Pragmatic Magics - A Grimoire of Modern Sorcery by Brother Moloch 969 Sorcerer & Vodu Houngan (2010).pdf

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Pragmatic Magics:
A Grimoire of
Modern Sorcery
Brother MOLOCH 969
Sorcerer & Vodu Houngan
Edited by Brenda Mullen
Copyright© 1993, 1997 & 2010 by Brother MOLOCH 969 - All Righs Reseved
Unauthorized duplication in any manner Is unlawfully pohibited
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Introductio n
Beginning Sorcey
Consecra tion
Herbal Sorcery
Sorcerous Reci pes
Meditational Methods
Ti ming
Sorce ro us Use of Cysta ls & Stones
Candle Sorcery
To ols and Suppl ies
Magical Menta l Exercises
7 0
Ti beta n Mental Training
Ele menta l Sorcery
Bibl iog raphy
Appendice I
Appendice II
Appendice III
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Th is is a chapte r that very few people will actually take
ti me to read . I'm almost te m pted to ski p over it but I thi nk
that I ca n cove r more ground and add a few more things that
the book does n't have .
Le t me beg in by saying that there is no such thing as a
one incl usive meditation; spell or ri tual that you ca n do that
will bri ng everything you desi re. Sorry, but it's true. Merlin,
Levi , Gardner and even the vaunted powers of Crowley
co uldn't do that so don't think I've any universe shate ri ng
secret herei n. The closest th ing to this miracle spell wou ld be
fo r you to work a si mple mag ical ritual fo r you rself that wou ld
ba nish all fe ars, phobias and doubts . By accomplishing this
state of mind, you ca n achieve anyth ing you desi re fo r there is
nothing to hold you back !
Cy nics say there is no such thing as Psych ic Powers or
Magic. Who are they? Have you ever known a succe ssfu l
cyn ic? I haven't, so I don't liste n to them and I'd sugg est you
ignore their nonsense.
Magic is manifested through the consci ousness and
co ntrol led energy manipulation. That's it, energy
manipulation. HOW you manipulate energy is another mate r.
Th e best way to learn is practice what I've writen herein and
ta p into your mind. Ah ... the human mind. Many scholars
through the centu ries have writen about the abilities of the
mind and even today with all of our psychological research
and scientific data , unlocki ng those powers of the mind is sti ll
a myste ry . With only minor prog re ss under our belt the best
we ca n do is theorize on how the mind operates .
Th e fi rst ste p in successfu l practical magic is belief in
YOUrself! You 've got to be lieve that you are ca pable of doing
mag ic (as wel l as anyth ing that you put you r mind to ) and it
should work fo r you . Th is is ve ry hard to do especially living in
the world today where we're bo mbarded mentally with all of
the doubts, negative thinkers, cynics, corru pti on, evi l,
advetising, deceit, lies, etc .
If you don't bel i eve in yourself who will? Maybe you r
Mom but if you show a cowardly attitu de then she may have
her doubts about you as wel l. Believe in yourself fi rst and
fo re most . IF you have to, sit in fro nt of a mirro r sta ring at
yourself and say positive th ings like "I like you ! I love you !
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You are my best fri end!" Yo u're not fo o ling yourself only
conditioning it li ke a muscle. But like muscle building, you can
choose to co ndition your mind like a body builder who shows
all the bulk (but isn't all that strong ) or like a power liter who
looks fat but is incredibly strong . You have to ask yourself, 'd o
I just want to look the pat or do I wa nt to be the pat?'
As k yourself another question, 'what do I rea lly want?'
Aren't you ti red of trying to fo ol you rs elf? Wouldn't you rather
have superior mental, emotional and spiritual strength? Th en
you need to cu ltivate fa ith in yourself. Believe in no one but
yourself. The Gods are there fo r you not you there for them .
They don't need you, you need you! Peri od !
Now, on to develop the second ta lent, yo ur iron cl ad
will. This is rea lly tough. Essentially th is is your word. You te ll
you rself you will kee p a promise, and then keep it.
It doesn't mater wheth er you gave a promise to
yourself or to someone else, you must begin keepi ng your
word . Th is is beca use saying power words like "So mote it
be !" or "So be it! " without honestly meaning them, you r magic
is not going to have the psychic oomph it needs. You r word is
your bond. If you break your bond, then your word means
nothing ! You must keep your word to others and to yourself.
How do you do th is? Good question !
Fi rst, make no promises that you are not sure that you
can keep. Th is means ONLY make a promise when you know it
will be kept. Do not give your word unless you know without a
doubt you will be able to keep it. Why? Because the Hermetic
axiom which states 'As Above, So Below; So Below, As Above'
shows that you're a refl ectio n outwa rd ly of you r inner self and
vice-versa .
If you break promises outwardly to friends, fa mily, neig hbors,
stra ngers and yourself, then inwardly your spiritual self will
say "Rig ht. You want a new ca r. So must it be hunh? Where
have I heard that before?"
In summary, if you are unsure if you'll be able to keep
that word of yours, then use words like "I'll try, maybe,
possi ble" and etc, so you won't break your bond. Th is way,
you are not creati ng an oath to anyth ing and you have an
escape hatch . If you are cornered by someone to be specific,
don't te ll them something that they want to hear. Be truthful
and fig ht your way out of the corner by tel ling them you are
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not going to make a promise beca use you do not know if you
ca n keep it . Or sim ply re -emphasize the words "I'l l try but I
won't promise you, okay?" and this should sufi ce to most. If
not, then si mply weigh how much you feel the oath is woth.
Emoti on is the fi nal cornerstone of magic. Emotion
fue ls the energy necessary to work spells and ritu als. Yo u
must be able to work yourself up into an emotional fre nzy
over what it is you want to accomplish.
Ever see someone in re al life or in a movie where the
person sta rts crying , balling and wailing to such an emotional
fre nzy, that you know something is going to happen?
This is a form of manifestati on . he perso n got worked
up enough and did someth ing drastic. This is where the
Sorce rer and the mundane pat co mpany. The motal wastes
that energy by not directing it towa rd a specific goal and s/ he
leaves everyth ing in his/her life to chance .
You need to work yourself up into an emotional frenzy
to accomplish your magic. If you ca n't then maybe you can
ty basket weaving and leave magic to the professio nals.
Seriously though, you have to loose the bonds of your
emotions, but in a controll ed fa s hion ! Do so, and the world is
your footstool . Nothing will be denied you ever again! But
remember, with great power co me great responsibility. Misuse
your power and you will reg ret it. Work your magic within
your will and beautifu l experiences will re s ult fo r you .
Th ere are many types of emotion. Gri ef, anger, hatred ,
love , lust, happiness, melancholy, depression, etc . he most
efective is a co mbination of a nger and lust. The most
common emotion used in today's world is FAR. If you don't
beli eve me, check out Mazlow's hierarchy of needs. Self­
preservati on is our pri mal insti nct but we can tra nsform that
fe ar into anger which usually will allow us the necessa ry
energy to "get the ball ro lling." Consider geting up the
courage like many self-made millionaires who got fed up
working fo r someone else and not geting anything rewarding
out of it. They tra nsformed their fears into anger to fu el them
to the top.
Grief is a neglected emotion in which we simply allow
ourselves to mourn our loss. Th is is a waste because the
energy is there to use and it diminishes quickly or in other
word s, use it or lose it ! Try re membering someone (w ho was
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