read me!!!.txt

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Uploaded by wsyytb - 25th July 2011
Author Version 	Unknown
File Size Compatible with 	
10.5.x 	Unkown
10.6.x 	Yes
10.7.x 	Yes
Downloads Downloads 	9,097
	drivers for intel HD3000 	Size: 793.4 KB  

    drivers for intel HD3000 ,two kexts files (AppleIntelHDGraphics.kext and AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB.kext)
    ,you may put it in S/L/E. then you finish repair permissions and reboot. you will have resolution and qe/ci !

    cpu ID 8086-0112 have test! for connector HDMI

Compatible with 	

10.5.x 	Unkown
10.6.x 	Yes
10.7.x 	Yes
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