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I've decided to release BD Rebuilder for some initial beta testing.  Before you download it and 
decide to use it -- remember one thing:  This is BETA SOFTWARE.   It has bugs.
IMPORTANT NOTE:  If you don't like it, don't use it...  it is not being released for opinions or 
comments, there is plenty of time for that later (after it reaches a greater level of stability).  
I am posting it only for testing to see where the majority of the bugs are.

If you decide to download and test -- please post any errors you find in this thread:

Don't push bug resolution or keep asking for a fix.  I will get to the reported bugs, but only when 
I can find the time.


In order to make this beta version work, you have to first install some other packages.  Here's what 
you need to do:

1.  Download and install FFDSHOW and the Matroska Splitter. They are required for BD-RB to work and 
are free. I highly recommend you only use the versions linked below - other versions are know to have

After the install, run "Video Decoder Configuration" for FFDSHOW from the "START/Programs" menu, and 
make sure MPEG2 decoding is enabled.

2.  Download and install AVISYNTH 2.58.  If you are a DVD-RB user, it is compatible, so no worry.  If 
not -- it is required for BD Rebuilder to work.  AVISYNTH v2.58 can be downloaded from here:

3.  Unzip the file.   Put it in a directory of its own.  I'd recommend putting it somewhere 
other than "C:\Program Files" until it has been tested more (because of Vista's virtualization).

3.1 If you are running Windows 8 you may need to run REG_MSCOMCTL.BAT. In the installation folder (you 
selected in step 3), right-click on the file "REG_MSCOMCTL.BAT" and select "Run as Administrator". You 
should only have to do this once.

4.  It is highly recommended that you also download and install IMGBURN (see 
on your system.  You can actually burn with any software you desire, but BD-RB recognizes IMGBURN and 
does the burn for you.  That way you can be sure the settings are correct at burn-time.

5.  Read the LICENSE.TXT file found in the BD-RB directory.  If you don't agree with the license, 
don't use it.

6.  Please don't post questions or comments on DECRYPTION or ripping methods.  I have to assume you 
know how to do that or you wouldn't be a beta tester.  I also make the assumption that you understand
and will comply with applicable laws... and I don't want to get in the middle of any of that.

7.  If you decide to write to dual layer DVDs (DVD-9), use ONLY HIGH QUALITY DUAL LAYER DISCS.  I have 
found numerous cases where the same image works flawlessly with a quality (e.g. Verbatim) disc and 
fails (hangs) on a cheap one. 

8. Setup VC-1 decoding in the same way you did MPEG-2 in step one. For Vista or Windows 7 using "Video 
Decoder Configuration" -- select "wmv9". Recommended for Windows XP only (but not required): Download 
and install WMV11 from Microsoft, and set VC-1 decoding to "disabled" in FFDSHOW (allowing the WMV11 
codec to be used instead). 

9. Please DO NOT replace the versions of software included in the BD-RB ZIP with other versions (e.g. 
replacing the 32 bit X264 with a 64 bit version). In doing so you are very likely creating a 
self-inflicted injury that will not be addressed as a bug.

Note to Windows 7 & Windows 8 Users: The first time (and only the first time) you run BD Rebuilder, 
you may have to "Run As Administrator". This is necessary so BD-RB can make CODEC preference changes 
in the Windows Registry.


How to use it:

1.  Please note:  This is NOT A DECRYPTER. It is a BD Reencoder and reauthoring package.  If you are 
planning to back up discs that are encoded or copy protected using other software (such as AnyDVD) -- 
that is a decision you are making independently of BD-RB and it is assumed you are staying within the 
laws applicable to you.   BD-RB is meant as a means of backing up copies of discs THAT YOU OWN.  It 
is NOT meant to be used as a means for copyright infringement.  

2. Either copy the disc to be backed up to your hard drive or read it from the original.  You will 
find that BD Rebuilder will work faster from a hard drive.

3. Create a working directory somewhere in your file structure.  I use a folder called "D:\WORKING".

4. Run BD Rebuilder.  Select the source directory (the one containing the BDMV folder).  Also select 
the WORKING directory.

5. Click on "BACKUP".   Then find something else to do... because this is going to TAKE A VERY LONG 
TIME.  My system usually backs up a disc in about 2-4 hours.  So you may want to consider running 
it overnight.  Your experience will differ depending upon your computer's CPU and disc speeds.  Why 
does it take so long?   Because you are encoding at very high resolutions -- and they require a lot 
of work.  Also, BD-RB hasn't been optimized for speed as yet... but in truth the real speed 
improvements will have to come with updates to X264 and faster processors.

6.  After running you will find a folder in the WORKING directory that has been created.  It will 
be named based upon the source.  You must write this directory to a blank disc using UDF 2.50 format.  
If you have IMGBURN installed on your system, you can burn it from the FILE menu of BD-RB.  If you 
select "Auto-burn to Disc" from the SETTINGS/OPTIONS menu (and IMGBURN is installed on your system).

7. How good will it look?  My experience is that rebuilding to a dual-layer DVD+R results in a backup 
that is virtually indistinguishable to the original.  DVD-5's will work fine for movie-only encodes... 
and some full discs.  My advice is to try it and see.


My sincere appreciation to Dark Shikari and the other folks involved in the X264 project, the FFDSHOW
team, HAALI, and the AVISYNTH project.  Without them BD Rebuilder could not be possible.

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