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Known Causes of Trouble with GNU Fortran

This section describes known problems that affect users of GNU Fortran. Most
of these are not GNU Fortran bugs per se--if they were, we would fix them.
But the result for a user might be like the result of a bug.

Some of these problems are due to bugs in other software, some are missing
features that are too much work to add, and some are places where people's
opinions differ as to what is best.

Information on bugs that show up when configuring, porting, building, or
installing g77 is not provided here. See section Problems Installing.

(Note that some of this portion of the manual is lifted directly from the
gcc manual, with minor modifications to tailor it to users of g77. Anytime a
bug seems to have more to do with the gcc portion of g77, See section `Known
Causes of Trouble with GNU CC' in Using and Porting GNU CC.)

Bugs Not In GNU Fortran

These are bugs to which the maintainers often have to reply, "but that isn't
a bug in g77...". Some of these already are fixed in new versions of other
software; some still need to be fixed; some are problems with how g77 is
installed or is being used; some just cannot be addressed at this time until
more is known about the problem.

Please don't re-report these bugs to the g77 maintainers--if you must remind
someone how important it is to you that the problem be fixed, talk to the
people responsible for the other products identified below, but preferably
only after you've tried the latest versions of those products. The g77
maintainers have their hands full working on just fixing and improving g77,
without serving as a clearinghouse for all bugs that happen to affect g77

See section Collected Fortran Wisdom, for information on behavior of Fortran
programs, and the programs that compile them, that might be thought to
indicate bugs.

Cannot Link Fortran Programs

On some systems, perhaps just those with out-of-date (shared?) libraries,
unresolved-reference errors happen when linking g77-compiled programs (which
should be done using g77).

If this happens to you, try appending `-lc' to the command you use to link
the program, e.g. `g77 foo.f -lc'. g77 already specifies `-lf2c -lm' when it
calls the linker, but it cannot also specify `-lc' because not all systems
have a file named `libc.a'.

It is unclear at this point whether there are legitimately installed systems
where `-lf2c -lm' is insufficient to resolve code produced by g77.

If your program doesn't link due to unresolved references to names like
`_main', make sure you're using the g77 command to do the link, since this
command ensures that the necessary libraries are loaded by specifying `-lf2c
-lm' when it invokes the gcc command to do the actual link. (Use the `-v'
option to discover more about what actually happens when you use the g77 and
gcc commands.)

Also, try specifying `-lc' as the last item on the g77 command line, in case
that helps.

Large Common Blocks

On some older GNU/Linux systems, programs with common blocks larger than
16MB cannot be linked without some kind of error message being produced.

This is a bug in older versions of ld, fixed in more recent versions of
binutils, such as version 2.6.

Debugger Problems

There are some known problems when using gdb on code compiled by g77.
Inadequate investigation as of the release of 0.5.16 results in not knowing
which products are the culprit, but `gdb-4.14' definitely crashes when, for
example, an attempt is made to print the contents of a COMPLEX(KIND=2) dummy
array, on at least some GNU/Linux machines, plus some others.

NeXTStep Problems

Developers of Fortran code on NeXTStep (all architectures) have to watch out
for the following problem when writing programs with large, statically
allocated (i.e. non-stack based) data structures (common blocks, saved

Due to the way the native loader (`/bin/ld') lays out data structures in
virtual memory, it is very easy to create an executable wherein the `__DATA'
segment overlaps (has addresses in common) with the `UNIX STACK' segment.

