3E Birthright - Birthright Conversion Manual v1.31.pdf

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conversion manual
The Unofficial
3 rd Edition Dungeons & Dragons ®
Birthright ® Campaign Setting
Conversion Manual
Version 1.31
October 1st, 2000
Compiled/Edited by: Travis Doom (travis.doom@wright.edu)
Contributions by: Mike Spehar, James Frampton, and members of the
Birthright mailing list.
Thanks to: The Adventure’s Guild of Wright State University
This conversion manual is not for sale or resale.
AD&D, ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, DUNGEON MASTER, BIRTHRIGHT, and the TSR logo are registered trademarks owned by TSR, Inc.
All TSR characters, character names, and the distinctive likenesses
thereof are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc.
TSR, Inc. is a subsidiary of Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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details about plot, conversations, descriptive text, etc.
Remember that the goal of the conversion document isn't
to replace the original product -- it is to serve as a sup-
plement. No one should be able to print out a conversion
document and run an entire adventure without having the
original in hand.
With these restrictions in mind, I have done my best to
accurately present a set of rules that will allow new or
existing BIRTHRIGHT ® campaigns to take advantage of the
3rd edition Dungeons & Dragons. Rules which are not
strictly necessary for a baseline conversion under this
philosophy, but which I feel more accurately represent
the underling mechanics of Cerilia under 3rd edition, will
be presented as optional rules in this conversion manual.
The BIRTHRIGHT ® campaign setting allows players to ex-
plore the grand scope of national politics as they guide
their domains and influence the events of Cerilia. Al-
though discontinued, the BIRTHRIGHT ® setting has con-
tinued to engage the imaginations of a small (but loyal)
group of adherents who enjoy role-playing in the rich
tapestry of Cerilia. These loyal adherents face a new dif-
ficulty with the transformation of the 2nd edition Ad-
vanced Dungeons & Dragons game into the 3rd edition
Dungeons & Dragons rules system.
This is a book for such players – a tome of information
for players facing a transition to the new rules system.
This conversion manual is designed to be used in con-
junction with published BIRTHRIGHT ® Campaign Setting
material, the 3rd edition Dungeons and Dragons ® Players
Handbook (PHB), and the 3rd edition Dungeon and
Dragons ® Conversion Manual .
Whats new?
The following changes have been made since the previ-
ous minor version of this document:
Many minor editing errors have been fixed.
Information from the DMG has been incorporated.
The magician class has been redefined.
WotC's Jim Butler gave his blessing to the notion of con-
verting old AD&D materials to 3rd edition Dungeons &
Dragons (on DND-L):
We [at WotC] wholeheartedly encourage anyone to
go through and make whatever conversion notes for
various products they'd like. Just don't OCR the en-
tire product in with those conversions and make the
entire product available. Make them notes that can
be used with the product, not a complete reprint.
We'll be releasing all of the older, out-of-print game
materials over the website at some point in the near
future. Some of these products will be available for
free, while others will be pay-for downloads or sub-
scription-based (your choice). You're free to make
the conversions and include the entire text of the
free products available. For the pay-for products,
we ask that you stick with the conversions.
In addition, Eric Noah has provided the following sage
advice regarding conversion to 3rd edition Dungeon &
Dragons ( www.rpgplanet.com/dnd3e ).
Convert "by the book": Don't extrapolate more than nec-
essary or add to what is there, just convert from 2E to 3E.
Convert only what needs converting: If it turns out that a
potion of healing is the same in 3E as it was in 2E, then
don't mention it in the conversion.
Quote only what needs quoting: This goes for the prod-
uct being converted as well as the 3E rulebooks. The less
that is quoted, the less risk their is of violating copyright.
Examples: Only certain game-mechanic aspects of the
work need to be converted. There is no need to include
What remains to be done?
The scope of this version of this conversion manual is a
comprehensive conversion of the core BIRTHRIGHT ® rules
(found in the box set). Conversion rules for material from
other BIRTHRIGHT ® material has not been comprehen-
sively covered. For instance, no attempt has been made
in this edition of the conversion manual to address:
The spells and magic items appearing the Books of
Magecraft, Priestcraft, and Regency, or els ewhere.
