
(2 KB) Pobierz
# contributed by Olaf Liebe
# brand:      Grundig
# model:      TP 820 SAT
# notes:
# - the v/*, s1/* and s2/* buttons are available by pressing
#   the "VIDEO", "SAT 1/TV" or "SAT 2" buttons and another
#   button on the remote control at the same time.
# - "VIDEO + power" and "VIDEO + -" are recognized as being
#   the same.
# - "VIDEO + txt" is recognized as s2/1, s2/0 and s2/8

begin remote
	name   tp820sat
	flags  RC5

	aeps   100

	header 530 2650
	bits   10
	gap    120500

	one    530 530
	zero   530 530

	begin codes
		0         0x1eb
		1         0x0eb
		2         0x16b
		3         0x06b
		4         0x1ab
		5         0x0ab
		6         0x12b
		7         0x02b
		8         0x1cb
		9         0x0cb
		ok        0x1fb
		power     0x17b
		+         0x1db
		-         0x0db
		?         0x0bb
		a/b       0x03b
		c-        0x09b
		c+        0x19b
		b-        0x05b
		b+        0x15b
		akt       0x1bb
		peri      0x08b
		mute      0x0fb
		p+        0x153
		p-        0x053
		i         0x093
		txt       0x1e3
		red       0x143
		green     0x103
		yellow    0x043
		blue      0x113

		s1/0        0x1ef
		s1/1        0x0ef
		s1/2        0x16f
		s1/3        0x06f
		s1/4        0x1af
		s1/5        0x0af
		s1/6        0x12f
		s1/7        0x02f
		s1/8        0x1cf
		s1/9        0x0cf
		s1/ok       0x1ff
		s1/power    0x17f
		s1/+        0x1df
		s1/-        0x0df
		s1/?        0x0bf
		s1/a/b      0x03f
		s1/c-       0x09f
		s1/c+       0x19f
		s1/b-       0x05f
		s1/b+       0x15f
		s1/akt      0x1bf
		s1/peri     0x14f
		s1/mute     0x0ff
		s1/p+       0x157
		s1/p-       0x057
		s1/i        0x097
		s1/txt      0x1e7
		s1/red      0x147
		s1/green    0x107
		s1/yellow   0x047
		s1/blue     0x117

		s2/0        0x1ee
		s2/1        0x0ee
		s2/2        0x16e
		s2/3        0x06e
		s2/4        0x1ae
		s2/5        0x0ae
		s2/6        0x12e
		s2/7        0x02e
		s2/8        0x1ce
		s2/9        0x0ce
		s2/ok       0x1fe
		s2/power    0x17e
		s2/+        0x1de
		s2/-        0x0de
		s2/?        0x0be
		s2/a/b      0x03e
		s2/c-       0x09e
		s2/c+       0x19e
		s2/b-       0x05e
		s2/b+       0x15e
		s2/akt      0x1be
		s2/peri     0x08e
		s2/mute     0x0fe
		s2/p+       0x156
		s2/p-       0x056
		s2/i        0x096
		s2/txt      0x1e6
		s2/red      0x146
		s2/green    0x106
		s2/yellow   0x046
		s2/blue     0x116

		v/pwr/-     0x19d
		v/+         0x15d
		v/p+        0x0ad
		v/p-        0x1ad
		v/i         0x09d
		v/?         0x05d
		v/c-        0x0ed
		v/c+        0x16d
		v/b-        0x02d
		v/b+        0x1cd
	end codes
end remote
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