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7 Sisters of the Pole  CEP   00 00,0   86 45  6    3d X 2,4d     1    1A False Pleiades of stars of 6th magnitude; 1,5 deg north of cluster NGC 188
Little Joe             PSC   00 02,0  -04 27  5    2dX1d        18    327;29;30;33 PSC; A colorful trapezoid between Circlet and Diphda--Stephen Saber; Shooting dice term; 'Little Joe from Kokomo' two 2's
Queen's 'W'            CAS   01 00,0   60 00  2    13d X 5d      1    1Alpha; Beta; Gamma; Delta and Epsilon Cassiopieae form a 'W' or 'M' shape; most of the throne of the Queen
Queen's Kite           CAS   01 38,0   58 30  5    2d X 1,5d     1    1Rough pentagon of stars including Chi CAS may be it; but no prominent kite shape here
Golf Putter            AND   01 52,5   37 30  7    95' X 25'     4    31 degree long chain of stars with several stars at the end that form a golf club shape
Triangulum Minor       TRI   02 20,0   30 00  5    90' X 60'     4    3A small triangle formed by 6; 10 and 12 Triangulii; an obsolete constellation
Diamond Ring           UMI   02 32,0   89 00  2    45'           1    1A circlet of 7th and 8th magnitude stars with Polaris the brightest
Lilium (Lilly)         ARI   02 45,0   27 00  4    2 deg         4    335;39 and 41 Aretis; 17th century constellation; AKA Musca Borealis the Northern Fly
Head of the Whale      CET   02 50,0   07 00  3    10d X 7d      4    3Alpha; Lambda; Mu; Xi2; Nu and Gamma Ceti form a circlet; easy naked eye
Medusa's Head          PER   03 00,0   40 00  3    2 deg         4    3Beta; Omega; Rho; Pi; 20; 15; 12 Persei; the Gorgon's Head
Saxophone              PER   03 24,3   49 52  2    2 deg         4    3Alpha Per Cluster; Mel 20; long curved star chain like musical instrument
Chi 1;2;3              FOR   03 27,0  -35 00  6    30' X 30'    18    3An arrowhead-shaped group 1 degree west of galaxy NGC 1365
Kemble's Kite          CAS   03 28,0   72 00  6    90' X 30'     1    1Kite shaped grouping 2 degrees west of Gamma CAM; includes SAO 4917 a red M2 star
Segment of Perseus     PER   03 40,0   48 00  3    25 deg        4    3A chain of the major stars of Perseus; In order: Eta; Gamma; Alpha; Delta; Epsilon and Zeta
Ally's Braid           TAU   03 47,0   23 57  7    42'           5    4Trailing from Alcyone (Eta Tauri) in the Pleiades; 7 stars in a beautiful chain to the SE of Alcyone (Ally) --Stephen Saber
Kemble's Cascade       CAM   04 00,0   63 00  5    2,5 deg       1    1Prominent chain of stars that ends in cluster NGC 1502; counted 19 stars in chain with 8X42 binoculars--obs, Steve Coe
Davis' Dog             TAU   04 22,5   21 25  5    3,5d X 1,5d   5    4Includes Upsilon; 51 and 53 Tauri; a 'Canis Major' shape of rather prominent stars
Hyades                 TAU   04 27,0   17 04  3    5 deg        11    4Mel 25; Sisters of Pleiades
Kids                   AUR   05 03,0   40 00  4    2,5d X 1d     5    4Epsilon; Eta and Zeta Aurigae; Triangle of stars south of Capella; represents kid goats in the care of Auriga
Flying Minnow          AUR   05 19,0   33 40  5    75'           5    4Includes 16; 18 and 19 Aurigae; between two faint nebulae IC 405 and NGC 1893; AKA Little Fish
Smiley Face            AUR   05 27,0   35 00  6    1d X 0,5d     5    430 arcminutes south of cluster M 38; curved chain of 8 stars form smile with two eyes; small cluster Stock 8 is involved
Saucepan               ORI   05 30,0  -02 00  1    14 deg       11    4Includes Sword of Orion as the handle of a saucepan that includes the Belt stars; Betelgeuse and Bellatrix (Gamma Ori); also Venus's Mirror
Lambda-Lambda          ORI   05 36,0   10 00  3    50' X 20'    11    4The star Lambda Orionis is involved within a grouping that has the shape of the Greek letter Lambda; includes Phi 1 Orionis
Spermatozoon           TAU   05 43,0   21 30  8    30'           5    435' E of Zeta TAU; 0,5 degree-long chain of nearly equal magnitude stars; with brightest at point of triangular head
False Kids             AUR   05 50,0   38 00  4    2d X 0,5d     5    4Nu; Tau and Upsilon Aurgae form a triangle similar to the Kids across Auriga near Theta Aurigae
Heavenly 'G'           GEM   06 00,0   25 00  -1   53d X 46d    12    4In order Capella; Castor; Pollux; Procyon; Sirius; Rigel; Aldebaran and Betelgeuse for a 'G'iant letter in the Winter sky; largest asterism?
