Lost Prince, The - Julie Kagawa.pdf

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“Meghan is a likable heroine and her quest is fraught with danger and adventure.…
Expect it to be popular with teens who liked Melissa Marr’s Wicked Lovely.
School Library Journal on The Iron King
“Kagawa has done the seemingly impossible and written a vampire book…
that feels fresh in an otherwise crowded genre. Mix[ing] paranormal and dystopian
tropes to good effect, creating a world that will appeal across audiences.”
Kirkus Reviews on The Immortal Rules
The Iron King has the…enchantment, imagination and adventure of…
Alice in Wonderland, Narnia and The Lord of the Rings, but with lots more romance.”
Justine magazine
The Iron King surpasses the greater majority of dark fantasies,
leaving a lot for readers to look forward to.…
The romance is well done and adds to the mood of fantasy.”
Te e n Re a ds .co m
“A full five stars to Julie Kagawa’s The Iron Daughter.
If you love action, romance and watching how characters mature
through heart-wrenching trials, you will love this story.”
Mundie Moms blog
“Fans of Melissa Marr—and of Kagawa—will enjoy the ride,
with Meghan’s increased agency and growing power showing the series’ maturity.
Finally more than just a love triangle.”
Kirkus Reviews on The Iron Queen
“This third installment in the series is just as compelling and complex
as its predecessors, and wholly satisfying.”
Realms of Fantasy on The Iron Queen
“The Winter Prince is truly the most captivating part of
this novel. The tension between Ash and Puck is nonstop,
but it’s Ash’s unfailing loyalty to Meghan that just melts the heart.”
Te e n sRe a d To o.co m on The Iron Queen
“Storytelling does not get any better than this.”
—CanadianTwiMom on The Iron Knight
“Inspiring. Perfect.”
—The Fairytale Nerd on The Iron Knight
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Books by Julie Kagawa
from Harlequin TEEN
The Iron Fey series
(in reading order)
The Iron King
Winter’s Passage (ebook)*
The Iron Daughter
The Iron Queen
Summer’s Crossing (ebook)*
The Iron Knight
Iron’s Prophecy (ebook)*
*Also available in print in The Iron Legends anthology
The Iron Fey—Call of the Forgotten
(in reading order)
The Lost Prince
and coming in 2013
The Traitor Son
Blood of Eden series
The Immortal Rules
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ISBN-13: 978-0-373-21057-2
Copyright © 2012 by Julie Kagawa
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To Guro Ron, and all the “badges of courage” I received in class.
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