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Vol. 7, No. 6
NovembedDecember 1983
Included In This Issue: Wall Secretary Dressing Screen Roller Stand
Doll Cradle
Mitten Box *ToyTrain
Lighted Wall Planter
Elephant Push Toy
Wine Rack
Hooded Doll Cradle
Shaker Chest
- -.
Rudder Ta
Each issue of THE WOODWORKER 'S JOURNAL is filled with detailed plans for all types of woodworking projects, a few of
which are shown above. There are also regular columns on restoring antiques and workshop income plus useful jigs and
shop tips, but our main purpose has always been to provide our readers with a variety of PROJECT PLANS. Check the con-
tents of available issues below and send your order today ... supplies are limited.
4 No. 3 Ma?-Jlme '80:
Miniature Campaigr: Chest. 19th
Tablc. Chest of Draucrs. Contemporary Writing Desk. Whale
Footrest. Early American Wall Shelf. MultipurposeCabinet. Box
Box Cutting Jig. Dish Rack.
To\. Laminated Shoehorn. Spaghetti Measure. Candle Holder.
Cent. Sawbuck Tahle. Decorati\e Frog. Violrn Sconce. Shaker
~';rirt>ntalBorrng Jig. Cane Supplicrs. Finishing Suppl~ers.
Cutlery Tray. Swing~ngBracket Jr Planter. Club Chair b; Otto.
man. Oak Cottage Chair. Woodcn Lock.
Vol. 5 No. 5 Sept-Oct '81:
18th Cent. Rudder Table. Musical
Vol. 6No. 6Nov-Dec.82: Lyre Clock. Geodesic Lighting Fixture.
Box. Colonral Candlestick. Deacon's Wall Shelf. To?
Sauhorsc Dtntng Table. Oak Desk Clock. Shaker Wall Shelves.
Hippo. Spallcd Boxc\. Wadhox. Sew~ngCabtnct wrth Tambour
vol. 4 N~.
4 J~~~.A~~
'80: ~~~~~i~~
oak stool.
DLNW*.18th Cent. Ta\crn Tahlc. Router.lrg for Stoppcd Dadom.
Old-Time Radio Case. Cider Press Lamp. Contemporary Hang
whale cribbage ~~~d,
cradle. Nut & Bolt TO?. ~~~k~t.
ing Lrght Frxture. Fireu.ood Rack. Toy Tool Box. Chrrstmas Tree
uca\.e Planlers. Easy Wall Clock. Router Bit Box. Pine Cellar-
Val. 5 NO. 6 Nov-Dw '81: Old.Time Ice Box. Victorian Sled.
- - - ..
Vol. 7 No. 1Jan.Feb.83: WorkshopTote Box. Tinsel.An Mlrror.
European Sprnn~ngWheel. Key Holder. Dump Truck Toy.
Bang-a-Peg Toy. Purrlc. Wall Cabrnet with Reverse Glass
Stencil. End Grain Tahle Lamp. Butler'\ Tray Table. Contemp.
orar! Clock. Prnc Cabrnct.
Ornaments. Willie and Tuna Push Toy. Woodpile Trnct. Crrcle
ctrc. Lap Chessboard. Pine Wall Box.
Tile CIcx'k. Winc Glass Holder. Mahopanv Wall Shelf. Inkucll.
Cutrine Jia. General Wadworktnn Suoolterr.
Bagel Sliccr. Seal Push Toy. wooden Combs. Antique Knife
Tray. Memo Cube. Frrcplacc Bellous. Contemporary Shel\.tng.
Wcathcr Sration. Shop.Burlt Bar Clamp.
Vol. 6 No. 1 Jan-Feb '82: Contemporar! Sofa Tablc. Artrst's
Eawl. Candlc Box. Lamrnated Box. Butcher Block Kntfe Rack.
Frog Pull Toy. Infinrt! Mrrrur. Japancsc St?lc Tatrlc Lamp.
Eniprrc Fout\tw~l. Dcsk Caddy. Stcpped-Bark Hutch. Buck-
board Seal. Lattlccuork Cutrtng Jig.
Vol. 6 No. 2 Mu-Ap'82: Early American Blanket Chest. 18th
Ccnt. Corner Shelf. Prne Footstool. Cheese Cutting Board.
Napkin Holder. Trivets. Coaster Set. P~ermdTin Cahlnct.
