Cabin Pressure - S03 - E06 St Petersburg.txt

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(bing bong)

CAROLYN: Ladies and gentlemen, we will shortly be landing in St Petersburg. We do hope you enjoyed your 
visit to Saint-Tropez, and to those of you who managed to find a luxury yacht to your liking, we rejoice at your
 success. And to those of you who remain tragically un-be-yachted, our hearts go out to you at this difficult time.
 Oh and because someone asked me earlier – let me assure you that the cabin crew like to think of ourselves as your hosts,
 and would be insulted to be offered a tip.

(bing bong)

DOUGLAS: The pilots however, like to think of themselves as your pilots. Please slide your insults under the flight deck door.

-----------------------------OPENING CREDITS – This week, St Petersburg! -----------------------------

(flight deck door opening)

DOUGLAS: Exterior checks completed.

MARTIN: That was very quick.

DOUGLAS: Yes. Well at 6am in St Petersburg in February, one does not tend to dawdle. It’s definitely our plane
 and the wings are on it, that’ll do me. Now, Carolyn, can I have the keys to the drinks cupboard I need some vodka.

CAROLYN: Why certainly Douglas, the perfect pre-flight treat for a man who hasn’t drunk for a decade. And can I tempt you with a little heroin to follow?

DOUGLAS: Seriously Carolyn, it’s important.

MARTIN: What on earth do you need vodka for?

DOUGLAS: Well on the walk round, though brief, I did notice one small problem with the otherwise entirely airworthy plane.


DOUGLAS: It has an Arthur stuck to the side of it.


DOUGLAS: Apparently he couldn’t open the hold door with his thick gloves on, so he took one off. And now his hand is frozen to the door handle.

CAROLYN: Oh stupid boy. (she throws the keys to Douglas) Here.


(howling wind and footsteps)

ARTHUR: (breathlessly) Oh hello chaps! Glad you came back! Cold isn’t it?

CAROLYN: Why vodka Douglas? Can’t you use hot water?

DOUGLAS: If you want to encase his hand in ice, yes. Alcohol has a much lower freezing point, so you can use it as a lubricant.

(Douglas pours vodka over Arthur’s hand)

DOUGLAS: There you go Arthur.

ARTHUR: Ohh, thank you Douglas.

DOUGLAS: Now put your glove back on and come inside.

CAROLYN: Douglas, this is our best Stolichnaya.

DOUGLAS: Mmm, doesn’t it smell good?

ARTHUR: (spoken through a mouthful of keys) Err, Douglas? Small problem. I was trying to put my glove back on so I just-

DOUGLAS: Put the keys in your mouth. Of course you did. Carolyn, vodka please.


MARTIN: Post take off checks complete.

DOUGLAS: Thank you Martin. (beep to open intercom) How is Arthur?

CAROLYN: (over intercom) Sore lipped and accidentally drunk.

ARTHUR: (indistinctly, in background) Should just stop being hurting now!

CAROLYN: (over intercom) I can see the next three hours are going to fly by on gilded wings.

DOUGLAS: Have fun. (beep to terminate intercom) Alright then Martin – rhyming journeys.


DOUGLAS: Vienna to Sienna.

MARTIN: Oh right. Okay! (long pause) Er ...

DOUGLAS: Poole to Goole.

MARTIN: Good one! Er ...

DOUGLAS: Aruba to Cuba.

MARTIN: Oh give me a chance! Oh, York to New York!

DOUGLAS: Yes. Ish. Or, York to Cork.

MARTIN: Oh damn, alright. Um, Paris to ... (mumbles) Baris, Caris, Daris, Faris ... oh oh, how about Peterborough to –

(fizzly, electric sounds, alarm beeping)


DOUGLAS: Christ! Engine, fire number two engine.

MARTIN: Oh God er, engine fire check list number two engine.

DOUGLAS: Engine fire check list number two engine Captain. Number two thrust lever?


DOUGLAS: Closed. Number two fuel control switch?

MARTIN: Yes, yes!

DOUGLAS: Number two fuel control switch to cut off, number two fire handle check?


DOUGLAS: Number two fire handle pull, number one extinguisher fired, stopwatch started, fire bell cancel.

MARTIN: (over sat comm) Mayday mayday, Golf, Echo, Romeo, Tango, India – suspected bird strike, we have
 one engine on fire. Request immediate return and priority landing St Petersburg.

RUSSIAN ATC: Golf Tango India, roger your mayday, continue as cleared contact Pulkovo approach one two four decimal two.

MARTIN: Roger, one two four decimal two.

RUSSIAN ATC: Good luck.

DOUGLAS: Fire is out Captain. One two four decimal two is selected. Martin, do you want me to land it?

MARTIN: No, I’ll do it.



(background chattering of an airport lounge)

ARTHUR: Here you are Skip – nice hot cup of coffee.

MARTIN: (sighs and slurps) Oh, it’s cold.

ARTHUR: Nice cup of coffee.

MARTIN: It’s horrible!

ARTHUR: Cup of coffee.

MARTIN: I’m not even sure it is coffee.

ARTHUR: Cup. How’re you feeling?

