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Butterfly with flowers - Butterfly 16 - detailed...

Give short answers to the following statements using so or neither.


1.I have lost my passport,……………Dany.

2.She doesn’t speak English,……….I.

3.Mike is good at tennis,……………his brother.

4.I was impressed by his painytings,……….. everybody.

5.Laura couldn’t do the exercises……….I.

6.She alwayys criticizes the others………………her sister.

7.He won(t help me………………they.

8.I didn’t believe him………………..his friend.

Give short answersto the following statements using so or neither and the  subjects given in the brackets.


1.I don’t want to go and see them ( my parents).

2.He couldn’t answer the policeman’s questions ( his neighbours).

3.She is great cook ( her mother).

4.The houses collapsed ( the bridge ).

5.They weren’t interested in the new play ( I).

6 .I have already seen him twice this month ( my parents).

Look at these examples.


1.She is from Ireland, and so am I.

2.He likes reading.So do I.


So am I means I am too.

So do I means I do too.


I can’t dance .Neither can Sarah.

They will not travel.Neither will I.


Neither can Sarah means Sarah cannot either.

Neither can I means I won’t either.


A tag comes on the end of a sentence to show that two persons have got something in common.


  • When the sentence is affirmative , we form the tag with :



Eg :He is hungry.So am I.

I went to  the cinema.So did Terry.


  • When the sentence is negative, we form the tag with :

Neither+ auxiliary+subject

Eg : Penguins can’t fly.Neither can ostriches.

She wasn’t pleased.Neither was I.


The auxiliary in the tag depends on the tense of the verb.

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