2010 Camaro Body Tutorial.pdf

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2010 Camaro Body Tutorial
First a little info about this tutorial. This tutorial assumes you know the basics of modeling as
well as your way around SolidWorks. It is best that you have some surfacing experience and
understand what each of the surfacing tools do before you tackle a project like this.
Understanding basic sketching principles, the how and why of sketch relations and the use of
expert by completingthistutorialIt’smoreofaproceduralguideontheapproachtomodeling
a car body since it seems to be one of the harder topics. This is the first time I have drawn this
car and I will be writing this document every step of the way so any mistakes or errors we
encounter are actual problems I run across during the model. Also this is only the third car I
have modeled in SolidWorks and the fourth car overall so I am still learning myself. Good Luck.
The first step to modeling anything based on a current product is obtaining as many photos (or the real
object) as you can. When modeling a car it is essential that you have a good set of blueprints. You need
tohaveaside,front,backandtopviewIfyoudon’ttherewillbealotofguessworkinvolved and your
job will be that much harder. You can work off of photos, but there will be perspective that will throw
thingsoffifyouaren’tawareofitIf you are designing a part based on artist sketches it is also
important that you have these reference prints to work off.
Before you get started there is a nice feature called Auto-Trace within the sketch picture. While this
may be just what you need. Auto-trace can be turned on from the Tools>add-ins menu. It will appear
within the sketch picture dialog, but I am not going to go into that here. Just be aware of it and play
around with how it works because it might come in handy one day.
The first step in the actual modeling process is laying out your blueprints. Make sure you use your
standard planes and take the opportunity to rename the sketches for your own benefit later. Drawing
something like a car will leave your feature tree a mess so take any chance you can to make folders and
name sketches or features. Especially if you have to roll back the end of part marker or make
adjustments. This is also helpful if someone else needs to work with your model.
Setting up Blueprints
Start a sketch on the Right Plane. You will want to use the Sketch Picture button to add your Right
blueprintimageIftheSketchPicturebuttonisn’tonyourSketchtabyoucanadditbyrightclicking on
the sketch ribbon somewhere, customize and add it. Also you can go up to the Tools menu, Sketch
Tools>Sketch Picture. Setting up these blueprint images so they line up is extremely important to the
quality of your model. If each image has a different scale or border you will need to ensure they are
lined up. These Camaro blueprints are pretty good but others may not be. Make note of the
transparency option in the Sketch Picture dialog. I prefer to leave the picture backgrounds as is but you
canalterthemIt’sreallyapersonalpreference The Right image will be placed automatically but you
can move it while the Sketch Picture dialog is open. I like to leave the bottom left corner of the picture
at the origin. Also note while you are in the Sketch Picture dialog that 6 handles will appear around the
borderofyourimageThesehandleswillstretchtheimagesobecarefulyoudon’tgrabthemOK the
sketch picture and exit the sketch.
Start a sketch on the Front Plane and follow the same procedure for adding the Front Blueprint image.
My preference is to move this image so that it is centered on the origin. This allows me to mirror
surfaces across the Right Plane later on in the process. Be very careful not to stretch/scale the image as
you move it. Since we are not exactly replicating the car getting it close will be just fine.
Follow this same procedure for the Top Blueprint image on the Top Plane. For the Back you will want to
image at the back of the car.
Notice myfeaturetreeI’veaddedaBackPlaneforthebackblueprintimageI’vealsoaddedafolder
called Blueprints and all of my named blueprint sketches are within this folder.
In the feature tree you will notice between the Sketch icon and the sketch name the (-). This means the
sketch is under defined. Unfortunately there is no way that I know of to define the sketch, but you can
only move/scale the sketch when in the Sketch Picture dialog. I do not worry about these being under-
defined. lsothroughoutthemodelIdonotworryaboutfullydefiningmycurvesIt’salwaysagood
idea to define your curves. In the instance of this car I go back and make tweaks here and there so I
leave them under defined. This will come back to bite you so understand the risk you are taking by not
defining things fully.
Now that your feature tree is cleaned up and you have your 4 sketch images laid out take a step back
and think about the model a bit. If you are entering into a model like thisforthefirsttimeit’simportant
to know that you will go through several changes and revisions. Sometimes you can get things to work
right the first time, but not always. Every model will have its own challenges so be prepared to save
your work andsaveacopy,thendeleteandworkbackfromanearlierpointDon’tbeafraidtocutyour
losses because you will spend way more time trying to fix a model than if you just start over. The worst
thing you can do is try to fix something later and ruin themodelbecausetheupdatesaren’tworking
Everyone who deals with complex surfacing will tell you the same thing. Play around with lines and the
tools you have available to you before you dive into the actual model. Since this tutorial assumes you
have prior working knowledge of SolidWorks and its complex surfacing tools I will just dive right in.
Some more warning, I promise we will get to the actual model soon. The quality of your surface is only
as good as the curves that define it. If your curves have lots of inflection points, so will your surfaces.
Always start your splines with only the end points and control them using the handles or polygon
methodsIfyoucan’tgetyourshapewithonlytheendhandlesaddsplinepoints1atatimeThe fewer
the better, always!
Since the Camaro is a new car you have the benefit of using the manufacturer’s website. If you go to
www.chevy.com y oucan“buildyourown”Camaro. Inside here you can rotate the car 360degrees. This
is a valuable asset when trying to figure out body lines and I recommend you do this when possible.
When you plan out the approach to modeling this car you need to look at the hard lines of the body and
find good places to break up your surfaces. The door and front fender keep the same bodylines but the
rear fender flares out. So at a first glance I want to model the door and front fender first. Sometimes
it’sbesttostartwiththerooflineortheglassbutIthinkthesideofthebodywillgive the most trouble
so I want to tackle it first. Start a new sketch on the Right Plane and we are going to layout the top ridge
of the fender/door. Start by drawing a spline from the front edge of the fender to the back edge of the
door like below.
Now use the spline handles to control the curve and match the shape of the body. I ended up with my
handles like this.
Keep in mind when making these splines that the body lines on other parts like the front nose cone will
end up with a tangent relation. Make sure your handles are reasonable in their direction to account for
this. End the sketch and start a new sketch on the Top Plane. We want to draw the same body line we
just did, only from the Top View. In some cases (such as this) I like to use Convert Entities on that first
sketch onto the top plane and make it a construction line. The reason I do this is so I can add a
horizontal relation. It helps me early on in the model to know my blueprints are in a reasonable spot
and that my project curves will hit where I want them to. Again you only want to draw the start and end
of your spline. Make them horizontal from the endpoints of your converted construction line and make
sure they hit the same spot on the blueprint image as our original sketch.
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