ćwiczenia PSKLASA 5.rtf

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1. He (work) ....................as a web designer.


2. Their housekeeper (not do)........................... do the laundry.


3. I never (read)....................... recipe books.


4. She always (keep) ................................people at a distance.


5. I (wake) ......................up before the alarm (go) ............................off.


6. His lawyer (charge).............................. a set fee per hour.


7. She always (read)................................ legal documents very carefully.


8. Tim (like)................................... his potatoes mashed with butter.


9. She (not know).................................. how to sew on buttons.


10. Sophie (make) ..........................the most delicious cheesecake in the world.


11. Sparrows (not migrate) ............................to Africa for the winter.  (wróble)


12. My computer (take).......................... a long time to load.


13. Vegans (eat) ................................only plant food.


14. Red Bull (give)................................ you wings.



2. Uzupełnij zdania wstawiając w wolne miejsce if lub when.


1. I will explain everything ______ we meet.

2. I am always careful ______ I drive a car.

3. Correct me ______ I am wrong.

4. ______ you like legal thrillers, you will enjoy this one.

5. ______ the sun goes down, it gets dark.

6. Wake me up ______ it’s time for dinner.

7. ______ you want to lose weight, stay away from sweets.

8. ______ the winter comes, it gets colder and colder.

9.______ the rice turns golden brown, add some wine to the pan.

10.______ you have further questions, please feel free to contact us.

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