My So-Called Life - Episode 15 - So-Called Angels - [Ripped by Jeromeo].txt

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00:00:00:<i>Angel of God, my Guardlan Dear, , ,</i>
00:00:04:<i>to whom God's love</i>|<i>and trust me here,</i>
00:00:09:<i>Ever thls day, be at my slde, to llght,</i>|<i>to guard, to rule and to gulde, Amen,</i>
00:00:18:<i>l have nowhere to go,</i>|<i>l am so hungry,</i>
00:00:23:<i>Dear God,</i>
00:01:23:lt's not fair. Angela got a|new bike when she was eleven.
00:01:27:Do you keep a running tally of|everything we bought for Angela?
00:01:31:- Well, yeah.|- Danielle, we can't afford that--
00:01:35:A Christmas card from the Levettis?
00:01:39:l finally took|them off the list!
00:01:41:We haven't seen them since|Danielle started solids. . .
00:01:43:and now out of nowhere|they send this?
00:01:45:Patty, it's a greeting card,|not a dead fish.
00:01:47:Yes, but if l send them a card now,|it's going to look like. . .
00:01:50:l'm only sending them a card|because they sent us a card.
00:01:53:- Angela got new boots?|- Danielle, stop keeping score.
00:01:57:- Those are nice, they must be warm.|- How come we never go to church?
00:02:04:You know,|in the last few years, you girls. . .
00:02:09:- haven't shown much enthusiasm.|- So, do you believe in God?
00:02:16:Look, just because--
00:02:17:J ust because we don't attend church|on a regular basis doesn't mean that--
00:02:20:Exactly, you can believe|in God without--
00:02:23:Yeah, because your father|was raised Catholic, and l . . .
00:02:27:wasn't so we have|certain differences. . .
00:02:31:which doesn't mean that we don't--
00:02:33:Do we have to keep|talking about religion?
00:02:36:lt's Christmas.
00:02:51:Boy, people really get swept up|in this Christmas thing?
00:02:54:You mean, you don't?
00:02:55:Yeah, but my mom and l like|to wait for stuff to go on sale.
00:02:59:- Oh, my God.|- Oh, it's okay. l'm fine.
00:03:02:l was running to catch the bus and|l slipped on a stupid patch of ice.
00:03:06:All these people had to help me.|lt was stupid l was embarrassed.
00:03:14:So you landed on your|face or something?
00:03:16:l don't know, how am|l supposed to know?
00:03:18:Does anybody have quarters? l need|to get a candy bar before Soc.
00:03:21:lt's cool, l've got change.
00:03:25:Cool. See you later.
00:03:28:Rayanne, do you think|it was true about falling?
00:03:32:Sure, probably. l don't know.
00:03:37:Look, Angel Food, there is--
00:03:40:See, Rickie has this tendency|to get beat up. . .
00:03:45:and he doesn't|always love talking about it.
00:03:52:- Teen Help Line.|- Yeah, what about it?
00:03:55:l don't know, just. . .
00:03:57:making depressed people|talk to someone like you?
00:03:59:Couldn't that, l don't know,|push them over the edge?
00:04:04:Over the edge.|That's like your address, right?
00:04:24:Krakow! Hey, here,|take some of these.
00:04:26:So we're set, right?|Christmas Eve, you and l . . .
00:04:28:representing Liberty|at the Teen Help Line.
00:04:31:- Listen, Cherski--|- Krakow, you signed up.
00:04:36:So, unsign me.
00:04:42:You will not believe what|Bernice and Bob Krakow did.
00:04:46:l know, but just that once, right?|To make Brian.
00:04:50:- They skipped town.|- What?
00:04:53:Seriously.|They're on some ten-day cruise.
00:04:56:Bernice called me from the boat,|would l look in on Brian.
00:04:59:Brian is a level-headed kid.
00:05:01:He probably likes|having the place to himself.
00:05:03:For Christmas?
00:05:05:The Krakows|are Jewish, aren't they?
00:05:07:Didn't Hanukkah already happen,|or something?
00:05:09:Even so.|Girls! We're going out. . .
00:05:14:to purchase a few lumps of coal.
00:05:16:l love the mall this time of year.
00:05:18:So what do you|want for Christmas, shorty?
00:05:21:l want you to come with us|to church on Christmas Eve.
00:05:27:- Would you just think about it?|- Church isn't for me.
00:05:31:We should get going|before all the junk. . .
00:05:33:- that nobody needs is snapped up.|- Wait. Look.
00:05:35:l know that it hasn't been|a part of our lives. . .
00:05:38:and it certainly isn't a part|of the girls, but the thing is. . .
00:05:41:l want it to be.
00:05:44:Then you should go.
00:06:06:Who is it?|Who's there?
00:06:11:- Hey, it's okay.|- Rickie, what are you doing?
00:06:13:Sorry, did l scare you?
00:06:19:No, l just--
00:06:24:Come in.
00:06:28:l was at Brian's so l just thought,|you know, l'd stop by.
00:06:34:Today at Rayanne's, Amber's|boyfriend Rusty was there.
00:06:39:Boy is he unfriendly.
00:06:42:So you went from|Rayanne's to Brian's?
00:06:44:Yes, l just realized, Amber and|Rusty both like earth tones.
00:06:48:lsn't it kind of late at|night to like drop by?
00:06:52:No, she's right.|l should go, you know?
00:06:58:God, your house smells amazing.