MARTIN: Feeling? Feeling -I’m feeling – feeling fine, why- why do you ask, I’m absolutely fine, fine. 
How, er, how, how’re you, sobered up? Have you?

ARTHUR: Yeah, I have actually. It turns out a really good cure for being drunk is when you’re on a plane 
and then an engine explodes and you think you’re gonna die.

MARTIN: Should write in to the British Medical Journal.

ARTHUR: We didn’t die though did we?

MARTIN: No. No, no we didn’t.

ARTHUR: Because you landed us. Brilliantly.

MARTIN: Wasn’t bad, was it?

ARTHUR: It was amazing! Mum and me thought Douglas must have done it!

MARTIN: Oh thanks a lot.

ARTHUR: No but I mean, it was like he did it, but you did it!

MARTIN: Oh all right. Thank you.

(Douglas and Carolyn approaching)

DOUGLAS: Martin.

MARTIN: Hello, what’s the news?

CAROLYN: Bird strike, as we thought.

DOUGLAS: A big one, probably a goose.

ARTHUR: Oh no, is it all right?

DOUGLAS: What, the goose? Yes Arthur, it’s fine. It’ll have a bit of a headache, but a hell of a story for the goslings.


CAROLYN: The engine however, is a write off.

MARTIN: Yes, I thought it might be when I noticed that it was on fire. How much?

CAROLYN: What to replace it? Well, about a quarter of a million pounds.

MARTIN: (whistles) That’s a lot.

CAROLYN: It is a lot isn’t it, I think it definitely qualifies as “a lot.”

MARTIN: I- I mean presumably we’re insured?

CAROLYN: Oh yes, up to the hilt, for public and passenger liability, so should the goose’s lawyers ever 
track us down and demand restitution we could pay them off without a second thought. The actual plane though, that’s down to me.

ARTHUR: Hey, Douglas said the goose was all right!

CAROLYN: Yes well he lied. Neither – neither goose nor Gertie are all right. So I’m afraid - this is it boys. 
You know how I’m always saying one little thing could be the end of MJN Air, well this is one absolutely massive thing. And – it’s all over.

ARTHUR: But – can’t we sell Gertie?

CAROLYN: Well I hope so, we’re going to have to.

ARTHUR: Ah, okay. And then just buy another plane with the money.

CAROLYN: No Arthur, if we’re very lucky indeed we might be able to sell Gertie, and with the money buy an ice cream van.

ARTHUR: Wooooow.

CAROLYN: Not seriously. Oh go and get us all coffee.

ARTHUR: Righto.

(Arthur leaves)

MARTIN: I’m - I’m sorry Carolyn.

CAROLYN: Well, we had a longer run than anyone expected. And if we had to go at least this is landing on Mayfair with a hotel.

DOUGLAS: So what now, can we help?

CAROLYN: I don’t know. I suppose we’ll have to find a way of selling an ancient, decrepit old plane that’s just been badly 
beaten in a fight with a goose. You got any ideas?

MARTIN: Don’t suppose you could sell it for parts?

DOUGLAS: Or – there’s always-


DOUGLAS: Really?

CAROLYN: He’s not having it.

DOUGLAS: He really wants it.

CAROLYN: That is exactly why he’s not having it. I am not giving him the satisfaction.


DOUGLAS: Every year Carolyn gets a call from her ex-husband and former owner of Gertie, trying to persuade her to let him buy it back off her.

MARTIN: Every year, why does he want it so much?

CAROLYN: He is unbearably rich. Used to be his favourite toy and he hated that I got it in the divorce. It’s not that he wants it, he just wants me not to have it.

DOUGLAS: Well the thing is Carolyn, at the moment, you also want you not to have it.

(Arthur returning)

ARTHUR: Coffees? Not have what?

CAROLYN: Gertie.

ARTHUR: Ah! Are you still worrying about that?

DOUGLAS: It’s – it’s still nagging at the back of our minds Arthur, yes.

CAROLYN: Arthur, listen to me – I’m serious. We are going to have to sell Gertie. Straight away. And we won’t be able to buy another plane. So this is the end of MJN Air.

ARTHUR: Oh right. Okay!

CAROLYN: What do you mean “okay”?! This really is going to happen, do you understand that?

ARTHUR: Yeah, but – it won’t though, will it?

CAROLYN: Why not?

ARTHUR: Well Douglas will sort it out.


ARTHUR: I dunno! He’ll think of something clever. Like he always does.

CAROLYN: Yes but this isn’t just a little fiddle over a bottle of wine or a bunch of orchids. It’s a quarter of a million pounds! I really don’t think he will this time.

ARTHUR: Yes he will.

DOUGLAS: Arthur, I won’t! Look, no one has a higher opinion of me than I do, but even I simply do not have the power
 to conjure up a quarter of a million pounds from nowhere!

CAROLYN: So, there’s nothing else for it is there?

DOUGLAS: I don’t think so. Sorry. And I’ve had to put her in a heated hangar, so the longer we wait the more expensive it gets.

CAROLYN: Fine. I’ll call him.

MARTIN: Now? It’s still five in the morning in Britain.

CAROLYN: Ohhhh yes, well that’s something.

(Carolyn leaves)
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