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       Horny from Dungeon Keeper 2 plug-in Player model for Quake3 Arena

Title                   : Horny

Description             : Horny from Dungeon Keeper 2
			  Quake3 Arena plug-in Player model

Model Artist:           : Darren Pattenden / Bullfrog Productions
Skin Artist:            : Darren Pattenden / Bullfrog Productions
Animation Artist:       : Paul Steed / Id Software
Sounds courtesy	of:	: Paul Steed / Id Software

Horny character and all artwork and files in this player model (c) 1999 
Electronic Arts, Inc.  All rights reserved.  Unauthorised reproduction, copying 
and any other forms of exploitation are strictly prohibited.

Additional Credits to   : Id Software for creating Quake 3, Paul Steed and Graeme 
			  Devine at Id for all their help in making this happen. 
                          Huge additional thanks to NPherno, Wrath and r13 at


   Just unzip the files contained in the archive, to your Quake3 Arena folder,
   RESTORING PATHNAMES. This means that if you're using Winzip, you must enable 
   the "Use Folder Names" option when extracting.
   The directory structure should be 'Q3arena/baseq3/models/players/reaper'
   The skins and other files that make up Horny are actually in the dk2_reaper.pk3
   file located in your baseq3 folder.


   To use Horny, from the Main menu, choose Setup->player->model.  Scroll through the
   list and find him.  3 Skin variants are there.  Fully CTF compatible :)
   To use Horny go to the mutliplayer setup and choose the Horny model instead 
   of the other players.




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