My perfect life.doc

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My perfect life

21st June 2030.

I live in SunPlace - medium village at the back of beyond, between mountains and see. It is beautiful site, like a dream. I have big white house with brown roof. Separately part for my family, separately part for service. Marble fountain with gold fish… (two fish that first fish doesn’t feel alone ) adorn big, green garden (a lot of tree, flowers and grass). Behind house is wooden terrace with two sunbeds and umbrellas, with a beautiful sea view. Part of the beach is mine – gold sand, shells and crabs too, everything is mine.

I am rich, mature, determined woman. I have beloved, dutiful about me and our children, just perfect husband. I have three happy, nice and smart children in age: Tom and Nicolas – fourteen, Kate – nine that they don’t require attention at all the time, so I have a lot of free time. Every evening all my family sit in living room or on beach and talk about everything and every Saturday we play board game (eurobussines, pirate or scrable).

I don’t work because I have to, but because I want to, for relax. My husband earn enough money. Additionally we invest on stock Exchange in companies showing profits. I am
Chief Executive Officer (person, which have final power executive in company) Hands to work which offers flexible human service. My working hours and place are also flexible – I work when I want and with who I want.

13rd January 2013

I hope… No. I am sure, that it will be ma future perfect live.



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