Hutch Clock. Oak Frlc Cablnet. Mahogan: Tnpod Table. Wall
Hung Plant Bracket.
Vol. 4 No. 5 Sep1.0~1'80: Cabinetmaker's Workbench. Cob-
bler's Bench Coffee Table. 19th Cent. Cherr?. Table. Kitchen
Ctensils. Book Rack. Nuts b; Bolts. Nutcracker. Walnut h
Glass Bank. Schmlhouse Desk. Booster Seat.
Vol. 4 No. 6
Nov-Dec '80:
17th Cent. Mantle Clock. Toy
Truck. Bud Vasc. Grain Scmp. Letter Rack. Phone Memo Cad.
Val. 7 No. 2 Mu-Apr '83: Porch Swing Homemade Jig Saw
Cheval Mirror. Punched Tin Spice ~abihet.Television stand:
Nautical Table Lamp. Wooden Balancv. Nesting Cube Tahles.
Sream Roller To!. Back Mascrgcr. Mailbox. Wall Shelf. Chtp-
pcndale Mlrror. Clock Parts and Supplrers.
d\. To) Circus Wagons. Anrmal Prrzzles. Library Stool. Quilt
dack. Ratchet Tablc Lamp. 18th Cent. Trestle Tablc. Lathe
Srcady Rc*t.
Vol. 5 No. 1Jut-Feb '81: 18th Cent. Wall Shelves. Hand Mirror
Curling Boards. Tic-Tac.Toe Game. 18th Cent. Vanity. shake;
Prnc Cupboard. Tenon Jig. Towel Ring. Matchbox. Corner
Shclvcs. Contemporay Cahinct. Black Forest Clock. Shop
Vol. 7 No. 3 MayJune '83: Oak Pedestal Table. Drafting Tablc.
Early American Wall Un~t.Folding Snack Table. Pine Corner
Cuoboard. Tov Car with Boat J; Trarler. Letter Ovener. Contem.
po;ary servtnk Tray. Hanging Mrrror with shelf: Carved Eaglc.
Early American Portable Bmkcase. Hardwood Supplrers.
I Drawrng Board.
Vol. 5 No. 2 Mu-Apr '81: Child's Rocker. Bandsaw Jig. Push-
Pull Toy. Half-Round Table. Spoon Rwk. Salt and Pepper
Shakcrs. Calcularor Stand. Anchor Thermometer. Plant Stand.
Oak Writing Dc5k. 18th Ccnt. Chair Tahlc. Shop.Built Hand-
Vol. 5 No. 3 MayJune '81: 18th Ccnt. Sleigh Seat. Child's Step
Stml. K~ddicGym. Flyrng Duck. Dominoes. Trouser Hanger.
Mug Rack. Folding Sun Seat. Ship's Wheel Table. Contempo-
rrr, Buffct.
Vol. 6 No. 3 Mar-Jum '82: Countrv Kitchen Cabinet. Rwgh-
Sawn Cedar CI&~. Swrnglng Cradle. Toy Helrcopter. Casserole
Dish Holder. Ship's Wheel Weathcr Statron. Ocragonal
Planter. Tambour Desk. Band Sau Bore*. 191h Ccnt. Step.< ha~r.
Sarlrng Sh~pWeather Vane.
Vol. 6 No. 4 July-August '82: Dovetailed Footstool. Tov Chesr.
Planr Stand. 18th Ccnt. Lauver's Case. Frame and Panel Joint
u~thDccoratlvc Bcvel coilccror's Plate Frame Tov Jeep
Trcrtle Table and Bench. 19th Cent. Danrsh ~a\h;tand.con!:
emporar! Wall Valc~.
Vol. 7 No. 4 July-August '83: Turned Lamp. Decoy Carvin~.
Antique Sugar Chest. Record Album & Tape Cabinet. Chinese
Tea Tablc. Old.World Weather Forecaster. Toy Tractor & Can.
Di\play Pedcstal. Twn l'lantcr Pryccts. Collector's Plate Stand.
Harduare Suppliers.
Vol. 7 No. 5 Sept-Oct '83: Shaker Writing Desk. Modelmaker's
Bench. Canning Jar Storage Shelves. Turned Bowl. Oriental
Tahle. Router Tablc. Band Saw Box. Toy Punlper Firetruck. Toy
Airplane. Spoon Rack. Magarine Rack. Bootlack. Furniture Kits.
