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Badanie diagnostyczne w klasie trzeciej gimnazjum z języka angielskiego A1 – poziom rozszerzony
listopad 2012
Zadanie 1.
Tekst 1.
Do you need some help?
Yes, please. I’m looking for Moonlight by Elizabeth Gardner.
Just a moment. Let me check it in our database. No, sorry, we haven’t got it
at the moment. Someone borrowed it last Thursday.
Oh, what a pity! I have to write a review for my literature class. It has to be ready
for tomorrow.
Well, it’s Tuesday afternoon. I don’t think you would manage to finish it .
The novel is over 300 pages long.
What shall I do now? My mum will be angry if I don’t do my homework again.
Maybe I should go to the cinema tonight and watch the film instead?
Does it have to be a review of Moonlight ? Couldn’t you write a review of a short
story, for instance? We have plenty to choose from.
Well, I suppose I could. Besides, I’ll have problems with getting tickets for
tonight’s showing. So I think I’ll have a quiet evening at home. What do you
Tekst 2.
Woman: My first summer job was working as a waitress at a restaurant called Friendly’s ,
which is still popular on the East Coast of the US. Even my mother used to eat there when she
was coming back from work. Friendly’s has always been famous for its ice cream, but it also
offers a variety of breakfast, lunch and dinner dishes.
I worked at the counter, a place where single people could sit down. I still remember
an old man, Mr Potter, who came in every day and complained that his coffee wasn’t hot
enough. To be honest, I enjoyed his visits because he was really funny. The only problem for
me was the special shirt and the jacket the other waiters and I had to put on for work every
night. They were really uncomfortable and I hated them!
My first job really taught me a lot. The most important lesson, however, was learning
to get along with different types of people.
Badanie diagnostyczne w klasie trzeciej gimnazjum z języka angielskiego A1 – poziom rozszerzony
listopad 2012
Zadanie 2.
Wypowiedź 1.
Woman: I'm sixteen but my parents don’t let me stay out longer than 10 o’clock on a Saturday
night. They say it’s for my own safety even though they are not sure where and with whom
I’m staying. I think it’s mad. They also don’t care if I do my homework or not, but when
a friend gives me a ring, they ask: “Who was it?”, “What did he want?”, “What did he say?”.
Wypowiedź 2.
Man: My mum and dad always criticise me. Why won’t I eat pudding? Why don’t I comb my
hair? They also complain about my books all over the floor and my clothes lying on the chairs
instead of in the wardrobe. I always do something wrong and when I finally get something
right like the best grade in the class test, they’re not interested.
Wypowiedź 3.
Woman: My parents don’t mind if my room is messy or tidy. They don’t even notice that I go
to bed at midnight. All they want to know is how I do at school. Am I better at tests than
others? My dad wants me to go to university and study law. And mum says she’ll take my
phone away if I am not good at every subject.
Wypowiedź 4.
Man: My mum and dad work long hours and come home late. They want me to do
the shopping after school, clean the kitchen and the bathroom and make a salad for dinner.
How do I do all that? There is no time left for studying. I often have to do my homework until
midnight because I want to have very good grades.
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