(16 KB) Pobierz
                      Standardized NES Save State
                     Tagged File Format (SNSS-TFF)

                     Copyright $7D0 The SNSS Group

                           v1.1 -- 02/09/2K

              Official Site:

0. Changes
1. Contact
2. Basic Issues
3. File Structure
4. Block Structure
5. Block Types
6. MMCData Specifics
7. Controller Types
8. Credits

       |0. Changes|

Version 1.1:
        * Added mapper 40 (Super Mario Brothers 2 Japanese - Lost Levels)

Version 1.0:
        * First official release

       |1. Contact|

Contact any member of the SNSS Group for more info:

       Matthew Conte (
       Darren Ranalli (
       Mike Melanson (

       |2. Basic Issues|

   To keep the NES hardware in sync, the state should *only* be loaded /
saved at the beginning of the frame -- directly before scanline zero

   Byte ordering is MSB-->LSB, to keep the state files as human-readable
as possible.  For example, the number 4 would be represented by a 32 bit
integer in the SNSS format as 00 00 00 04.

   Blocks are *not* inherently padded to any kind of boundary other than
8 bits, so take care in reading / writing the state files.

   Since the purpose of the format is to be as standardized as possible,
the state filename should be <romname>.SS?, where <romname> is the name
of the ROM image minus the .NES extension, and ? represents a number from
0 to 9.  Hence, even systems crippled by 8.3 filename conventions can
still natively support 10 state slots.

       |3. File Structure|

Offset  Description
0-3     "SNSS"
4-7     Total # of blocks in the file
8-EOF   State Blocks

       |4. Block Structure|

Offset  Description
0-3     Block Signature (String)
4-7     Block Version
8-11    Size of Block Data (in bytes)
12-EOB  Block Data (See section 5 for what all the blocks are)

       |5. Block Types|

 |Sig |Description                                                     |
 |Ver|                                                                 |
 |From |Len  |Contains                                                 |
 |From |Len  |Contains                                                 |
 |Other Info                                                           |
 | Sig = 4 character signature identifier string                       |
 | Ver = Version                                                       |
 | From/Len = Starting position and length of this block item (in Hex) |

 |BASR|Base Registers                                                  |
 |1  |                                                                 |
 |$0   |$1   |Accumulator                                              |
 |$1   |$1   |X-Register                                               |
 |$2   |$1   |Y-Register                                               |
 |$3   |$1   |Processor Status Register                                |
 |$4   |$1   |Stack Pointer                                            |
 |$5   |$2   |Program Counter                                          |
 |$7   |$1   |$2000 in CPU Memory (PPU Control Register #1)            |
 |$8   |$1   |$2001 in CPU Memory (PPU Control Register #2)            |
 |$9   |$800 |$0000-$07FF of CPU Memory (RAM)                          |
 |$809 |$100 |SPR-RAM                                                  |
 |$909 |$1000|PPU Name/Attribute Tables 0-3 - See Footnote A           |
 |$1909|$20  |$3F00-$3F1F of PPU Memory (Palette)                      |
 |$1929|$4   |Current Mirroring Setup - See Footnote B                 |
 |$192D|$2   |VRAM Address                                             |
 |$192F|$1   |OAM (SPR-RAM) Address                                    |
 |$1930|$1   |Tile X offset (low 3 bits of pseudo-Scroll X)            |
 |This block is absolutely *required* for an SNSS state.  Removal of   |
 |this block will ensure a non-functional state file.                  |
 |                                                                     |
 |A. Each Name/Attribute table is $400 bytes: $3C0 bytes of Name data  |
 |   followed by $40 bytes of Attribute data.                          |
 |   Note that some of the Name/Attribute tables might not be used;    |
 |   for example, a game that uses horizontal or vertical mirroring    |
 |   will only use tables 0 and 1. Unused tables (tables 2 and 3 in    |
 |   this case) may be filled with anything.                           |
 |                                                                     |
 |B. Examples so you see how it works:                                 |
 |      Horizontal: 0,0,1,1                                            |
 |      Vertical:   0,1,0,1                                            |
 |      4-Screen:   0,1,2,3                                            |
 |      All $2000:  0,0,0,0                                            |
 |      All $2400:  1,1,1,1                                            |

 |VRAM|VRAM                                                            |
 |1  |                                                                 |
 |$0   |$x000|VRAM                                                     |
 |The $x000 is because this block consists of an array of 8k VRAM      |
 |blocks.  Most games only have 8k of VRAM, but some games like        |
 |Videomation have 16k of VRAM.  Figure out how many blocks there are  |
 |by reading the length portion of the header atom.                    |
 |Only write this block to the file if there is VRAM present in the    |
 |game.  If there is only VROM, do not write this block to the file.   |

 |SRAM|SRAM                                                            |
 |1  |                                                                 |
 |$0   |$1   |If SRAM is currently writeable (0=no, >0=yes)            |
 |$1   |$x000|SRAM                                                     |
 |If SRAM/Expanded WRAM is present*, write this block, otherwise don't.|
 |The $x000 is for paged SRAM.  You can figure out how many pages      |
 |there are by looking at the length part of the header atom.          |
 |                                                                     |
 |*Note that some games (Super Mario Brothers 3, Metroid, Kid Icarus)  |
 |contain SRAM at $6000-7FFF, but do not have battery backup.  The     |
 |safest thing to do is to check to see if this region has been written|
 |to, and if it has, dump the SRAM block to the state file.            |

 |MPRD|Mapper Data                                                     |
 |1  |                                                                 |
 |$0   |$8   |8k PRG Page numbers currently in $8/A/C/E000             |
 |$8   |$10  |1k CHR Page numbers currently in $0/4/8/C/10/14/18/1C00  |
 |$18  |$80  |Mapper-specific state data  - See section 6              |
 |Find the mapper-specific info for the $80 array in section 6.        |
 |If the mapper is 0, don't write this block.  Otherwise write it.     |
 |                                                                     |
 |Note that the page numbers are each 16-bit numbers.                  |

 |CNTR|Controllers                                                     |
 |1  |        ...
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