This leads to all sorts of trouble, from the executable simply not
executing, to bus errors. The NeXTStep command line tool ebadexec points to
the problem as follows:

% /bin/ebadexec a.out
/bin/ebadexec: __LINKEDIT segment (truncated address = 0x3de000
rounded size = 0x2a000) of executable file: a.out overlaps with UNIX
STACK segment (truncated address = 0x400000 rounded size =
0x3c00000) of executable file: a.out

(In the above case, it is the `__LINKEDIT' segment that overlaps the stack

This can be cured by assigning the `__DATA' segment (virtual) addresses
beyond the stack segment. A conservative estimate for this is from address
6000000 (hexadecimal) onwards--this has always worked for me [Toon Moene]:

% g77 -segaddr __DATA 6000000 test.f
% ebadexec a.out
ebadexec: file: a.out appears to be executable

Browsing through `gcc/f/Makefile.in', you will find that the f771 program
itself also has to be linked with these flags--it has large statically
allocated data structures. (Version 0.5.18 reduces this somewhat, but
probably not enough.)

(The above item was contributed by Toon Moene

Stack Overflow

g77 code might fail at runtime (probably with a "segmentation violation")
due to overflowing the stack. This happens most often on systems with an
environment that provides substantially more heap space (for use when
arbitrarily allocating and freeing memory) than stack space.

Often this can be cured by increasing or removing your shell's limit on
stack usage, typically using limit stacksize (in csh and derivatives) or
ulimit -s (in sh and derivatives).

Increasing the allowed stack size might, however, require changing some
operating system or system configuration parameters.

You might be able to work around the problem by compiling with the
`-fno-automatic' option to reduce stack usage, probably at the expense of

See section Maximum Stackable Size, for information on patching g77 to use
different criteria for placing local non-automatic variables and arrays on
the stack.

However, if your program uses large automatic arrays (for example, has
declarations like `REAL A(N)' where `A' is a local array and `N' is a dummy
or COMMON variable that can have a large value), neither use of
`-fno-automatic', nor changing the cut-off point for g77 for using the
stack, will solve the problem by changing the placement of these large
arrays, as they are necessarily automatic.

g77 currently provides no means to specify that automatic arrays are to be
allocated on the heap instead of the stack. So, other than increasing the
stack size, your best bet is to change your source code to avoid large
automatic arrays. Methods for doing this currently are outside the scope of
this document.

(Note: If your system puts stack and heap space in the same memory area,
such that they are effectively combined, then a stack overflow probably
indicates a program that is either simply too large for the system, or

Strange Behavior at Run Time

g77 code might fail at runtime with "segmentation violation", "bus error",
or even something as subtle as a procedure call overwriting a variable or
array element that it is not supposed to touch.

These can be symptoms of a wide variety of actual bugs that occurred earlier
during the program's run, but manifested themselves as visible problems some
time later.

Overflowing the bounds of an array--usually by writing beyond the end of
it--is one of two kinds of bug that often occurs in Fortran code.

The other kind of bug is a mismatch between the actual arguments passed to a
procedure and the dummy arguments as declared by that procedure.

Both of these kinds of bugs, and some others as well, can be difficult to
track down, because the bug can change its behavior, or even appear to not
occur, when using a debugger.

That is, these bugs can be quite sensitive to data, including data
representing the placement of other data in memory (that is, pointers, such
as the placement of stack frames in memory).

Plans call for improving g77 so that it can offer the ability to catch and
report some of these problems at compile, link, or run time, such as by
generating code to detect references to beyond the bounds of an array, or
checking for agreement between calling and called procedures.

In the meantime, finding and fixing the programming bugs that lead to these
behaviors is, ultimately, the user's responsibility, as difficult as that
task can sometimes be.

Floating-point Errors

Some programs appear to produce inconsistent floating-point results compiled
by g77 versus by other compilers.

Often the reason for this behavior is the fact that floating-point values
are represented on almost all Fortran systems by approximations, and these
approximations are inexact even for apparently simple values like 0.1, 0.2,
0.3, 0.4, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.1, and so on. Most Fortran systems,
including all current ports of g77, use binary arithmetic to represent these

Therefore, the exact value of any floating-point approximation as
manipulated by g77-compiled code is representable by adding some combination
of the values 1.0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, and so on (just keep dividing by two)
through the precision of the fraction (typically around 23 bits for
REAL(KIND=1), 52 for REAL(KIND=2)), then multiplying the sum by a integral
power of two (in Fortra...
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