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Real Conversation with Kristin
Hi, it's AJ and this is Kristin.
(Kristin) One of the directors of Learn Real Engish.
Yes, of course she's one of the directors of Learn Real English, my best friend;
and we've known each other for years and years, and uh today as part of your
Power English bonuses we're going to have a real conversation and we're going
to talk about our good friend, Todd, and you will actually, you will meet Todd in a
later conversation.
But um, our friend Todd is moving to Thailand, and we have known Todd for how
many years?
(Kristin) Since, aaah, 2000, or actually 1999 - 1999, 2000, so for several years
And, golly wow, we've done so much together with Todd, and so we, we met in
South Carolina.
(Kristin) Uh-hm.
And then we, uh...
(Kristin) I met Todd in uh my massage program actually. I'm also a massage
therapist, as well as being a teacher.
That's right. And then I met Todd through Kristin.
(Kristin) Uh-hm.
And um, and then we all lived in South Carolina for a couple of years.
(Kristin) Yep
And, you know, we, we became friends and we hung out and did a lot of stuff and
then from there, um, oh then we went to Georgia, right?
(Kristin) Yeah, yeah.
To Kingsville, Georgia, ah, Kristin moved to Gainesville, Georgia, her hometown,
and then.
(Kristin) And then after that, we moved to Bangkok, Thailand. The three of us
were living in Thailand from 2003 until 2005.
Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's right, yeah, that's right. Ah, and we, um, went there
and we were all in a program learning how to teach English. So Todd was in a
certificate program. He got a, ah, TSOL Certificate it's called, teach, how to
teach English certificate, and then Kristin and I both got Master's Degrees, but
they were all through the same university. Um, and so, God, we have that
experience living all, living in Thailand together, and going to another country,
you know, adjusting, we, Todd met his wife there. His wife is Thai.
(Kristin) Yep.
Ah, so we have a lot of, all three of us, call each other the three amigos
sometimes. Amigo means "friend" in Spanish.
(Kristin) Right.
Um, so I don't know, it was, it was interesting, right, cause?
(Kristin) Uh-hmm. So Todd is now, after three and half, four years of living in
San Francisco, he is leaving Monday night to move back to Thailand.
And yeah, I'm little, so I'm kind of a little bit sad about it myself.
(Kristin) Yeah, me too.
It feels a little strange that, cause we've been through all this together, living in
South Carolina, and oh being in Georgia at one point together, and then going
all, going on this big trip to Thailand together and living there, and then ah, and
then all coming back to San Francisco together. Todd came here first and then
me and then Kristin.
(Kristin) Uh-humm.
So, seems like we've always been in the same place and so it's, it's kind of sad
for us that ,so that Todd's moving back to Thailand to be with his wife. He's
gonna start a, a very interesting business on a island there, but ah, I don't know,
it feels, I feel, feel strange, though, that he's leaving.
(Kristin) I, I do too, but I'm happy for him because since coming to San
Francisco, he's been really stressed out from the work he's been doing here, so I
think, he sees Thailand as just being a little bit more, of having a relaxed, stress-
reduced life, and he's excited to start making bungalows and having, a, a
business bringing tourists into this island that he owns land upon to, um, to stay
at his bungalows, so.
Yeah, it, it'll be good for em. I'm happy for him to and I want to help him make a
web site for his bungalows and everything, so yeah, I know it's a great choice for
him too, but just personally I'm sad, because, ya know, he'll be leaving, but of
course, we go. We're going to Thailand this winter, so.
(Kristin) Yeah.
So, we're gonna see him.
(Kristin) We'll see him, yeah, just in a few months.
(Kristin) And then as, as I mentioned, I gave him a card today and I said, you
know, I'll see you in a few months and after that time period where I come to
Thailand and see you, who knows after that? Maybe I'll be coming back, having
an extended stay in, in Thailand. I don't know.