Vol. 5 No. 4 July-Aug '81: Longhorn Steer. Bike Rack. Min-
trrure Che$l. Doll House Bed. Curlo Shelves. Belt Rack. Rocker
Vol. 6 No. 5 Sept-Or1 '82: Early American Hanging Comer
Cupboard. Breakfast Serving Tray. Veneered End Table. Chess
I Please Note
Vol. 4. No.'s 3 and 4 are newsprint issues for 51.50 each.
h VOI. 4. NO. 5 on. they are magazines tor =.so e~h.
postpaid. CT residents only please add 7'/1% sales tax.
The Woodworker's Journal
Workshop Income
Display Advertising
Restoring Antiques
Some Repair Hints
The Beginning Woodworker
Basic Drawer Construction andlnstallation
Toy Train. see page 58.
Special Techniques by Roger E. Schroeder
Making a Raised Arch Panel
Editor and Publisher
Art Department
James J. McQuillan
Judy Robinson, Director
Kirsten Friberg
The Gift Shop
Associate Publisher
Margaret E. McQuillan
Subscription Department
~atriciaA. ribe erg, Manager
Maureen A. Murphy
Jackie Nowak
Louise B. Ryan
Managing Editor
Thomas G. Begnal
Contributing Editors
Kathy Shook
Paul Levine
John W. Olson
Lighted Wall Planter
Advertising and Promotion
Roller Stand by Jack Fisher
Glenn E. Firmender
Kimberly Gellatly, Manager
Early American Wall Secretary
Photos by John Kane/Silver Sun Studios
Dressing Screen
The Woodworker's Jod(ISSN 0199-1892) is published bi-monthly in January. March.
May. Julv. September and November by The Madrigal Publishing Co.. Inc.. P.O. Box 1629.
New Milford. CT 06776. Telephone: (203)-355-2697.
Copyright 1983 by The Madrigal PublishinftCo. Inc. No pan of this publication may be
reprinted utithout permission from the publis er
Second class postage paid at New Milford. CT06776 and additional offices.
Wine Rack
Shaker Chest of Drawers
Canada and other foreign:
In the United States and its possessions:
Toy Train by C.J. Maginley
One year - 514.00
One vear (6issues) 512.00
Two years - $26.00
Twojears (12 issues)522.00
Mitten Box
To Subrrlbe. Renew or Change Add-
Write tol'he Woodworker's Jounul. P.O. Box 1629. New Milford. CT 06776. including mail-
ing label for renewals and changes. For gift subscriptions, include your own name and
addres5 as well as those of gift rec~pients.
Postmlsler: Send Change of Address to The Woodworker's Jmd. P.O. Box 1629. New
Milford. CT 06776.
We welcome contributions in the form of manuscripts, drawings and photographs and will be
glad to consider such for possible publication. Contributors should include a stamped. self-
addressed envelope of suitable slze with each submission. While we cannot assume re-
sponsibilitv for loss or damage. all materials will be treated with care urhile in our posses.
slon. ~a~nient
Hooded Doll Cradle
Coal Scuttle
Elephant Push Toy
for the use of unsolicited material w~llbe made upon acceptance. Address all
contributions to: Editor. The Woodworker's Joumd. P.O. Box 1629. New Milford. CI 06776.
Democracy In Action
The decision as to what will appear on the front page is
not always an easy one to make. Taking this issue for ex-
ample, we had several possibilities to consider. One was the
lovely mahogany dressing screen designed and built by
Glenn Firmender. Naturally, Glenn was very much in favor
of using a photo of that. Another was the toy train and this,
we felt, should be shown in a setting of Christmas tree,
wrapped gifts and a delighted child. A third possibility was
to show the pine wall secretary; this choice being compli-
cated by the question of whether to show it in an open or
closed position.
Having been born under the sign of Libra, I weighed one
possibility against another until I became thoroughly
muddled and unable to decide. Since I pride myself on
being always willing to listen to the opinions of others
(Librans do that so they can have more information to weigh
and become more confused), I put the matter up to an em-
ployee vote.
The vote was split between five for the dressing screen
and five for the toy train with only two votes, including
mine, in favor of the wall secretary. Librans like to veto.
Woodworking Shows
The Woodworking World Show in Philadelphia will be
held at the Farmers Market in Downingtown, from Nov.