Blood abilities from the Book of Regency and Blood
Enemies .
The NPC or monster statistics appearing in any
BIRTHRIGHT ® sourcebook other than the box set.
Domain actions from Havens of the Great Bay and
the Book of Regency .
Prestige classes for BIRTHRIGHT ® kits.
This material may be presented in subsequent major ver-
sions of this conversion manual. Persons wishing to
contribute to future editions should contact the author.
Printing this document
This document is best viewed (and printed) from a ma-
chine which has Arjan Duijs’ BIRTHRIGHT ® -like true-type
font “bebris”. Unfortunately, I have been unable to em-
bed this font in the PDF file with the tools that I have
available. Arjan has made the bebris font available as a
download on www.birthright.net
Part I:
Character race
Cerilia is home to a number of races that differ slightly
from the standard races described in the 3rd edition PHB.
The traits for Cerilian versions of standard PC races are
presented below.
Human Racial Traits
Most human Cerilian characters belong to one of the
five common nationalities or subraces. Ability ad-
justment by subrace: *
Character generation
BIRTHRIGHT ® characters are generated or converted in the
same way as characters in other 3rd edition Dungeons &
Dragons campaigns, with a few campaign-specific excep-
+1 Wis, -1 Dex
+1 Dex, -1 Wis
+1 Int, -1 Con
+1 Con, -1 Cha
+1 Str, -1 Int
Medium-size; base speed of 30 feet.
Ability scores
Existing characters and NPCs should follow the guide-
lines for converting ability scores that appears in the
Conversion Manual. New characters should be gener-
ated using the rules appearing in the PBH or DMG. The
standard point buy system (DMG, pg. 19-20) seems par-
ticularly suitable for BIRTHRIGHT ® . In keeping with the
new feel of Dungeons & Dragons, it may be appropriate
to use the optional point buy system for bloodline
strength when creating new characters (see bloodline
generation in Part II of this manual for the optional rules
on purchasing blood strength). If using this optional ex-
tension characters should receive an additional 4 points.
A total of 32 (28+4) points is therefore recommend for a
“tougher” regent-level BIRTHRIGHT ® campaign.
Bonus feat at first level.
Bonus skill points.
Automatic Language: Anuirean, Basarji, Brecht, Rju-
ven, or Vos. Bonus Languages: Andu, Anuirean,
Low Brecht, High Brecht, Basarji, Rjuven, Vos, Sid-
helien, Karamhul, Giant, Gnoll, Goblin, Orog, Ogrish,
Favored Class: Any.
Dwarven (Karamhul) Racial Traits
+2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity. *
Medium-size; base speed of 20 feet.
Darkvision: Dwarves can see in the dark up to 60 feet
(in black and white).
Stonecunning: +2 to notice unusual stonework;
automatically sense depth underground.
Increased density: A dwarf's dense body suffers
only half damage from bludgeoning attacks.
point buy system
Enduring strength: Dwarves can carry amazing bur-
dens. Dwarves receive a +4 bonus to strength when
determining carrying capacity.
+2 racial bonus on saves vs. poison & spells.
+2 dodge bonus against orogs and ogres.
+2 racial bonus to appraise and craft checks related
to stone and metal objects.
Automatic Languages: Karamhul. Bonus Lan-
guages: Anuirean, Low Brecht, Basarji, Rjuven, Vos,
Sidhelien, Gnoll, Goblin, Orog, Ogrish, Troll.
Favored Class: Fighter.
Elven (Sidhelien) Racial Traits
+1 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence, -1 Constitution, -1
Strength. *
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Medium-size; base speed of 30 feet.
Halfling Racial Traits
Immunity to magic sleep spells and a +2 racial saving
throw bonus against Enchantment spells or effects.
+1 Dexterity, -2 Strength, +1 Wisdom. *
Small-sized, base speed of 20 feet. As Small crea-
tures, halflings gain a +1 size bonus to Armor Class,
a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus
on Hide checks, but they must use smaller weapons
than humans use, and their lifting and carrying ca-
pacities are three-quarters those of Medium-size
Low-light Vision: Elves can see by starlight as well
as humans see by daylight.
