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The Ultimate
Agility Ladder
Complements of
Progressive Sporting Systems, Inc
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Thank you for downloading my ULTIMATE
AGILITY LADDER GUIDE . Please take your
time and read though the pages of this free
cutting edge manual.
If you know of anybody else that would benefit
from this program, please feel free to give
them a copy. Post it on your website, send it
in your newsletter, print it out, (just don’t sell
If you would like more free information on agility training,
speed development, plyometrics, flexibility, strength training,
our products, and/or a killer free 4 day a week x 6 week
comprehensive strength training program; go to right now and sign up for our
information packed monthly newsletter (hey, its all FREE so
why not).
Yours in Strength and Knowledge
Tony Reynolds, MS, CSCS, YCS Level II (Pending)
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Included in this Guide:
Included in this Guide:......................................................................... 3
Foreword......................................................................................... 4
SAQ-A Developmental Prospective......................................................... 5
Preparing For Battle............................................................................. 8
The Warm-Ups................................................................................. 9
Medball Warm-Up ............................................................................. 11
Jump Rope Warm-Up......................................................................... 14
Movement Prep. Warm-Up ................................................................. 16
Agility Ladder Fundamentals ............................................................... 19
Getting Started ........................................................................... 19
The Basics .................................................................................. 19
Steady State and Burst Speed Drills .................................................... 20
Elastic Response Drills ....................................................................... 23
The Linear Response Drills ............................................................ 23
The Lateral Response Drills ........................................................... 24
The Linear/Diagonal Response Drills ............................................... 25
The Lateral/Diagonal Response Drills .............................................. 26
Rotational Response Drills............................................................. 27
Sample Ladder Workouts ................................................................... 28
SAMPLE QUICK WORKOUT 1 ......................................................... 28
SAMPLE QUICK WORKOUT 2 ......................................................... 28
PROTOCOL NO. 1: LEVEL 1 ........................................................... 28
PROTOCOL NO. 2: LEVEL 1 ........................................................... 29
PROTOCOL NO. 3: LEVEL 2 ........................................................... 29
PROTOCOL NO. 4: LEVEL 2 ........................................................... 29
PROTOCOL NO. 5: LEVEL 3 ........................................................... 30
Thinking Outside of the BOX ............................................................... 31
Individual Vs Partner Drills............................................................ 31
Basic Drills.................................................................................. 31
Ladder Drills ............................................................................... 33
Advanced Drills ........................................................................... 33 35
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Foremost, I would like to say that every coach has a different perspective on
how and why they implement their programs. Each coach has been handed
a different blend of experiences that they utilize to create their unique
coaching palate. It is from this palate that they create their masterpieces.
With experience these palates have a tendency to change. As they change,
so does the scope of their programs.
Although each coach must try to expand their horizons, they must learn to
stay within their means. Implementation of elements that are not
understood will do nothing more than create problems. Education should
always precede implementation.
Finally, never forget that there are many paths to the same destination.
Many are vastly dissimilar, but they all end at the same location. By this I
mean that if the philosophies presented within this article do not fit your
mind set, keep shopping until you find ones that do.
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SAQ-A Developmental Prospective
Speed, agility, and quickness (SAQ) training is something that tends to
become a topic of heated discussion. Many coaches feel that the effort put
forth while practicing the sport is sufficient to improve these motor skills.
Their theory is that you cannot get any more sport specific than performing
the sport itself. Therefore, by training that sport, you are developing the
set of athletic skills specifically related to that sport and not wasting time
on unnecessary activities.
By participating in your sport at game intensity, you will learn and develop
Jumping and landing mechanics, acceleration, deceleration, and cutting
mechanics, increase foot speed, and develop everything else that goes
into well rounded athleticism.
The other school of coaching tends to believe that component training, or
breaking complex skills down into trainable pieces, is the best way to go
about athletic enhancement. They think that working on each motor skill
independently of the sport and than introducing the corrected skill back
into the sport is much more efficient.
Without question, dynamic human movement is extremely complex. The
simple act of walking involves very in-depth motor programming that
functions on a subconscious reflexive level.
By subconscious reflexive I mean that you do not have to think to execute
complex motor skills. If you had to think about every muscles action
while you walked it would take you days to get from the couch to the
refrigerator and your movements would look very robotic.
This reflexive motor programming starts to develop as an infant. You learn
to do very basic skills, and as you mature, the programming becomes more
complicated as does the movement. As the programming becomes more
complicated, it becomes increasing more resilient to change.
The problem is that a child is typically never truly guided through the
earlier stages of development. As infants they learn to move by trail
and error. Walking, standing, sitting, reaching, rolling over, and all
the other things that are being learned and developed are all self taught.
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