Yup, me neither. I, I definitely am planning; in fact, I'm going to create a business
in Thailand this year. You know, officially, legally, make, make it a business and
um, you know I love, I love Thailand. I love southeast Asia in general, east Asia
in general, so, ah, it's a place I will keep going to, probably every year, and
especially because I'm building a business there doing seminars and speeches.
Umm, and Kristin and Joe also, hopefully.
(Kristin) Yeah.
So, you know, we're going to be seeing him, ah, you know, I'm hoping we see
him every year, ah, so, Todd's still in our life, and we're, we're still gonna be
spending a lot of time with him, even though he's, you know, leaving for now.
(Kristin) Right.
And, speaking of that, I'm also excited about our seminars, and we're gonna do a
big one in Bangkok, and maybe one in Singapore, and of course, Korea and
Japan also. So, it'd be me and you and Joe and Tomoe, and we're all excited
about doing these, ah, seminars.
(Kristin) Yeah.
Are you excited about it?
(Kristin) I'm excited, yeah.
(Kristin) Definitely, um-hmm.
Have you been, ah, talking to Joe about it? Is he, how does he feel about it?
(Kristin) Umm, I haven't been talking to Joe a lot. He's been, ah, pretty busy,
staying busy, ah, working still at his current job 40 hours a week, so he's just
recently cut back to three days a week, and so, his mindset is going more
towards our business, but we haven't started really talking about our seminars or
making any set plans. I think he will be excited though.
And I guess we, we can talk about this. So, Ssssh, don't tell Joe we talked,
talked about this topic. He's a little sensitive about it.
But, Kristin and I have been pushing Joe to do Learn Real English full time.
(Kristin) Yeah.
Because Kristin's now full time, ah, she's not working any other job. Of course,
I'm more than full time, Effortless English plus Learn Real English. Tomoe's full
time now working on Effortless Japanese and also Effortless English. So, but
Joe - crazy! He's been working his computer job full time still and ah we're ah.
(Kristin) But he's just cut back to three days and I think by the end of the year,
he's, he's going to be, umm, going full time to Learn Real English, so.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
(Kristin) That's his plan.
So, he's planning. He's planning to finally go full time with it, kinda pushing him,
pushing him, and I'm hoping he'll have a great, ah, experience this year, both
2010, January in 2010, beginning, ummm. I'm hoping he'll have a good
experience with the seminars. I know for me, I love them, because there's so
much energy and everybody's so happy and having a good time and learning,
and I'm hoping he'll experience more and more of that.
(Kristin) Hmmm.
Because really up until now, our seminars, I've been the one always up in front,
and Kristin and Joe having been supporting and helping. They haven't been up
speaking. This time when we, we go to Asia, we will all be sharing the time on
the front, on the stage, and its, I think you'll enjoy it and ah.
(Kristin) Ummm, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I think so too.
And, and I think Joe will also.
(Kristin) Right.
So, I don't know. Anything else you want to talk about, or is that our conversation
about Todd?
(Kristin) Umm, yeah, just that I think, like AJ was saying, we're both really sad
that he's leaving, but at the same time, I'm also happy for him. I think, I think he's
excited to be with his wife and to start fulfilling a dream that he's had as far as
having bungalows on this island, so.
That's true, he's got, they've got land on a beach. The Island is called Koh
Phayam. It's near Ranong, Thailand, if you're Thai.
(Kristin) Up near the Burmese border on the Andaman side of the peninsula, the
Thai Peninsula.
Yeah, and ummm, so they've, they've got land. They want to build these little
bungalows and make kind of a health center retreat on the beach, so he has all
these; you know, very ah, great plans and dreams for it, so it's nice. I mean, I
think, ah, it'll be great for him. It's, he's a little scared right now because I know
like just starting a business and doing something so big and new, it's a little scary
when you begin, but, um, I think he'll do well. It's going to be something that
grows and yeah, so I'm happy also for him.
(Kristin) Right.
But just sad to see him go, because I won't be able to just call em up on the
phone and go to a movie with him, or something anytime, except when I'm in
(Kristin) Right.
Yeah, yeah, so, uuuuh, well, I guess that's it, right?
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