Agelessness: The Sidhelien are creatures of faerie
dust and starlight. Gifted with immortality, they do
not suffer the ravages of time and are thus immune to
aging attacks and normal disease.
Trackless Step: A Cerilian elf leaves no trail in natural
surroundings and cannot be tracked (as a druid).
+2 racial bonus on Listen, Climb, Jump, and Move
Silently checks.
Woodland Stride: A Cerilian elf may move though
any natural terrain or impairment without damage or
penalty (as a druid).
+1 racial bonus to all saving throws.
+2 morale bonus on saving throws vs. fear.
+1 racial attack bonus with a thrown weapon.
Proficient with either longsword or rapier; proficient
with shortbow, longbow, composite longbow, com-
posite shortbow.
Faerie Sight: Halflings possess the ability to see into
the Shadow World. By concentrating, halflings may
make a Search check to detect evil (DC 10), detect
undead (DC 15), and detect magic (necromantic
only) (DC 15) (at the 5th level of ability). This is a
super-natural ability.
+2 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks.
Automatic search check within 5’.
Alignment Restriction: Unpredictable and fey, Ceril-
ian elves must follow a non-lawful alignment.
Enter Shadow: Three times per week, a halfling may
attempt to dimension door or shadow walk (at 10th
level of ability). To succeed, the halfling must make
a Wisdom check against a DC ranging from 25
(bright sunny summer day in a city) to 5 (cold winter
night in a tomb). This is a spell-like ability.
Automatic Languages: Sidhelien. Bonus Languages:
Andu, Anuirean, Low Brecht, High Brecht, Basarji,
Rjuven, Vos, Sidhelien, Karamhul, Giant, Gnoll, Go b-
lin, Orog, Ogrish, Troll.
Favored Class: Wizard.
Automatic Language: Any. Bonus Languages:
Andu, Anuirean, Low Brecht, High Brecht, Basarji,
Rjuven, Vos, Sidhelien, Karamhul, Gnoll, Goblin,
Orog, Ogrish.
Half-Elven Racial Traits
+1 Dexterity, -1 Constitution. *
Medium-size, base speed of 30 feet.
Immunity to magic sleep spells and a +2 racial saving
throw bonus against Enchantment spells or effects.
Favored Class: Rogue
Low-light Vision: Half-elves can see by starlight
twice as well as a human.
Gnome Racial Traits
Gnomes are unknown in Cerilia and available as PC.
+2 racial saving throw against disease and aging
* [Editor's Note: In September, 2000, WotC released the
following conversion advice:
Ability score bonuses should always be even num-
bers. Otherwise, it allows a character to create a bo-
nus (by adding +1 to an odd stat) and hide a penalty
(by subtracting from an odd stat). Essentially, odd
(+1/-1) ability score bonuses for races mean that all
characters are going to effectively have a +2/-0, since
you can put the +1 where it benefits you and put the -
1 where it doesn't hurt you.
Although true, I believe that keeping the standard BIRT H-
RIGHT ® modifiers does not cause an imbalance as almost
every race receives this "phantom" benefit. Furthermore,
characters who take advantage of this "penalty hiding"
make it more difficult to increase their bonuses in those
abilities due to level-based attribute gain in the future. I
recommend, however, that DMs who wish to follow
+1 racial bonus on Listen, Search, and Spot checks.
Elven Blood: For all special abilities and effects, a
half-elf is considered an elf.
Automatic Language: Sidhelien and the language of
their human parent. Bonus Languages: Andu,
Anuirean, Basarji, Brecht, Rjuven, or Vos. Bonus
Languages: Andu, Anuirean, Low Brecht, High
Brecht, Basarji, Rjuven, Vos, Sidhelien, Karamhul, Gi-
ant, Gnoll, Goblin, Orog, Ogrish, Troll.
Favored Class: Any
Half-Orc Racial Traits
Half-orc (Orog) is not a recommend player character
race and requires DM approval.
Use the standard Half-Orc Racial Traits appearing in
the 3rd edition PBH. *
WotC's advise utilize the following optional (but not rec-
ommended) conversion rule.