1lth through the 13th. We will be in booth 74 and hope you
will pay us a visit. Another big show will be held in Toronto
at the Constellation Hotel and Convention Center, from
Feb. 3rd through the 5th. Now if some promoter would just
set up a show in January, in a warm place like Palm Beach,
Florida, I'd be very happy to attend.
Tempus Fugit
This issue completes our seventh (count 'em) year of
publication and, looking back, I find it hard to believe that
the time has passed so quickly. Why is it the older one gets,
the faster the years seem to go by, while for a 17 year old,
it seems to take an eternity to reach the age of 18?
Seems to me that it should be the other way around, with
the perception of time compressing for impatient youth and
gradually stretching out for those who are looking forward
to retirement or a leisurely pursuit of those activities they
never had time for while engaged in the Great Marathon of
earning a living.
That old adage about time flying when you're having fun
is certainly true when it comes to woodworking. Get your-
self really into a project on a Saturday morning and before
you know it, it's Sunday evening.
There's an old proverb, of Arabic origin I think, that
states that God does not deduct from a person's life the
time spent fishing. I like to think that applies also to
those who work with wood.
Jim Mc Quillan
clockbuilding supplies for
more than just clocks.
We use our 37 years experience to offer you the highest
quality clock movements available. That experience helps
us recognize superiority in other products as well. In our
catalogue you'll find, among other things, the finest Swiss
music movements. You'll also find the most efficient
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- Because we know fine workmanship, so will you -
'Fine Clockmakers Slnce 194T
I Dept. 3987, W Yarmouth, Cape Cod. MA 02673
Four top people
A.R. Pulling, President,
Galt Wood Tool Limited.
explain why the
6 <OurCompany is privileged to
supply our top-quality "Micro-
Cut" Carbide Tipped Saw Blades
HumfreYh 8" Table
Fence" being offered to discrimi-
Saw Package is
nating woodworkers by J. Philip
Humfrey Ltd. 9 9
made for you!
I f YOU are looking for a good table
Antony Leclerc, SalesManager,
General Manufacturing Co. ~td.
<<Wehave been producing quality
saw, you have just found One of the
woodworking machines for years and
best machine values available -
are pleased to work with Humfrey's
to bring you this fantastic table saw
In close co-operation
with the
value. 99
General, Biesemeyer and Galt
manufacturing companies, Hurnfrey 'S has
William Biesemeyer, President,
Biesemeyer Manufacturing
been able to put together 250 of these
machines for this offer and challenges YOU
this table saw offer YOU can
achieve the same measuring accuracy
to compare price and features with any
and cutting consistency that has
been acclaimed by all users of the T-
other 8" Table Saw
Fence System. 9 9
on the market.
Compare thesefeatures
with anyother 8" sawon
the market!
Heavy duty construction throughout.
Xlain saw table is 22" x 24" wide. made
of heavy cast iron. ground smooth.
Biesemeyer T-Squarer" Fence System
Opt~on el: 8" Saw c w cornb~nat~on
with 28" or40" rip capacity gives
bladr,. T.Squaw" Fence wth 24" Hip
capacity. hl~terGau~e.
lfolor Pulley.
accurate cuts every lime.
Hclr, and Srrel Stand, less yuard.
Accurately-milled miter guide slots on
nioror and cu.~tch.
each side of blade.
Saw mechanism consistsof a strong
arbor bracket and sawdust chute that
tilts on accurately-machined grey iron
trunnions attached to the table.
Arbor is threaded 51~".
\+'ill accommo-
date a dado or molding cutter up to
Finished cast iron hand wheels raise.
lower and tilt the saw blade.
A heavy-gauge steel stand provides
support to the saw.
llanual I'ush Rurton Su.~rch).
Comes complete with a Galt Micro-Cut.
TELEPHOSE 1416) 293-8624
8"s 35 tooth, comb~nation
carbide tipped, professional saw blade.
J.P. Humfrey, President,
J. Philip Humfrey Ltd.
6 <Featurefor feature, this table saw
package delivers a combination of
quality, capability, and price that
Please rush me your fully-illustrated 1983
will be appreciated by the serious
catalog. I enclose $3.00 (refundableagainst
craftsman. 9 9
If you require more information prior to ordering
your Humfrey 8" %able Saw Package send for
p I
L --------------------- 1
free brochure giving full details.
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