Winter Triangle        CMI   06 30,0  -01 00  -1   25 deg       12    4Procyon; Sirius and Betelgeuse form conspicuous triangle during northern Winter
Orion's Belt           ORI   06 35,0  -02 00  1    3 deg        12    4Only place in the sky with 3 bright stars in a mostly straight line; Zeta; Epsilon; Delta Orionis
Orion's Sword          ORI   06 38,0  -05 31  2    2,5 deg      12    4Curved sword appears to hang from left side of Belt; Rho; Theta and Iota Orionis; includes M 42--the Orion Nebula
Herschel's Telescope   AUR   06 40,0   42 00  4    7d X 2d       5    4Psi 2 thru Psi 9 (inclusive) Aurigae for a scaffold and tube that is somewhat like the large 20 foot telescope; includes cluster NGC 2281
Unicorn's Horn         MON   06 40,5  -09 00  8    10'          12    4Small arrowhead of pretty faint stars
Pakan's 3              MON   06 52,5  -10 10  8    30'          12    4Fairly small figure located 3 degrees SW of cluster M 50
Mini Orion             CMA   07 17,0  -24 21  5    15'          19    46 stars; just naked eye
Tuft in the tail       CMA   07 24,0  -32 12  5    2 deg        19    4Collinder 140; from Steve Coe; giant naked eye cluster is pretty bright spot south of tail of Canis Major
Tiny Southern Cross    VEL   07 53,5  -62 21  8    5' X 4'      25    9Tiny grouping that is a Crux look-alike; two degrees south of cluster NGC 2516
Argo Navis             CAR   08 00,0  -45 00  0    53d X 39d    19   10Ancient constellation of Ship of the Argonauts; broken into Carina (keel);Puppis (poop deck); Vela (sails) and Pyxis (compass)
Little Crab            CNC   08 05,0   15 00  5    4d X 0,5d     5    4Cancer Minor; constellation from Cellarius Atlas in 17th century; 3;5 and 8 Cancri for straight line similar to depiction in atlas
Southern Little Queen  PUP   08 08,0  -15 11  8    7' X 2'      12    4Small Cassiopeia look-alike; not very promenint; by Magda Streicher
Manger                 CNC   08 40,0   20 00  4    4d X 2d       5    4Four stars surround the Beehive Cluster (M 44); Gamma; Delta; Eta and Theta Cancri; from Christian lore
Head of Hydra          HYA   08 45,0   05 00  4    5d X 3d      12    4Delta; Rho; Eta; Zeta and Epsilon Hydrae form an irregular circlet: AKA Radio Antenna
False Cross            VEL   08 58,0  -56 28  2    7d X 4d      25    9Kappa and Delta Velorum/ Iota and Epsilon Carina
Sickle                 LEO   10 00,0   20 00  1    12d X 8d     13    5The Sickle of Leo includes the bright star Regulus; giant backward question mark
Diamond Cross          CAR   10 01,6  -67 22  2    5d X 3d      25    9Beta; Omega; Omicron and Upsilon Carinae
Sailboat Cluster       LMI   10 14,0   31 30  7    45'           6    5A dozen pretty faint stars
Parabola               ANT   10 14,0  -40 20  6    3' X 2'      25    9A tiny curved arc of 4 pretty bright stars and two fainter members; from Magda Streicher
Broken engagement Ring UMA   10 51,0   56 09  7    20'           2    1An open or 'C' shaped grouping of 10 stars; AKA The Crown
Pointers (North)       UMA   11 05,0   59 00  1    5 deg         2    1Alpha and Beta UMA point toward North Celestial Pole; also known as the Keepers of the Pole
Big Dipper             UMA   12 15,0   57 00  1    25 deg        2    1The Plough; Charles's Wain (Wagon); includes northern Pointer stars
Sail                   CRV   12 25,0  -20 00  3    7d X 3d      13    6Beta; Gamma; Delta and Epsilon Corvi form a sail shaped grouping south of Virgo
Southern Cross         CRU   12 30,0  -60 00  2    6 deg        25   10Crux is smallest constellation; starting at bottom with Alpha the star are in order of brightness going clockwise
Stargate               COR   12 35,7  -12 02  6    15'          13    61 degree SW from M 104 in Virgo; 4 stars of 7th magnitude including double star Struve 1659
Jaws                   VIR   12 38,5  -11 30  7    15'          13    625 arcminutes WNW of M 104; chain of 8 stars outline a shark
Skip Loader            VIR   12 40,0   00 00  3    20 deg       14    6Epsilon; Delta; Gamma; Eta and Beta Virginis from the bucket of a tractor following behind the Lion
Horse and Rider        UMA   13 25,0   55 00  3    12'           2    1Mizar and Alcor; Zeta Ursa Majoris and 80 Ursa Majoris; an ancient test of naked eye visual acuity
Night Owl (Noctus)     HYA   14 00,0  -25 00  5    1,3d X 0,7d  14    647 and 48 Hydrae from the eyes of a faint owl that sits on the tail of Hydra; ancient constellation
Dark Emu               CEN   14 00,0  -60 00  2    38 deg       25   10Giant dark nebula with Coal Sack as head of long necked bird that extends to western Scorpius; Alpha and Beta Centauri invl; Aboriginal origin
Napoleon's Hat         BOO   14 14,0   18 33  8    20' X 7'      7    67 stars form a chain that does indeed look like the outline of a French Marshall's hat in the 18th century; 40 arcminutes south of Arcturus
Pointers (South)       CEN   14 22,0  -61 00  0    4 deg        25   10Alpha and Beta Centauri point toward the Southern Cross; Alpha CEN is nearest star to Sun
Kite                   BOO   14 40,0   30 00  1    23 deg        7    6A Kite-shaped figure enclosed by Alpha; Beta; Gamma; Delta; Epsilon and Rho Bootis
Mini Scorpion          HYA   14 50,0  -26 00  4    5d X 2d      14    654 thru 60 Hydrae for a curved arc much like Scorpius; in some sources this is location of Noctus; confusing
Golden Horseshoe       CIR   14 50,0  -66 00  6    1 deg        25   1014 stars in a 'U' shape; locat...
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