00:07:01:My dad is teaching this|cooking class now, so. . .
00:07:03:he's trying lots of recipes.
00:07:08:Are you hungry?
00:07:17:Thanks. l must have|forgotten to eat lunch today.
00:07:19:lt must have slipped|my mind or something.
00:07:22:Yeah, it happens to me sometimes.
00:07:24:<i>Who tracked all these wet</i>|<i>footprlnts ln the hall?</i>
00:07:30:Oh, Rickie is here.|Graham, look, Rickie is here.
00:07:35:- Clearly.|- He was visiting Brian Krakow. . .
00:07:37:l guess my shoes are leaky.|l'll wipe it up. l'm sorry.
00:07:40:lt's no big deal. Sweetie,|could we see you for a minute?
00:07:44:l need you to try something on.
00:07:57:Look, it's no big deal, all right?
00:08:00:J ust tell us what's going on and|we'll decide if it's a big deal.
00:08:03:- What happened? Was he in a fight?|- He says he fell.
00:08:05:Well, in any case, it's awfully|late to be having friends over.
00:08:10:- l don't think he has anywhere to go.|- Did he say that?
00:08:13:No, l just have this feeling.
00:08:15:Look, sweetie, if he's run|away from home. . .
00:08:18:or if there's|something really wrong--
00:08:20:- Maybe we should talk to him.|- No, that'll just freak him out worse.
00:08:23:Couldn't he just|stay here for one night?
00:08:25:Honey, it's not our place.|What if his parents are expecting him?
00:08:30:What if-- Honey, having him|stay here is not the answer.
00:08:33:Then what is the answer?|Oh, no. Rickie!
00:08:51:He's gone.
00:09:23:You need a ride or something?
00:09:43:- So where are we going?|- Let me think.
00:09:50:Look, if you need someplace|to crash, l know a place.
00:10:03:My old man used to|knock me around, too.
00:10:09:He did?
00:10:11:Hasn't done it in a couple|of years, though.
00:10:14:He's too scared.|Because the last time. . .
00:10:20:l threw a chair at him.
00:10:26:l'm going to light a candle|for you on Christmas Eve.
00:10:29:Oh, yeah? You think|that changes anything?
00:11:07:Were we wrong?|Down there about Rickie?
00:11:11:No, we weren't wrong.
00:11:13:l mean, what do we really know|about that boy, you know?
00:11:18:- Virtually nothing.|- We've never met his family, l mean. . .
00:11:22:how on earth are we supposed|to know what the situation is?
00:11:25:l know, you're right.
00:11:28:Except, l think he does make|you kind of uncomfortable.
00:11:33:What do you mean?|Because he wears makeup?
00:11:35:No, l'm just saying.
00:11:39:What if that was Brian Krakow|with that bruise on his face?
00:11:43:That would be a different|story, wouldn't it?
00:11:46:Graham, you can't|compare them. l mean. . .
00:11:49:l've known Brian Krakow|since he was five years old.
00:11:52:l know. So have l . Now all l'm asking|is: Should that make a difference?
00:11:58:Well, maybe not.|But it does.
00:12:04:l know.
00:12:12:Angelica, chill.
00:12:14:Where is he?|Why isn't he at school?
00:12:16:Maybe he's coming in late. Maybe|he's at some Sal M ineo film festival.
00:12:22:l should have hidden|him in my room.
00:12:24:Stop acting so guilty.|He probably went to his cousins'.
00:12:27:He stays there sometimes.|Angela. . .
00:12:31:you can't be responsible|for the whole world.
00:12:38:What is this big|thing about Christmas?
00:12:40:Everyone talks about it like it's|the Second Coming, or something.
00:12:43:Krakow, this is when people|need the help line, okay?
00:12:47:People get so stressed|over this holiday stuff. . .
00:12:51:they experience actual symptoms|of depression, or whatever.
00:12:55:Like total hopelessness and despair.
00:12:58:Oh, yeah, so what?|What do l care?
00:13:00:And like, loss of|appetite, or whatever.
00:13:04:- Christmas cookie?|- l am not hungry.
00:13:08:But l promised the supervisor, Brian.|You are the only one l can ask.
00:13:13:lt's Christmas Eve.|People have plans.
00:13:17:Oh, except me, huh? l know.|Get Brian, he never has any plans.
00:13:23:Happy holidays.
00:13:35:Damn Santa Claus pin,|the stupid nose broke.
00:13:39:l'm just going to let that one go.|That's too easy.
00:13:41:So Brian Krakow completely|screwed me over.
00:13:44:Oh, really.|How non-unusual.
00:13:46:Do you like know him?
00:13:48:Not real well.|We slept together once.
00:13:52:lt's a joke, Cherski. Bubbles?
00:13:56:l told the help line two volunteers|from Liberty H igh on Christmas Eve.
00:14:01:l mean, how do l get myself|into these situations?
00:14:04:Wild guess. Stupidity?|No, no, you're right.
00:14:07:Because l do it over and over again.
00:14:10:l am like so overextended. l mean,|besides the help line, l have. . .
00:14:14:this whole holiday basket thing l|said l'd make for this nursing home. . .
00:14:18:plus l have like two million|presents to wrap, not to mention. . .
00:14:21:the fifty thousand social events|l said l'd go to, and. . .
00:14:27:l have to say, you're|a pretty good listener.
00:14:30:Well, ...
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