses: Diseases and Abiotic Disorders
temperature injury, so early spring
pruning may not effectively eliminate
them if late frosts occur, and additional
late spring pruning may be necessary.
woody plants including fruit trees, or-
namentals, and roses as well as some
herbaceous plants including chrysan-
themums and daisies. Crown gall bacte-
ria invade tissue after
wounding. Galls, in the
form of large, distorted
tissue growth, form at
the base of the cane or
sometimes on roots or
farther up on stems.
Infected canes can be
stunted and discolored.
Do not plant susceptible
plants in infested soil or near infected
plants. Purchase and plant only high
quality planting stock.
A Nonpesticidal Method for Controlling
Diseases, Nematodes, and Weeds. Oak-
land: Univ. Calif. Agric. Nat. Res. Publ.
Winter injury from cold temperatures
results in dead or dying flowers, twigs,
and stems. Roses may be protected over
the winter in cold mountain areas with
a thick layer of leaf mulch. Winter in-
jury may be followed by stem canker
diseases caused by pathogens that
move into injured tissue.
Flint, M. L., and J. F. Karlik. Sept. 1999.
Pest Notes: Roses in the Garden and
Landscape—Insect and Mite Pests and
Beneficials. Oakland: Univ. Calif. Agric.
Nat. Res. Publ. 7466. Also available
online at www.ipm.ucdavis.edu.
Horst, R. K. 1983. Compendium of Rose
Diseases. St. Paul: APS Press.
Sunburn appears as blackened areas,
especially on the south and west sides
of canes. Sunburn is caused by exces-
sive temperatures on rose canes, usu-
ally as an indirect result of defoliation
caused by drought stress or spider mite
pressure. Reflected heat from masonry,
vinyl siding, or rock mulch may also
cause canes to sunburn.
Karlik, J. F. July 2003. Pest Notes: Roses
in the Garden and Landscape—Cultural
Practices and Weed Control. Oakland:
Univ. Calif. Div. Agric. Nat. Res.
Publ. 7465. Also available online at
Dreistadt, S. H. 1994. Pests of Landscape
Trees and Shrubs. Oakland: Univ. Calif.
Agric. Nat. Res. Publ. 3359.
Crown gall, caused by the bacterium
Agrobacterium tumefaciens, affects many
Elmore, C. L., J. J. Stapleton, C. E. Bell,
and J. DeVay. 1997. Soil Solarization:
For more information contact the University
of California Cooperative Extension or agri-
cultural commissioner’s office in your coun-
ty. See your phone book for addresses and
phone numbers.
AUTHOR: J. F. Karlik
Produced by IPM Education and Publica-
tions, UC Statewide IPM Program, Universi-
ty of California, Davis, CA 95616-8620
Pesticides are poisonous. Always read and carefully follow all precautions and safety recommendations
given on the container label. Store all chemicals in the original labeled containers in a locked cabinet or shed,
away from food or feeds, and out of the reach of children, unauthorized persons, pets, and livestock.
Confine chemicals to the property being treated. Avoid drift onto neighboring properties, especially
gardens containing fruits or vegetables ready to be picked.
Do not place containers containing pesticide in the trash nor pour pesticides down sink or toilet. Either
use the pesticide according to the label or take unwanted pesticides to a Household Hazardous Waste
Collection site. Contact your county agricultural commissioner for additional information on safe container
disposal and for the location of the Household Hazardous Waste Collection site nearest you. Dispose of
empty containers by following label directions. Never reuse or burn the containers or dispose of them in such
a manner that they may contaminate water supplies or natural waterways.
This Pest Note is available on the World
Wide Web (http://www.ipm.ucdavis.edu)
This publication has been anonymously peer re-
viewed for technical accuracy by University of Cal-
ifornia scientists and other qualified professionals.
This review process was managed by the ANR
Associate Editor for Pest Management.
To simplify information, trade names of products
have been used. No endorsement of named products
is intended, nor is criticism implied of similar products
that are not mentioned.
This material is partially based upon work
supported by the Extension Service, U.S. Department
of Agriculture, under special project Section 3(d),
Integrated Pest Management.
The University of California prohibits discrimination against or harassment of any person employed by or
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