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NCSExpert Tutorial
NCSExpert Modify PSW_ V1.0
by Mark
UPDATE: 24th June 2009 to Version 1.0
What you need.
NCSExpert 3.10.0
Fisters Profile
I’m not providing any files due to legality issues, the files are out there you can find them.
In this tutorial I am going to disable the Legal Disclaimer that pops up on the Idrive unit of an E90.
This excercise is purely for example and can be adapter for different modules and different changes.
Once NCS is open Choose File from the top menu
Select Load Profil
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2010-10-12 01:11
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NCSExpert Tutorial
Choose Fister profile if you have obtained it or new_expertmode / car/key memory.
Then Press F1 or choose VIN/ZCS/FA
Now press F3 or choose ZCS/FA f. Ecu
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2010-10-12 01:11
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NCSExpert Tutorial
Select the model car, In this case E89 which is for the E90
Chose the Module in which to read the ZCS/FA, In this case we chose CAS.
Upon seeing the above screen with the FG and FA Values displayed simply hit F6 or Back.
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2010-10-12 01:11
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NCSExpert Tutorial
You will now get a list of installed modules that were identified when communication with the chosen module as before.
Choose Process ECU to work with a single module.
Select the Module/ECU you would like to work with, In this case the CAPPL. (CCC Unit)
Press OK on the following screen.
4 von 10
2010-10-12 01:11
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NCSExpert Tutorial
Now you can choose READ ECU to perform a read out of the module.
You will get a NETTODAT.TRC file popup simply close it.
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2010-10-12 01:11
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