Optional: Double all racial ability modifiers (except
Strength additions) for all races. (e.g. +2 Wis, -2 Dex for
Anuireans; +4 Con, -4 Dex for Dwarves, but only +1 Str, -
2 Int for Vos).
Arcane magic-users that are not capable of casting true
magic lack the ability to advance above 4th level as a
wizard. They may continue their studies in the arcane
arts as a bard or as member of the magician prestige class.
Both Rjurik and Vosguard are known for the fierceness of
their native warriors and large tracts of unclaimed wilder-
ness. In Cerilia, barbarians are found only among these
people; generally only characters of these two nationali-
ties may choose this class
2 nd edition fighter characters from Rjurik, Vosguard or
with the berserker or barbarian kits may convert to the
new Barbarian class. Cerilian barbarians follow all appro-
priate rules in the 3rd edition PHB. In addition, they have
access to the appropriate additional skills and feats pre-
sented in this conversion manual.
Barbarians do not rule with any great facility. Barbarian
regents collect only 50% regency for held law holdings
and none from guild, temple, or source holdings.
Character class
The classes for a BIRTHRIGHT ® campaign are generally the
same as those presented in the PHB. Existing characters
should be converted using the 3rd edition Dungeon and
Dragons ® Conversion Manual . The following entries
provide modifications to these standard classes to more
accurately reflect Cerilian characters (if necessary).
In particular, it should be noted that arcane magic oper-
ates somewhat differently in a BIRTHRIGHT ® campaign.
Cerilian mages recognize three orders of magic: lesser
magic, true magic, and realm magic. Any person of suffi-
cient intelligence and training can comprehend lesser
magic - the art of creating illusions and casting divina-
tions. True magic includes all other schools of wizardry,
but only elves, half-elves, or scions of the blood can
command this arcane power.
Under 2nd edition BIRTHRIGHT ® rules, spell preparation
(memorization) is necessary for the casting of any arcane
magic. The entire 3rd edition magic system can be inter-
preted almost seamlessly in the BIRTHRIGHT ® campaign
setting under the assumption that the elven spellsong
technique (Book of Magecraft) is the only method
through which arcane spells may be cast without prepara-
tion (memorization) in advance.
Most magic-users capable of casting true magic do not
follow the elven spellsong tradition and should therefore
be converted or created as wizards. Those who follow
the spellsong tradition, however, should be converted or
created as sorcerers. The sorcerer class should generally
be accessible only to eleven characters - mastery of the
spellsong requires decades of study and practice.
The first Cerilian bards are said to have been wandering
elves that were sent into human lands to teach and learn
from their human neighbors. Each of these elves founded
a bardic college; today human students continue the
work of their elven mentors. Those trained in these bar-
dic traditions (regardless of race) have limited mastery of
the spellsong techniques and thus do not have to pre-
pare their spells as do most human users of arcane magic.
In addition, followers of the bardic colleges are privy to
elven charms to draw upon the power of nature to aid the
sick or wounded. Unfortunately, bards have neither the
time nor the knowledge to master spellsong fully and are
limited to the spells presented in the 3rd edition bard spell
Cerilian bards follow all appropriate rules in the 3rd edi-
tion PHB. In addition, they have access to the appropri-
ate additional skills and feats presented in this conver-
sion manual.
The spell-casting abilities of 3rd edition bards can be
used almost seamlessly in an existing or new BIRT H-
RIGHT ® campaign under the assumptions that the root of
bardic magic is the elven spellsong tradition (see above).
Cerilian clerics follow all appropriate rules in the 3rd edi-
tion PHB. In addition, they gain followers as noted in the
BIRTHRIGHT ® rulebook and have access to the appropriate
additional skills and feats presented in this conversion
manual. Every cleric in a BIRTHRIGHT ® campaign must
chose one of the Cerilian powers. Deities appear in Part
III of this book.. Since elven cultures have unique views
on the roles of gods and priests, they do not (generally)
have clerics.
Although priests of Erik generally advance as Druids, a
very few advance as clerics. This is rumored to be the
case among some of the more “civilized” priests in the
temple of the Oaken Grove of Erik.
All Cerilian Druids are priests of Erik and follow all ap-
propriate rules in the 3rd edition PHB. In addition, they
may gain followers as noted in the BIRTHRIGHT ® rulebook
(under priest) and have access to the appropriate addi-
tional skills and feats presented in this conversion man-
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